I don't think my Molly has long left

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Lyn, Jul 16, 2011.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    I just thought i'd mention that as i said on my previous reply we too hoped our furry 'son' would drift off to sleep on his own accord but as it turned out now i'm so glad the vet came to us in the end.I'm pleased we had the chance to hold him cuddle him and shower him with kisses and tell him how much we loved him right to the very end...as if he needed telling,we smothered the poor lad with love all his life.....
    Sorry to be so morbid but just my thoughts...
    Anyway it sounds like theres still life in your old dog yet and if she comes through her siezuires ok then theres no reason for her not to keep going.The little tinkers do worry us don't they...x
  2. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
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    • Penny in Ontario

      Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

      Sep 7, 2006
      Work for my husband.
      Ontario, Canada
      :) Awww, what a sweetie she is.......i would just keep an eye on her, and it could be the heat.

      Is she drinking??:scratch:

      I know that my Saint Bernard goes off his food when it gets really really hot, so hopefully thats all it is, and I'm glad that you are keeping her in where its cool...i do the same for Kobe.

      Lots of huggs to you both,:wub2:
    • floydie-pink

      floydie-pink Gardener

      Jan 21, 2011
      Thinking of you both, she's a lovely looking old girl :).
      Its must be a hard thing to go through i have 4 dogs from 7-1yrs and my two older dogs 6& 7 are showing signs of old age slowing down going grey etc it doesnt seam two mins since they were pups.
      If she is not drinking and your worried the heat is effecting her try abit of water and a little bit glucose/honey (if she's not diabetic that is) to give her a boost you would need a syringe or spoon to drip it in to her mouth slowly.
    • Lyn

      Lyn Gardener

      Feb 25, 2006
      Industrial carpet machinist
      West Midlands
      Message removed
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      • Penny in Ontario

        Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

        Sep 7, 2006
        Work for my husband.
        Ontario, Canada
        Awww, good for her, and even better that she ate.
      • kapper5502

        kapper5502 Gardener

        Apr 23, 2011
        Hi Lyn,

        A few things l used to give mine when l had a bitch who had been mated, cos they wouldn't deign to eat "dog" food once pregnant. LOL :love30:Pilchards in tomato sauce always went down well, cooked liver (not too much or it will give her the trots), sausages, chicken, turkey legs from the supermarket, home made egg custard/rice pudding, ice cream and believe it or not, Whiskas cat food..... the fishy variety.
        She really is a little sweetie. She probably is feeling the heat at the moment which is taking away her appetite.

        Give her a big kiss from me:wub2:

        Love Josie XX
      • borrowers

        borrowers Gardener

        Jul 28, 2007
        Oh Lyn, tears are streaming down my face reading yours and the others posts. This is really relevent (is that the correct word?) to me at the moment. My dog is 16 too and like Molly is nearly totally blind & deaf, spends nearly all day sleeping & can't stay on her legs for long. It's hearbreaking isn't it?
        However, like you, until she is in pain or I see it in her eyes we will just keep on loving her. She eats less, but loves her favourites just like Molly. The hot weather does play a part in how they eat etc.
        My husband keeps saying she hasn't got long now & while I feel like shouting at him I know he's only doing it to try and get me used to the idea. The thing is I'm only to aware of what's coming, just as you are.
        I keep trying to think of all the years we've enjoyed together & the fact that she's had a good life with lots of love. But, like you I'm dreading the day.....I feel the same as you, if Molly is not in pain then don't think about doing anything however as has been said many times, I think you'll know when the time is right as we will.
        At this moment Joyce is lying at the end of my bed (on the floor cos she hasn't been able to jump up for a long time) and has just had some ice-cream:) She is still managing the stairs. We would not think about going away on holiday, even though she used to come with us in the UK, so I know how you feel about leaving her when you go to work.
        My heart goes out to you Lyn & I'm sending vitual hugs to you & Molly. xx
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        • Euphrasie62

          Euphrasie62 Apprentice Gardener

          Jul 12, 2011
          I lost my little girl 6 weeks ago, she was a beautiful collie crossed with about every other breed known to man! She was 12 years old, full of personality right to the end. She had a kind of stroke that was debilitating and the symptoms lasted about 12hours (we rushed her to the vet overnight). We thought we would lose her then but miraculously she fully recovered and the vet called the next morning to say if he hadn't read the notes from the previous night he wouldn't believe she was the same dog. We brought her home and had about 3 weeks of relative normality, although she was looking thinner and her back legs more of a struggle for her. She ate a little, but she had always been fussy. She still stole tripe sticks from the box when she thought we weren't looking and buried them like we wouldn't notice, like the cheeky madam she had always been.
          Then she had two minor "turns" in as many days, followed by another one which lasted a few hours for which we stayed home from work. She managed a last walk to her favourite park, even had a play with her friends but had to be carried home.
          Then she had a catastrophic turn, we rushed her to the vets, we could see in her eyes she was terrified and had had enough, so we held her whilst the vet let her go. She knew we were there and we hugged her and spoke to her in the few seconds it took for her to go to sleep. It was absolutely the right decision, it would have been cruel to let her carry on. Our vet sent us Forget Me Not seeds, which have duly been planted, and one seedling has appeared. I miss her terribly, she was a one in a million, a total nutter and our best friend.

          You have my best wishes for you and Molly, it is an awful time of apprehension and grief even though she is still with you.
        • borrowers

          borrowers Gardener

          Jul 28, 2007
          HI Euphraise62, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss but as has been said, & is true, you know when the time has come. I too have a border with 'others'. She is getting near her time and she will have the best 'end' we can give her. If only humans were given the same!
          Lovely that your vet sent those seeds.
          My Joyce is one in a million, a total nutter & our best friend too. Perhaps they were siblings - Joyce was a rescue dog. Have you any pics of her? What was her name?
          I love the fact that you called her a nutter - we always thought Joyce was but I got told off very forcibly once because it was our fault not the dogs'! Borders/crossed have to be one of the most weird going don't they? So itelligent but so having a mixture of traits - know it's still too soon for you to think of good things but would love to hear about ** (you haven't given her name as far as I can see). It won't be soon but you will be back to telling all she was the best, as of course she was!

        • Euphrasie62

          Euphrasie62 Apprentice Gardener

          Jul 12, 2011
          Hi Borrowers,
          Here's some photos of my Beth, she was small for a collie cross, but definitely had the face and personality of a collie. If I could sum her up in one word it would be eccentric, I think you're right it definitely is something to do with the collie cross breeding! However we were also told it was our fault, not hers, although we tried and tried to get her to behave herself but she would never have any of it! My aunt breeds and trains dogs for a living, and even she had to yield to Beth's way of doing things!
          We got Beth for £65 from a private breeder in Hersham, which seems ridiculous when I look back at her life with us, she was family who gave us so much love and many laughs over the years. Did you have Joyce as a pup from the rescue centre? How old is she now?
          Beth also had arthritis in her later years, which I understand is quite a common collie problem from the mad way they run around and play!
          Looking at your picture of Joyce, I can see the same face Beth used to give us when she was feeling mischievous and waiting for us to play with her. She had such a range of expression, you could pretty much see what she was thinking! I'm interested to hear about Joyce, there are no other similar collie breeds around here to compare nuttiness!!

          Lyn, how is Molly doing? I hope she has some relief in the cooler weather.

          Attached Files:

        • Lyn

          Lyn Gardener

          Feb 25, 2006
          Industrial carpet machinist
          West Midlands
          I'm so sorry to hear about your very sad loss.
          They just break your heart don't they.
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Hi Lyn,
          pleased to hear Molly is getting on ok...sounds like she is in quite good shape for her age...apart from the siezures ofcourse...bless her heart.
          My beautiful furry golden was 15 years old,i'm told that it was a good age for a golden retriever...he had testicular cancer when he was 4 years old and numerous other problems through out his life but bounced back every time...he was fed on dried food all his life but did have his naughty treats....
          ie...milkybar....one a day...
          chicken nuggets and a small beer every saturday night...plus other treats they say you should never feed a dog !!!!!! he loved every bit of it and (as most of us do) he was spoilt rotten.....
          Keep up the good work with Molly x
        • simbad

          simbad Total Gardener

          Feb 27, 2011
          Lyn so glad Molly's feeling better now the weathers cooler, funny you should mention about them knowing the time my Fudgie used to be just the same, of course knew when every mealtime was (typical lab) and he'd sit in front of the telly at 10.30 to let you know it was his bedtime and he wanted to go out before he went.
          Lolimac that was a great age for a retriever mine (Penny) lived to be 13, know it doesn't make it any easier though,Fudge had his treats too loved a few chips on a saturday night when we had a takeaway, and yes they say chocolates bad for them but he was a terror, pulled the xmas tree over one year to get at the chocolate decorations so the next year I didn't put any on, he still pulled it over anyway just to check,can't believe he remembered, ate nearly a whole a tin of roses one year that the kids left out!!! wrappers and all, some very multi coloured poo for a few days(festive I suppose) ate my mothers day box of thorntons, kids again,but we loved him to bits he was such a character, its been nearly a month now since we lost him still can't bring ourselves to have a takeaway.
          Like your retriever he had many health problems over the years, epilepsy,which he was on medication for, lumps removed etc but he too always bounced back, just wish there could have been a cure for his heart problem he wasn't even 11 till this month, bringing tears to my eyes again writing this.
        • borrowers

          borrowers Gardener

          Jul 28, 2007
          Hi Euphrasie,
          I can't enlarge the pics of Beth for some reason, sure you used to be able to do it?? Hard to see with my eyesight & old laptop, actually that should probably read 'with my old eyesight' lol.
          However, I can see the collie in her no problem. 'Eccentric' - that's a great word! Yeah my Joyce was the same but has slowed down so much. She was 6mths - 1yr old when we got her, they weren't sure at the rescue centre. She jumped into the car readily enough so she must have been used to it although we knew nothing about her. We paid £45 for her. Like you say, nothing for all the brilliant years we've had with her. She's around 16 now. For all her 'nuttiness' she has the best nature you could ever meet, so placid.
          Defininately have their own way of doing things, though! When did you lose Beth? It's lovely to hear you talk about her with such love. If you think of any things she did that you would like to share I would love to hear about them.
          Can you start a new thread though cos I don't want to hijack Lyn's thread - I'll think of some too.
          Lyn, glad to hear Molly's feeling better - how are you with leaving her now?
          Simbad - still early days for you with Penny, the thing about the take-away made me cry. We all know what we're supposed to do re food etc but most of us have our little 'treats' for them, it's part of what makes their personality too. Your stories made me smile too.
          lolimac, when did your dog pass on? Of course, we all have things we do with our dogs. Your memories of chips & a beer made me smile.

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