If I suddenly dissapear...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Aug 19, 2010.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Hi Val,
    Are you saying that you don't pay your landline by Direct Debit or that they won't let you pay it by Direct Debit? :scratch:

    Our internet is lumped in with our landline bill and is paid by Direct Debit :thumb:. It costs more if you don't pay by Direct Debit.
  2. Val..

    Val.. Confessed snail lover

    Aug 2, 2010
    Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
    I think I know what the confusion is now:idea: I used to pay for my internet connection by direct debit and my land line was paid for separately, it just got set up that way, then when I upgraded the internet connection and was told I could no longer pay for it by direct debit, of course they meant that I couldn't pay the internet connection separately by direct debit any more. I have only just realised this myself actually:o.:doh:

  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Problem solved :gnthb:.
  4. Val..

    Val.. Confessed snail lover

    Aug 2, 2010
    Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
    This is a perfect example of how things can be misunderstood when the person you are talking to has a problem with the language!!!!:(

  5. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    Now, get this. It is well documented that Mr. Fs'mum spends much of his time abroad, it is how he earns the money to pay the likes of BT, EDF, British Gas, and sundry others who seem to have got it into their thick 'eads that they (after HMRC of course), get first dibs at his money. Personally, I disagree, but that's another story. Since we first married, in due deference to the aforementioned absences, it has been the custom chez fidgetshouse, that rather than have a joint account, Mr. F transfers - by standing order - a certain amount into my bank account each month enabling me to settle outstanding accounts. It works well for us, bills are paid usually the day after they arrive and the cheques quite clearly show that it is my account upon which they are drawn.

    Picture if you will then - this scenario.

    We have, since time 'immoral', had an itemised 'phone bill (with 3 girls in the house it was essential, if only so we could apportion blame correctly!). Suddenly, earlier this year, a 'phone bill arrives sans itemisation. With only me at home, I know I've not been ringing sex chat lines in Outer Bug Infested Land, but I also don't trust BT not to try and slip a couple in. So, I rang BT and asked if I could have my itemised bill back.

    I put in my home phone number when prompted to 'enter the number you're calling from' and eventually having pressed just about every button on the wretched keypad, got a humanoid.

    Could I please have my itemised bill back?
    What number are you calling from? - (since I've just entered it, I'm guessing it must be showing up on a screen somewhere), but I repeat it.
    What is your account number? - I give it to her.
    Ah, that account is in the name of Mr. Fidgetsmum. - Well, yes, but I'm making the enquiry.
    Sorry, but I must talk to the person in whose name the account is held. - But he's not here.
    Sorry, but I have to talk to the account holder - Why?
    Data Protection - What?
    I can only do something if I talk to the person who pays the bill - But I pay the bill.
    No, the account is in Mr. Fidgetsmum's name - Yes, but I pay the bill
    I've only your word for that - No, you can see that since 1978 every bill ever paid on this account has been with a cheque drawn on my account or latterly, as a direct debit from my account.
    Sorry but there's nothing I can do. - OK, so what if he'd just up and left me?
    Weeell, (she says, floundering in 'fall-back-on-daft-excuses' territory) we'd probably need a letter from your Solicitor - OK, so let's assume my husband is abroad for 6 months, is that in your opinion, work or desertion?
    Pardon? - if my husband is abroad for 6 months, would you consider that desertion and so be prepared to talk to me about the phone bill?
    Brightening 'Yes, I think so' - And, if he's deserted me, then surely I'm no longer responsible for his debts, and as such wouldn't have to pay his phone bill would I?
    'Errmmm, no. I suppose not' - Right, my husband has deserted me and I therefore intend to cancel my direct debit and ignore the next 'phone bill you send since a) the account in his name and I'm no longer responsible for his debts and, b) you've had no instruction from him to change from an itemised bill to any other sort and refuse to talk to me about it.
    But has he deserted you? - Well, he's not here
    'It would be easier if he was dead' - I'm sorry, did you just say it would be easier if my husband were dead?
    'Well, I mean then you could send us the death certificate' - I do not believe I'm having this conversation. We've gone from a simple request to have back an itemised bill that you had no instructions to change in the first place, to a suggestion from you that we'd all be better off if my husband died, just to make it easier for BT employees to stop hiding behind a piece of legislation which they manifestly do not understand and interpret to suit themselves.
    'No. It's just that .....' - ... You're clearly so inept, that the only job you can get is in a dead-end call centre with BT?

    I didn't wait for her reply. In the event Mr. F came home for a brief spot of R&R, made a call to BT and the whole thing was sorted in less than 75 seconds. My letter of complaint was ... ignored - I guess because it wasn't sent by the person in whose name the account is held?

    Don't talk to me about BT :mad:
  6. Val..

    Val.. Confessed snail lover

    Aug 2, 2010
    Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
    I have been in this same situation SO many times!!! When the person said that she needed to speak to my husband because the account was in his name I replied "you mean you need to speak to a man, how would you know if a man came on the line that he was in fact my husband"????
    She had no answer for that!!!! :hehe:

  7. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    Just found this site to-day through another forum.
    might be handy if anyone wants to write directly to the CEO ...whether that gets any better response or not might still be debatable.

    As part of my job in IT I look after all the comms issues. Land lines, mobiles, dongles etc....and believe you me, if I want my blood preassure to shoot up then all I need to do is decide to ring one of the following:

    I currently have a discussion going round in circles with Vodafone because I am trying to determine how they managed to get a DD set up on one of our company accounts without any of my Directors having had to sign the DD Mandate.
    If they can do this, then I too can get a DD set up on anyone's account and get my mortgage paid !!!!:(

    Ziggy, if it comes to letter writing then hopefully the above website will come in handy.
  8. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hey Shobhna,

    Finally got to the bottom of it, I stupidly thought free calls meant free calls.

    With my Orange mobile I get free calls except for 0800 numbers, if I dial one a message comes up saying I will be charged for this call and asks if I want to proceed.

    With BT, no such message comes up. My son had been calling his mates mobile at an average cost of £9 a call.

    I have written to BT saying I dispute the charges & sent a copy of our contract highlighting the bit where it says free calls, no mention or warning that mobile calls will bankrupt you.

    Even radio 2 warn about call charges if you contact them. Obviously BT assume everyone knows about their charges, even if they dont tell them.

    I checked BTs website advertising broadband packages, there are no warnings there either. When they write back saying i've still got to pay, then I will request arbitration. Why, when i've got a mobile with free calls, would I suddenly want to spend hundreds of pounds with BT unless I genuinely believed that free calls, meant free calls.
  9. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    I've bumped this up because disconection is looming.

    Whos got the best broadband/tv/phone bundle ?

    Been looking at sky, seems a good deal, but then i googled complaints & found people were getting boxes that dont work & no response from complaining.

    Virgin media seemed reasonable too, less in the way of complaints there.

    What are you good folk using & have you had any problems ?
  10. Axl

    Axl Gardener

    Nov 23, 2009
    I'm on Orange and have had no problems. Have heard people have but have also heard that about all service providers. In my experience Orange have been great, quick to assist in solving problems and very cost effective. Service is constant with no dropouts and in a rural location where no one else gets more than 4 meg I'm getting 4 -8 almost constantly.

    For £35 a month I get home Broadband, all landline calls, some international calls. A mobile with 800 cross network/landline minutes, unlimited texts and 500m internet.

    I have no idea if they do TV packages :gnthb:
  11. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Thanks Axl, didn't think about Orange, will go & have a look at that:)
  12. kindredspirit

    kindredspirit Gardening around a big Puddle. :)

    Nov 21, 2009
    Western Ireland (but in a cold pocket)
    Aren't we lucky here.

    No big company would provide broadband in our rural area so I got a local guy to install broadband on the reservoir on top of a hill behind us. No direct debits, pay him whenever we can and instant service if there is a problem e.g. service re-instated within 24 hours when townies came out on a Sunday and vandalized the equipment by kicking the batteries off the top of the reservoir.
  13. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I've had Virgin for years and that has been OK until recently. They just replaced our modem but we still get the odd problem with poor connections (it hasn't happened for a couple of weeks now). Every time I contact them they are very helpful though. I'm thinking of switching to Sky purely to save some money, pity Virgin won't give existing customers their best deals.
  14. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    We're with Virgin - intermittent problems, but not serious (apart from yesterday when we had no connection all day - I eventually gave up trying and went for a walk).

    I've not heard good things about Sky, but only from a customer service point of view and how impossible it is to get a hold of them if something does go wrong.
  15. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Hmmm, maybe I'll pay a bit more and stick with Virgin, better the devil you know.

    Actually just researched Sky's 'cheap' offer and in the small print it seems you need to have a BT landline as well, so when that cost is added on it's about the same as Virgin.

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