how to Garden books

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Jack McHammocklashing, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Don't think Cheshire will worry Melinda too much, I hear Berlusconi has given her Sicily as a present:heehee:
  2. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    And I thought my 200+ was a lot (going back to Victorian), but I only collect 'general' gardening books.

    Was it swopped for Pempbrokeshire? Because last week a party of French teenagers at Fishguard were denouncing it as "boring England".

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    200 or so books is a fair collection, to say the least, Scrungee. I've only collected gardening books by accident and impulse really when ambling through second hand book shops, charity shops, and the odd auction sale room. Watching the programs dealing with the old Big House gardens and gardeners stirred an interest in their way of life and how they did things in the garden. I don't specialize on any subject. If I pick up a book on gardening, new or old, I can tell within a couple of pages whether I want it or not. I've turned down many a old book just because of the way it was written. The old books do sometimes tell you tales about how they lived and what they had to put up with, their thoughts on insects, birds and animals. One book, about 125 years old, mentioned that there was a lack of bees at that time, which was entirely the opposite to what I expected because you always assume that then the countryside and gardens were full of bees etc! Anyway, I haven't deliberately set out to acquire a large number of gardening books, it just happened because when I pick up a book I like I get it. Unfortunately, I'm the same with plants and although I tell myself, when going into a Plant Nursery, I am not going to buy any plants, I always come out with something!:D
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