A little bird tells me that there should perhaps have been a little more 'Focus' this weekend, however you all managed to have a good time to 'boot'
Oh, that was "Pete" - the "night watchman" (an utter gentleman, who tried to 'save' me from the unwelcome attention of a local "Christian Grey" by suggesting Zigs was my 'husband')
Yes, indeed! I'm suffering "Post Traumatic Boot Syndrome" now ( and conducting the research to substantiate my claim, and to stake my claim to a new "disorder": compensation claims will follow ... watch this space! (Compensation could be settled, out of court, in weight of dog treats) WOOF-WOOF!! (Pant!)
Blow pobs to that! "Pete" reckons I have the 'patience of a Saint" (far more memorable than a Femme Fatale? The longevity of Sainthood suits my dilemma far more than an am-dram FF!
Oh, that's disappointing.....I thought it had been kinky for a while [hasn't stopped you reading it though has it!!] Now you know that I unsettle courts rather settle in them.
You should hear the rumours that are going around the village!!! I sorted it out by telling them that you can't blame them too much as they have been let out on parole for the Bank Holiday. I explained to the villagers that they are confined to the Great Cloud (GC) all year and that they deserved a bit of a break once a year. I promised that the barking and intimidation will be kept to a mini'Mum' next year!
You're certainly not brain power challenged, Mum. What worried me that while I was eating that meal at the Village Pub somebody offered me a full time job as the Village Idiot but it sounded too qualified for me
Oh shoot! They offered you that, too???? Blighters! I thought they thunk me "special"; but, now I know you were equally head hunted ... I'm thinking ... opportunists!! Good job they didn't see me "entering" (repeatedly) the (wrong!!!!) pin number at the Chinese My status as "not brain power challenged" would have come under some very serious "reviews"