How is this for cheek??

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by music, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi all, know I'm late catching up with all this - sorry. Our window cleaners come every two weeks and charge about £3. Things that annoys me are:- they carry on loud conversations often with bleep words, they don't make sure the side gate is bolted so our Joyce does a runner ( well slow walk now!) and they don't 'mop up' after them so we have drips all over. I once asked them if they could wipe the frames and was told that they couldn't cos it would dirty their cloths! Haven't they heard of rinsing?

    Music, that's interesting about the windows getting dirty quicker - I thought it was just me!

    Inside I use washing up liquid first then a generic window cleaner - just cos we smoke (I know!) and I don't clean them often!! Still think vinegar and newspapers are the best but could you imagine window cleaners coming round with them, haha.

  2. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    Hi Borrowers as i stated previously the window cleaners of yesteryear
    would clean the windows ( 1 ) with a wet chamois leather. ( 2 ) a damp scrim cloth.
    (3) polish with a dry scrim cloth ,in this order :cool:. in this sequence, this cleaned the window, semi dried the window ,taking excess dirt film from the glass and a final polish with the dry scrim had the windows gleaming:gnthb:. i watched some ( window squidgers ) recently , their procedure :skp: (1) wet window, (2) grab their squeegee
    take the excess water off the window, and the first drop of rain, your windows are all marked because the dirt has been left on a film on the glass :( SQUIDGERS :(
    but they look good in their matching blue uniforms and vans with phone numbers,
    etc, marked on their vans :( there are some genuine window cleaners out there
    who do a professional job but there are( MANY MANY SQUIDGERS) . music.
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Soooo (sorry, using teenager talk there, lol) agree with you. How to get one - window cleaner - that can do it properly. Still, at least I can blame the state of my windows on the cleaners, hahaha!


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