I am so angry

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Kandy, May 29, 2009.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Thanks everyone for your kind words:) I have put up a few photo's below one of which is the rotavator that has got stolen.I have taken it off of my allotment thread on here so will probably get the photo printed off to go with the Insurance claim.

    Mr Kandy didn't have a chance yesterday to pass on the info to the main Police force dealing with the case,but the local village Police have been down to see what has happened.We went over to tha allotment last night and several people were like us fitting new locks and hasps to the sheds.The chap on the next plot to us has also had his metal shed broken into but we don't know if his new Mantis Tiller has gone missing because he is away in Australia and doesn't get back until next week.As his shed had been left with a gapping hole in it where they prized the doors apart Mr Kandy spent some time trying to repair the shed for him so it now at least looks reasonable.:)

    I feel a bit fed up at the moment and am starting to lose interest with it all as this isn't the first time it has happened to us and we have had to replace stuff.:(

    Anyway,here are the pics.....

    The thieves left my border spade and fork propped up against the netting so it looks like they were just after the rotavator,though having said that the first shed along the path belonging to a pensioner that was broken into the rotavator was left behind and they took nothing.
  2. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    :mad: Jeez Kandy, I had to wait a minute to type this as I was so angry & upset for you. And I still want to swear, not that that will help I know. I'm so sorry this has happened to you again.

    Just one thing (thinking of what was said earlier about car boot sales), I'm sure I heard a while ago on the radio that 'people' were robbing things like yours to make money because of the 'credit crunch'. Don't know if that's right but I hate the thieving ba****rds. No excuse for it. For that reason alone, the police should take a more serious view of it - I know it's hard for them when people are getting stabbed at every opportunity! What a world.

    One of the reasons why we miss 'local' coppers these days. They would be around the boot sales etc seeing into things.

    Anyway Kandy, you have friends on here and if there's any way we can help we will.

    Personally, I think we should get groups up (can be put up in the 'bothered' persons house, lol) and sort it out. Oops, shouldn't have said that should I? ProGard is the first in line - he's young, fit and angry:thumb:, then walnut cos I reckon he can go for it too,:hehe:, then Pal cos he knows whats right:thumb: but may forget that when we're there, then the rest of us are behind them with anything we can get our hands on - OK?

    I'm not making fun of your situation Kandy, it's bloo*y sickening. I don't know what the answer is. Just remember to keep at it, you (and your allotment friends) have alot of supporters!

  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Sandra Thanks for the kind words:)

    This thieveing from allotment sheds as well as peoples homes and cars has been going on for decades.Unfortunatley there is no detterent to stop it and as we are not allowed to electrify the sheds or use some other means to safe guard our belongings then it will always be a problem.I heard that as well about the reccession ,but the type of people who do this are the sort who have never paid a penny in taxes in their life and to rob other people is the norm and they don't know any different.I would say it is bred into them.It seeems to me that round this part of the country the Police are frightened of them and won't even go near their illegal camps.:(

    The problem isn't just in this country.I was reading in our caravan magazine the other month that on the continent,gangs go round to parking areas where people have parked their caravans for the night on the way to their holiday destinations and they are using some sort of gas which they put in through the caravan windows that are left open slightly in hot weather and this gas knocks out the occupants and once they are knocked out the vans are broken into and all their valubale are stolen.:( When the holiday makers wake up in the morning feeling rough from the affects of the gas,they then realise they have lost everything:mad: so it seems to me that theft is everywhere in every country in the world...

    Anyway,no doubt we shall pick ourselves dust ourselves down and will get over the loss and start again.Can't do much more than that and hope that eventually laws are brought in to be more strict with these types of people instaed of giving them a pat on the back and a slapped wrist:D

    Our rotavator will no doubt be sold at a distant car boot sale or on ebay so the chances of getting it back are pretty remote.Mr Kandy is contacting the insurance people first thing tomorrow to see if we can claim for the loss or whether they have changed their policy since the last time we claimed twenty odd years ago

    I do agree Sandra that it would be nice if we could fight back somehow,but the law isn't on our side and if we injure one of them then we are the ones to get sued or imprisoned:(
  4. Jazmine

    Jazmine happy laydee

    Sep 1, 2008
    Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
    Hi Kandy
    I agree wholeheartedly with what you have said. There seems to be no respect left for people or their belongings. Certain members of society think nothing of entering our property and stealing whatever they think they can sell on. They probably make enough to live on without bothering to work. It makes me so angry.:mad:

    I am not able to put my pots at the front of the house now and my hanging basket has had to be secured to the bracket to make it more difficult to be stolen. My son has had his car emblem stolen TWICE from outside the house. He works two jobs to pay his way.:mad::mad:

    Anyway Kandy two friends of mine have allotments and say that the community spirit there is fantastic, everyone helps each other out so hold that thought when you feel upset. :luv:

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