how safe do you feel

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    When I was at school it was like boot camp. :D
    You stood up when someone came into the room or you answered a question.
    You would never ever speak in class.
    Unless you were spoken to or ask a question.
    No running.
    No shouting.
    You moved from class to class or around the school in line.
    You had to behave or else.
    We never felt hard done by.
    It taught us respect .
  2. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    agree with you Lyn
    if parents cant control 7&8 year olds its a poor state of affairs,boot camps are the next best thing,get them when they are young and nasty ,maybe they would change their attitude,make the parents pay for the destruction
    the kids are causing,there is lots of community work they could do to help make amends,parents and kids together,with a huge banner letting folks know what the little blighter's have done,then they couldn't say ,MY KIDS WOULDN'T DO THAT.
  3. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    did you see the mother and son last week on breakfast tv,the child was being cheeky to his teacher,his mother made him stand on the street with a sign saying,i am sorry i cant go to school today because i was cheeky to the teacher.,
    he was upset about it maybe next time he will think twice
  4. Celia

    Celia Gardener

    Jul 27, 2006
    Had he been suspended Kathy?
  5. Kathy3

    Kathy3 Gardener

    Jun 28, 2006
    i dont think so Celia ,not sure if his mum took it upon herself to punish him,i say power to her she stood back and kept her eye on him,even when he was crying she didnt budge,she may have cured him of being cheeky.
  6. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Well, I'm sorry guys. The research into this indicates that the most important factor into kids behaviour isn't their parents but their mates. (peer-group or whatever title)
    We know this from way back. Parents always try to stop you mixing with people they dissaprove of. In my case the parents didn't want them mixing with me!!
    This is quite right. If we all behaved as our parents did we'd all be clones of them. Then society wouldn't change. I think you have to accept that society has changed. It's not our world now, it's the kids world. Our children are the future, not us. We might not like the way it is but we are the past and are irrelevant. You are trying to preserve a way of life that isn't going to come back. The phrase "pxxxxxg against the wind" comes to mind [​IMG]
  7. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Society has indeed changed but it's rubbish to say we have to accept it, we need to work to make it change again to something better not just sit by and let it happen, with you on this one lyn [​IMG] I will vote for you when you put up for p.m.
  8. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    ere ere lyn . sit down and take it not on your nelly i think the changes are goin to happen quicker than we think . schoolchildren being caught with knives ,teachers getting stabbed .the sat back attitude of pxxxxxg in the wind is exactly why they have been getting away with it ..get real and get tough. ;)
  9. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    I partly agree with cajary, adults have always run down the younger generations, but I think things have changed badly very quickly, not just the normal progression.
    If it carries on at this rate you will be unable to walk the streets anywhere in this country after dark in ten years.
    I also agree with walnut, its too easy to sit back and just say it will happen and nothing can be done about it, thats the attitude that got us here in the first place.
    There is no one answer, there are many causes, but society can change, and does, so why should we only accept that it will change for the worse, maybe it could change for the better if the right steps are taken.
    We seem to have gone back in time, to the days when it was dangerous on the streets, not progressed forward.
  10. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    pete its dangerous now to walk the streets at night and especially on your own.
    A young girl has dissapeared now it was on the news today.
  11. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    What may be differnt today is that with the varied media we now have crime and disorder gets coverage as oposed to being largly kept quiet.
  12. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    I'd go along with PG to a certain extent. I come from the East End of London, way back in the 50's and 60's all sorts of things went on then that were never reported. But the casual killing of people is probably recent. If you want to stop people getting murdered so casually, then you have to bring back Capital Punishment. The kids can feel quite "the lad" for doing a stretch ( talk to these yobs) but the thought of dying slows them down a bit. This opens a whole new can of worms however. C.P. ain't never coming back much as we may want it. We can shout and moan as much as we like but unless you're prepared to do something practical ( like start a new political party and if you do Lyn, I'll sign up) then this is just speculation. As much as we moan, we're getting older and will die, the yobs have got the future. Having said all that, there are ancient Greek and Roman complaints about the younger generation let alone my parents complaints!!! [​IMG]
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    They were talking on the radio the other week and the horrors were saying that the reason that they commit crimes is that they can go straight back into prison where all their mates are.They admitted that life for them is better inside.They have TV's Computer games.Pool tables etc and as they said they are nice and warm with three good meals inside of them what more can they ask for. :rolleyes: plus they see all their mates every day much like they would do on the outside.
    A lot of them said that they had no family life with parents chucking them out of the house at sixteen so have found an easier way of living.It all boils down to the way they are brought up.

    Some young parents think that having children is like playing with dolls,untill the harsh reality hits them that having kids is a big commitment for many years and many of them are just not mature enough to handle the resposibilty of families.{these are my thoughts}

    Also they were saying on the radio that the kids of today have never had it so easy with parents bringing up the kids like they are all Gods and bow to their every whim instead of letting them be children and not minny adults.I know I had a hard childhood and Victorian parents who dealt out corporal punishment,but I havn't gone off the rails and neither did my brothers or sisters and there was ten of us....
  14. Ethansmum

    Ethansmum Gardener

    Jan 26, 2008
    I went into town today to get my hair done. It is the first time in about a year that I have been into town without my baby and pushchair.

    So I walked past a chap, and he started following me. I have a 'thing' about my personal space amd he was walking very close behind me. So I crossed to the other side of the shops and he came too. After he did it twice more I got panicky so I dashed to a group of people. He got infront of me then and started asking why I looked so miserable. Well I said I wasn't and legged it out of there.
    I have no idea of his motives, but nevertheless I was scared. It has made me more aware of people around me. Usually when I go out with Tim I'm totally oblivious to everything. I'm not sure I want to go out alone (or with Tim) again :(
  15. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    The guy sounds an odd ball, Might be worth giving a description to the police.

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