Don`t know about that , how can you say no to a proper british cup of Tea , made with the best leaves of indian tea , served in a cup made in China, a drop of east european milk , served with jam from Spain and biscuits from poland ....... Seriously let`s have a nice weekend and not pass for what we are not.
I also wish one and all a peaceful, pleasant weekend, and am glad that we have all remained friends despite this somewhat emotive subject.
Trust me Cherub, Our Mandy discovered the perfect way to do just that And all I said was: "WOOF!" (Or, if it got too, too, much I extended to "Woof! WOOF!!" Ask our Jenny
Hmmmm - I would have thought that you two lovely ladies would be able to keep him in check? Or is that wishful thinking on Armandii's behalf??
He's a wild cannon, FC!! Don't be taken in by his mild mannered demeanour here; what Our Mandy says, goes! Including putting me in the dog 'house' - it was shameful, I tell you: shame FULL! (More so when I was forgotten and not let out ) WOOF!
Let me tell you, FC, I was the best behaved member there. Mum had very comfortable quarters, bowl of water and biscuits provided, and she didn't get travel sick either. She did have to disappear every now and then out into the dark along with Ziggy, Loli and Willow every now and then so I presume she was being taken for a walk. Also I wasn't on the Glug, Glug, some people I won't mention were!!! Plus I wasn't the person having to "lie low" so that the Police wouldn't see her..........Woof, Woof
You cheeky thing!!!! I was given NO water and certainly NO biscuits I *was* taken "walkies" periodically; but that is only because Z, W and L took such pity on me (bless their kind, compassionate, souls), that they were providing me with "fresh" air to combat the potential carbon monoxide poisoning from being ensconced in an unventilated vehicle! Hrmph! PS: Our Mandy *did* the "Glug, Glug, Whoo" (albeit belatedly and reluctantly... then scarpered ... leaving me to be - a single, lone, vulnerable, female ... to be accosted by the "Christian Grey" of village (we're talking '50 shades of' here! ) I employed every tip, suggestion, hint and advice (garnered from this very space!) to thwart Mr Grey's advances : little "weeeeeed" ?; no bone meal for *you*, you dirty dog ( ); You f/coffee? (keeps the cats off your beds ); it got to such a point where the night-watch-man even approached and said: "Your husband is giving you some 'looks'" and I'm until I realised he was talking: The Zigmeister! (who was also not to be seen for dust -well, it was after midnight ). I summoned all my strength/tact/resolve to fend for myself (after all, our Admin were no where in sight ) ... and said: ... "Goodnight!" Close escape there And by now it was after 2am In the morning, the night watchman said: "You have the patience of a saint!" Is that what that call it these days? I was prepared to slap him with an £80 'counselling' fee
Woof, Woof, Mum..........that's a clue!! Was that the "gentleman" who appeared at our table just before I disappeared towards my bed???
Only Ziggy's Home brew would affect me, and sadly I've got none of that.........But Mum doesn't need it to understand.