Inconsiderate neighbours

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pip, May 4, 2007.

  1. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Well done Mgn and partner :D [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Very pleased for you both and I hope you are very happy and free from NFH in your new home.
  2. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    thanks tiggs and pip!
    had the estate agent here yesterday and she was impressed enough with the flat but when she saw the garden she was actually doubly impressed! can you believe that???gave her a plant to take home as well!!

    Was expecting a call today but she did say could be wednesday. She thinks a landlord will snap it up straightaway and their website does say a guaranteed offer within 24 hours, although wednesday is well over the 24 hours -- getting a little bit nervous now, but a bit early to really panic.
    Got the removal van planned, about 95% packed - just need this sale desperately.

    New garden is already getting a makeover for us. Trees are being taken out and hedges cut so it'll just be a case of a blank canvas when i get there - need ideas how to make such a small place appear bigger - considering a mirror at the end - god wish us luck we do get this sale tomorrow!
    i really miss my gardening.
  3. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    If you have moved into your new place and still not had a reasonable offer could you consider renting the old place for a while?

    Just so you don't have to accept the first (and maybe not best) offer you get. Your garden would really appeal to potential tenants especially if a fortnightly or monthly gardener is included in the rent. Common practice in Australia so they enjoy a garden without too much maintenance and the owner has piece of mind that their garden is being looked after.

    You are also an ideal tenant in that you are going into a rental and have plans to makeover the garden. If I was your landlord I'd be delighted and assist financially - just a thought!

    Good luck. [​IMG]

  4. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    hi tiggs, i sold it :) got a good price too considering i sold it in that way, only 5k under what i think i could have gotten had it gone to open market and i doubled my personal money i put into in 4 years so going with double my money.
    Took first offer as it was what i was prepared to accept minimum and they had a date of entry prepared and was a firm solid offer, they dont even want to do their own survey or see it! - i've been lucky i think selling in a few days!!!
    Now got 6 weeks left here.
    i think the garden photos must have swung the deal haha.;)

    Now only problem is we dont know if we'll get any rent help eventually. You could say we are stupid getting this far without knowing for sure, we've had conflicting advice from the dss, one said we would get �£80 a week paid, another said �£10 if I was lucky! but it's been a case of I can't live here anymore for my health and personal safety.

    If anyone is up on benefits would love to know what thoughts people have.???????????

    Situation is I've just sold my property and I get incapacity benefit and didnt get any housing benefit - b/f currently rents and gets income support, he gets most of his rent paid for him.

    We'll be renting together. So because there will be 2 of us and he gets income support will that mean eventually we will both get rent help once my money is down to 6k?

    I know I'll still get my benefit as mine isnt means tested but he wont get any till my savings are down - this isnt a problem, I was prepared to pay full rent and rates with my sale money and support him - it's just what happens in 6months to a years time??

    If it's bad news all is not lost, I know the dss will disregard savings for 26 weeks if i choose to buy again, that would have to be at a property auction, I just dont have enough for anything else.

    its a very worrying time - have i done the right thing??? theres been more happening than i've said here from someone else trying to break in and not in a trying to steal anything sense either but looking for a woman sense and i really just cant stay here, i cant even open my curtains, its a big gamble we've taken, i just hope it works out in the end.

    Doing my garden gave me more than most people as it was practice at getting out on my own. The reason my garden was in such a state was i have trouble being outside, thats why it's meant so much and i've been so proud at what i got done and why i felt the need to keep updating my thread all the time as an incentive to keep at it- then when it got bad i just couldnt bring myself to go out there without my b/f who is sooo not into gardening - so i lost that bit of escapism i had.
    And my point being .... well just that the new garden is off a back door, no shared path before i get into it, no one can bother me there, i should be able to get on with it and make it mine - just need to know we'll be able to afford to live there full time. :|

    please send good vibes it'll work out - i've been forced out of 2 properties now and i'm losing being a home owner altogether, i'm a great neioghbour too, i once had one say if they didnt know i lived next door they wouldnt think anyone lived there as i'm so quiet, i've just had bad luck and maybe am an easy target as i am quiet and keep myself to myself. sometimes you have to be tough to get by and keep what you have!
  5. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007

    It must be aweful for you, I am fortunate in that my neighbours are elderly and are as quiet as we are. We swop gardening tips (they give me more that i give them :D )

    The only spanner in the works is the mad woman who lives "up the top". She is not an actual neighbour but was screaming at me the other day.............

    I have a 16 year old and when he was younger never used to make that kind of racket, we brought him up to be thoughtful to others.

    Try the balaclava, blackout paint and scissor method (under cover of darkness :D ) and use your imagination - no really i sympathise with you, the world is not the place it used to be.

    Its like living on a different planet these days
  6. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Hi Mgn and accidentalgardener [​IMG]

    Seems an awful long time ago since this thread began and if you recall it was me whinging about my neighbours noisy kids and their trampoline.
    Everybody else`s neighbour problems are,it would seem, far more serious than mine.

    I do hope you and b/f are very happy in your new place,you HAVE done the right thing.

    Good luck and remember, only 5 and a bit weeks left [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Must try that scissors,paint and balaclava method accidentalgardener :D :D
  7. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    does anyone else hate it when it says - sit tight! taking you back to inconsiderate neighbours (??) it's like noooooo get me away from them lol!!

    Thanks pip! only 4 and a bit weeks left now, not had any written confirmation though to say its sold or had my soliciter contact me - estate agents are assuring me not to worry, it's normal and the date of entry is correct, but i dont remember never having anything in writing at this late stage!

    Got 2 bits of good news.

    Firstly yes we should be okay for the rent in the end,

    and 2 we are getting married in November!

    Now, they say moving house is stressful and so is getting married - so we are getting those 2 bits of stress over together!

    and i suppose a 3rd bit of good news is Argos have garden items in their autumn/winter catalogue ;)

    They say everything happens for a reason, so we are believing that we were meant to live here and we were meant to get the signals that we could no longer live here and that reason was to be together forever (sick buckets anyone?)

    Pip hows it going with your neighbours now?? The dark nights will soon be here so things should get better in theory! I am not looking forward to all the fireworks though nearing halloween. I have to admit it is not a problem here but I know they are where we are going.

    (ps i am still missing my gardening)
  8. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    We have moved!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
  10. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Pip I hope you will be now happier in your new home than your last one and be able to enjoy's horrible living with rotten neighbours I would rather be where we are today than our old house even with the cat poo from next least now I give it back to her be it late at night and thrown over the hedge! :D
  11. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Thanks Helofadigger, I`m sure we will both be much happier here. As you say,it is horrible living with rotten neighbours.We now live in a lovely area with great neighbours and I now have front and back gardens to tend to [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all,
    Well our old neighbours have moved out and sadly our 'new' ones aren't very good at all.

    I can understand their need for not talking not everyone can feel at ease with 'new' people but I like to think I'ave never met a stranger, I'll talk to anyone and always with a smile.

    I know they struggled really hard to get a mortgage as the old neighbours told me so but it seems they have tried to buy into a lifestyle that they can not afford nor keep up the beauty.

    The back garden's a total mess now and the front is not much better, they have huge slagging matches on the front and swear something horrible and that's just the mother and her 12 year old daughter!

    They play music really loud and with the bass on full so it sounds like a boy racer's car, I can even hear it at the otherside of our home....needless to say I'ave been round to ask them politely twice now to turn it down and lucky for me thay have.

    They are not friendly at all I'ave been round to introduce myself and all but they do give both Bob and I the impression that they are the classic 'White trash' I'm really ashamed to write that as I do hate to judge people I have only just met but it's just how they are.

    Bob says although we got on really great with our old neighbours its a pity we can't sue them for landed us with such bad 'new' neighbours.

    Maybe they will settle down if not maybe they will not be able to afford the mortgage and have to move out the quick way!
  13. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi Helen,

    Hope it improves, thinkin of ya babe [​IMG]
  14. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Ahhh,Helen thats awfull, i know we dont live with our neighbours and there not our life, but we do need piece of mind and not to be scared of coming out of our front doors, I hope it all changes fot you and soon [​IMG] are the tablets working? [​IMG]
  15. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Sorry to hear that Helen :(

    Respect is what it boils down to and unfortunately there is a definate lack of it in todays society :mad: :mad: :mad:

    If what you say is right and they have moved up the ladder and bought into a lifestyle that they may not be able to afford,then they must know that moving up a gear not only means living in a nicer house in a better area,they are also going to live in a more respectable area with respectable people.

    With a bit of luck they may soon recognise that and adjust accordingly.

    As regards the "white trash" element,it is happening but people would rather mutter about it than discuss it openly. I never used to judge people but my previous neighbours have changed changed all that and I sometimes feel like a snob,a trait that I don`t feel proud of but that`s what the current state of society has done to me. :(

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