Lovely pics fran ,I have been to Troutbeck,and lots of the lakes,but never been north of Gretna.......You just showed us what we are missing.
Speaking of "Gretna"....the old blacksmith's marriage rooms,approx. 4miles from yours truly ! (rainy day again)
Spent the best part of a week in the Isle of Wight (Ventnor botanic gardens lovely even in the early evening when I visited...can you imagine such a place being open all the time on much of the mainland without it being vandalised?) and then went off to Cumbria the following week. A couple of breaths of fresh air for someone living in London and a taste of old England as it ought everywhere to be.
well - we went Skiing back in Feburary for a week - so blew the next 3 years holiday budget in one go!!!! Have promised the kiddie - winkies a week camping in the Summer Holidays though - but not if the weathers like this!!!!!!
Am going to Italy tomorrow - have to leave the garden in London behind (neighbour said he'd water it!) and employ an entirely different set of gardening skills in Italy!
Have a great time Leonora,wish it was me,although I only just got back.. Spect you will be going to the opera.
For those who will visit the south of Italy, here is a nice garden ( I haven't been there, but I had some feedback) to visit in the island of Ischia, not far from Napoli. This garden is not open everyday so it is better to phone in good time to find out ( see: informazioni = info ). Unfortunately the english translation of the site is not available at the moment. If somebody need some help with the language, give me a shout... Maybe we should all go for a trip to Italy next year... Have a nice holiday Leonora...
For those who leave from Heatrow is advisable to be at the airport approximately three hours prior to check in because apparently they take an awful long time to check the luggage carefully.
I am getting my mini-break to Spain ... Having had no luck searching for a house/cat sitter at short notice, I went out and bought another paper and found another ad. I phoned and got no answer. I sent an e-mail. I got a phone call back and I asked the necessary questions ... 1) which areas do you work? 2) how much do you charge? 3) are you available from ? to ?. All answers positive. They live 15 minutes away and wanted to come over to "meet". We met ... we've met before ... at a Garden Centre Fete held by our friend Stu in June as they lived in his villa but were moving as the villa was too large. Could they believe it when we said the reason we needed a house/cat sitter was because we are going away with Stu? "OUR STU?" was the response ... Spooky or what? ... in the right place at the right time? ... no one else available? ... was it meant to happen? ... Our Stu (because this guy's name is Stu as well????) highly recommends them so it sounds like win/win all around. Well, I've had my whitter for the moment, folk, but we find this all very SPOOKY indeed ....
Well spooky LOL! Glad youre sorted though Im so excited cos were off to Turkey in 4 weeks time - first hol for ages cos we wouldnt leave little Mollydog! Have been before but I get as excited as a little kid on Christmas morning :rolleyes: