If you passed someone with a guide dog puppy...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by L plate gardener, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. L plate gardener

    L plate gardener Gardener

    Feb 23, 2009
    interesting points all, i can see it from both sides.

    went into town centre yesterday, on the bus a little attention, nothing too destracting, but as we are just sat there there really is not a problem with stroking him. then as soon as we got off at the station a man in his 40's whistled at him, called him and started fussing him, he got all excited sat in a puddle of mud and was soaked and black with dirty mud.. i had two choises, take him straight home or try and wash the thick black mud off him in the nearest toilets. I cannot help but think this just would not have happened had i been walking without destraction!!!!

    then in town we managed to walk through the shopping centre with just a few people saying hello, then we sat down to let him take it all in and was mobbed, at one point i counted and what started with one elderly lady talking to me politely about her dog turned into 7 adults, 1 in a mobility scooter, 2 pushchairs and 4 other small children Surrounding us. all talking at me and grabbing him!!! and people sat on thier knees fussing him!!

    then when we could we left and headed to one shop where a nice lady politely approached us and said hello,

    moving to the bank he sat nicely in the queue ( i think he was exhausted!! ) and then some old fella approiaches me with a cooked piece of chicken and proceeds to feed him! i politely asked him not to!! and after ten minutes of fussing from various people we escaped!!

    every person that stops us starts with the same line " i know we are not supposed to but..." and then once you stop thats it!! everyone stops!!

    in the end he was soooo hyper, wouldnt walk nice or listen to me and i just had to head home!!

    im not complaining !! i love having chip!!! but this frustrates me as i cant work out how im supposed to teach him destractions when the destractions wont leave him alone for 5 minutes!!! lol

    maybe im too nice and need to say to people "no" i just feel so mean!! but for chips sake im going to..
  2. L plate gardener

    L plate gardener Gardener

    Feb 23, 2009
    oh and i meant to say, my supervisor is here monday and i will talk to her about getting a T shirt printed up or vest :)
  3. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    Chicken!!!!! some stranger wanted to feed him, OMG. You have to put a stop to him accepting food from a human hand. There are crazy people out there who could give him something not good for him.
    You can teach a dog only to accept food from a bowl. Takes time. I am still mummified from thinking what crazy person would give a dog some food.
    I like the sign on the jacket ideas. You do know if he does not pass the mustard later, he will go on a list for sighted people to adopt. What happens when you say to the grabby adults "Please don't touch he's working"? Or any other such statements. You really have your hands full.
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I think if it gets that bad then "you're right, you aren't supposed to unfortunately", maybe a wide campaign just to remind people would be an idea.
  5. L plate gardener

    L plate gardener Gardener

    Feb 23, 2009

    i couldt belive it myself!! luckily chip was not interested in taking it, and i stopped it in time!!

    if he does not cut the mustard so to speak we will get first refusal and will definately keep him !!
  6. L plate gardener

    L plate gardener Gardener

    Feb 23, 2009
    very good response lolli, will defo try that one :gnthb:
  7. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Nicola said,
    is this wishfull thinking Nicola?you are attempting to do something I couldn't do training a dog then having to give him up it's going to be hard girl, good luck to you.
  8. L plate gardener

    L plate gardener Gardener

    Feb 23, 2009
    ahhh well of course i want him to do well and pass :) that is his ultimate goal :) and of course wnhy we went into this, but a tiny little bit of me of course will be so sad to see him go you cant help get attached, that of course id love to keep him!! natural feeling i guess..

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