How did your veggies grow this year?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by jjordie, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. stel

    stel Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 14, 2008
    hello jjordie,well my lettuces haven't done well and my toms were very dry and not very tasty,quite a few veggies of mine didn't come out very good at all this year,I reckon its all done to the blasted rain and lack of sunshine we've had,typical England!:mad::)
  2. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    In the vegetable patch:

    the potatoes was a bit of a loss, did harvest a few and they tasted very very nice but I had wished for more.
    The peas were good but not enough planted.
    The broad beans were good but had a fight witht he black-fly along the way.
    I had one raspberry on my raspberry canes, had 5 canes, and 4 have died. I kindly left the one raspberry for the birds.:)
    the brocolli is being decimated by caterpillars and I have given up.
    The spinach is right next to it and getting affected so I will give it a talking to.

    I have a pear tree and not a single fruit on it. Its been in the gorund now for 2 years so I did expect something.
    Have 5 plums off my plum tree, last year I had five kilos of fruit.
    No fruit on the blueberriy bushes at all.:(

    In the green house:

    The tomatoes are coming along now and I'm getting a far better crop of red tomatoes then i did last year.
    The aubergines have been picked a few times and are good, althought I'm fighting with some critter that seems to want to burrow in them as well.
    The chillis are coming along a treat and I have already started to chop and freeze them.

    My next years' resoultion is to make a better job of it all and to make sure I feed my plants better and to make use of my Mum's garden which I have sadly neglected this year. It will give me more growing space as well and if I make a success of this then maybe I will be happy to take on an allotment should one become availabe near me.

    In my case it all boils down to planning and execution of those plans which I have been lax with.:)
    I know the rain has not helped but I should have pre-empted the caterpillers etc.... but was a bit slow in fixing that so I pay for it now. call it a lesson learnt.:)
  3. plantlife

    plantlife Gardener

    Jun 4, 2008
    Yep me too, what a shame :(
  4. AndyK

    AndyK Gardener

    Apr 24, 2007
    Tomatoes: well behind, small green balls at the moment but bulking up
    Courgettes: A bit behind but cropping nicely now
    Lettuce: Little gems doing great, had 2 so far, lovely taste!
    Potatoes: Brilliant, lovely taste
    Red onions: Rubbish, tiny bulbs (probably my fault)
    Salad onions: had a few and they were nice but small
    Broccoli: Purple sprouting, 1 huge plant had nothing yet, constantly squishing catterpillars, dont know when to expect a crop!
    Carrots: Small but very tasty!
    Pasnips: Still in the ground, waiting for the frost!
    Raddish: Small but lovely taste, going for a bigger variety this year, most of them bolted too quickly.
    Butternut squash: Disaster, eaten by slugs
    Peppers: Disaster, way behind then eaten by slugs

    Strawberries: Cambridge favourites - big fruits and delicious! Eslantas - smaller fruits but still yummy!
    Blueberries - Had absolutely loads, 3 small bushes, great croppers & very tasty!
    Rasberries - Lovely tangy taste, didnt get too many though, cut them all back now in hope of more next year.

    I think we are more behind in the north than people think, or maybe its just me! Looking back i've been more successful that I thought! :D
  5. golcarlilly

    golcarlilly Gardener

    Feb 15, 2008

    Swiss chard - had 4 meals (for 3) then it bolted
    Runner beans - around 6 meals and still going
    Peas - ate them all straight off plants:D, not a very plentiful crop though!
    Japanese radish - All grew really well but only got to eat 2 then some little critter munched its way through all the roots!
    Carrots - still waiting
    Broccoli - had two heads now rest seem to be bolting:mad:
    Cabbage - 2 to us, rest to the caterpillar team!
    Lettuce - as above but 0:ALL
    Potatoes (main crop) had loads and loads still to dig :)
    Spring onions - still growing
    Rocket, Mizuna and mixed salad leaves - had several sowings and all lovely


    Lunch box cucumber - Fab and still picking one or two a day
    Tomatoes (various types) Only started to ripen last week but picking around 10 - 15 cherry ones a day and large ones still green but doing well
    Aubergines - 3 plants successful but only one flower on each this week so doubt will fruit this time!
    Chillies and peppers - all died of whitefly/mould and god knows what else - total disaster!!

    This was our first year so we live and learn!
  6. Tiarella

    Tiarella Optimistic Gardener

    Feb 19, 2007
    Romney Marsh
    Potatoes (Nicola) - brilliant, just finished the last of them.
    Carrots - dismal failure
    Beetroot - tiny, haven't dug them up yet
    Onions and garlic - tiny but tasty
    Courgettes - good, still going strong
    Runner beans - disaster
    French beans - small but tasty
    Mangetout - not as plentiful as last year
    Lettuce - brilliant, still eating it
    Sweet peppers - plenty of them, just ripening now and have started using them

    I'll be extending the veggie bed next year so I can grow more stuff.

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