I know I should be enjoying the hot weather but.....

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Jungle Jane, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I love to complain! :dancy: :lunapic 130165696578242 5: you only need to look at my title :heehee:

    I really had great fun driving my bank's complaints centre bonkers, yesterday :blue thumb:. I had complained last week, by email, because their branch had written to me asking me to phone them to sort out some transactions I wanted to do. It turned out, according to BT, that the number they gave me (an 05511) is a higher rate number (the man at BT India said it was £1.50 per minute but I have my doubts). So I said I wanted my money back as they hadn't advised me of that fact.

    I received a telephone call from the complaints dept asking whether it was OK to discuss it over the phone. I said yes and they said they needed to ask me some security questions first. Not a problem - until they asked for the three digit code on the back of my card. Then I put my foot down :). I said that I couldn't possibly do that and they asked why. Easy answer - their rules are that you should never give that code to anyone who calls you.
    "But we need to talk to you about your complaint!"
    "Then ask me a diferent security question."
    "We can't!"
    "Tough! So you're going to have to write to me."
    "It's so much easier over the phone."
    "Agreed, but I can't break your security rules."
    "OK, we'll write."

    I then phoned their complaints dept (I've got a freephone number for them :snork: ) and complained about their procedures. The lady was very helpful and 'understand' my concerns and offered to sort things out. She said that she would have asked me another, different, question if I wouldn't answer that one but each department is different. I made a formal complaint that they were asking me to do something they specifically say we mustn't do.

    then she said she will deal with the original complaint and would be happy to refund my cost of calls - and asked me how much they were. As I hadn't received my phone bill I couldn't tell her and asked her to put it on hold until I get my bill next month.
    "Sorry, we can't delay resolution of a complaint more than three weeks!"

    So, complaint number three :lunapic 130165696578242 5:

    Result - a supervisor has deferred my original complaint until my bill arrives and shall add compensation for all my troubles.
    Signed - Grumpy Old Man :old:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Jungle Jane

      Jungle Jane Starved Of Technicolor

      Dec 12, 2010
      Local Nutcase
      South Essex
      Just to clarify. I wasn't complaining about the heat in my original post. All I ask is for a bit of rain overnight so my plants are not suffering as much. It's interesting that the rest of this thread has turned into a long discussion about how hot it is rather than the lack of rainfall.

      Was interesting watching the news last night though. With them saying that the intense heat was causing more people to die because of drowning. As if the weather was possessing these people to do things that they wouldn't normally do.

      • Agree Agree x 1
      • JWK

        JWK Gardener Staff Member

        Jun 3, 2008
        There were thunderstorms going around last night, missed us but someone at work said their garden had a proper 10 minutes soaking, it's what we need.
        • Agree Agree x 1

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