Inconsiderate neighbours

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pip, May 4, 2007.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi all.

    Paula your little giggling dog is very cute kinda like Muttley from Wacky Races!

    Dee I do hope the neighbours settle down soon although I will give them a thing or two to think about on Halloween....that's if I'm fit enough!

    We always go overboard and dress the outside of our house for all the little monsters knocking around on that evening.....we even have a great set of those stone garden speakers from which we play spooky music for the kiddies...I will of course go round and let the new neighbours know of my intentions so they are pre-warned.

    Hopefully I'll be in a druggie haze and pain free state to be able to dress up and scare the living day-lights of the little ones....all in good fun of course!

    I was a witch last year now,now no comments please! :D this year I'm thinking of being a pirate and I will have to try very hard not to eat all the quaility sweets I have for the visiting monsters!

    No Dee the tablets are not working at all I'm sadly on morphine now which is not working as yet but at least I can get four hours sleep between top ups!

    Yes Pip I agree people should treat people as they would want others to treat them in return and it is all down to respect...which doesn't cost a darn thing!

    Bob and I are always true to our roots, we are very easy going, common as muck people not a posh bone in our bodies...well Bob might have one or two with his front grass! Lol
  2. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    I just have to have a whinge about the neighbours again.

    Kids were playing football round our car - already muddy marks on it where they kicked the ball at it yesterday.
    I looked out the window to see if they were in our garden again and the girl (eleven) screamed to her mother " She's looking at us again!! Mother came rushing out and shouted at me that they can play where they like!
    I hadn't said a word - no point because it only makes things worse.

    A week or so ago we were getting in the car to go out when this same girl asked my husband why he was looking at her. I don't think we were even bothered that they were there as we were discussing where we were going.
    As we drove off this charming child shouted down the road at the top of her voice "YOU'RE A PAEEEEEEEEEEDOPHILE"

    What do you do with neighbours like this? No point in talking to the parents as they are just as bad

    We have lived here for 51 years and never got wrong with anybody before this and I really don't know what we have done to deserve this.

    I am seriously thinking of moving but why should we. Jack loves his garden and has spent many hours working in it over the years but when you can't go into your own garden without being accused of "looking at them" what else can you do?

  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    OMG jjordie thats terrible.. only thing you can do is let the police know.. cant think of anything else.. video camera maybe...inform the council, you cant take all that abuse and stay silent, you must get help jjordie, the girls an attention seeker, probably wont give up untill the parents tell her too (Thats not happening) you need evidence and someone on your side.. Good Luck and keep us updated [​IMG] DEE
  4. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    jjordie that is awful, there is some nasty people in this world, dont think the police will do anything and the council will just give you a whole load of papers to fill in, there better ignored.
  5. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I agree with Dee. It is better to try and bring attention to the problem now before it is too late. Even if the council and the police do nothing you know that it would have been recorded by them. This sort of harrassment shouldn't be allowed. I'd also have a private chat with the local councillor.

    Our thoughts and best wishes are with you [​IMG]
  6. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Thanks all for your sympathetic remarks and advice.
    I hesitate from involving the police unless I really have to because in the event I do
    want to move and therefore sell my house isn't it the law that prospective buyers have
    to be informed of problem neighbours when police have been involved?
    Then who would want to buy a house with people like them living next door?
    I think I will feel guilty selling to anybody.
    Thank goodness the nights are darker so they don't play outside so much at the moment.
  7. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    sorry to bump this, but pip!!! you moved too?

    I'm sorry you felt you had to (like us) but glad you have found a better place to be (like us)!

    everything happens for a reason... we got married and are very happy in our new place, and starting to think about the gardens now the house is nearly done. Hope your new place is lucky :o)
  8. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    jjordie, you can contact your local council via email and ask for everything to be kept off record (for now) - that is what i did - i reported everything that was happening to the council so that they had a record just incase anything more serious happened. I always had in big letters that it wasnt an official complaint, just info for them to keep in the event that i make it official - they are understanding.

    it makes you feel better to know you are actually doing something and that people are aware who can then do something about if needs be. It also means that maybe others have complained and they can add your complaints to the list.

    I feel for you and your husband, as i was called the same for having cctv overlooking MY garden !! it was being spread round I was filiming kids by the mother who's kid was grafitying on my property and pinching from me, swearing at me and going on my property all the time and dasmagaing my fence - so I put up cctv to protect my garden and as a deterent

    THERE IS NO REASONING WITH THAT SORT OF PERSON! i wouldnt bother to try.

    i dont know if you should move - maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea. would you have to declare problems with neighbours? well if nothing is official then no you dont have to as who's word is it to say you did? you could always grit your teeth and be pleasant to them if you decide to sell so there are no problems officially.

    whatever you decide to do, at least of you did move you know what to watch out for next time - maybe a property in a quieter area maybe where the people are older - shop around - i was always a home owner and always thought i would be, but through this i have now had to rent, i thought i might be resentful of that fact, but in reality it's removed alot fo stress as i can live in a better area than i could afford to buy in and i'm alot happier.
  9. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    If any legal letters or complaints about your neibours have been made to the to the council then a solicter will soon discover these declared or not.

    I would be damned if a neibour would force me to move and it would be all out war on my behalf to make them seee sense.

    Thankfully with the exception of one propriatorial old bag the majority of us in our road get along and the woman in question has ended up with farr more to get in a state about than her origional gripe and a hefty legal bill!
  10. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Hi mgn [​IMG]

    Enough was enough and we were planning to move in 2008 anyway,glad we moved when we did or we would have missed out on this great house with its marvellous gardens.

    Can't wait for spring. :D

    I hope your new house is lucky for you both

    Hello there Pro Gard [​IMG]

    I understand what you are saying but if you go back and read some of the earlier pages in this thread you will see what some people have to live next door to. In some cases there can only be one option.

    My own case was not a particularly nasty one but mgn's ,along with others, is not a pleasant read.
  11. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    I am looking around for a bungalow somewhere and hoping to move within a year. Jack is not overjoyed at the prospect of moving but I am sure we can find somewhere with a nice bit of garden.

    All is quiet at the moment as due to cold weather and dark evenings the little darlings are not often outside.
  12. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Good luck jjordie [​IMG]

    Best wishes for 2008 to you both.
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    I know about noisy neighbours because we have a childminder who has just moved into the house at the bottom of our garden and all through the summer for several hours a day we have children who do nothing but scream at each other,while the childminder shouts.Amber,Amber don't make her cry at the top of her voice :rolleyes:

    Our problem now is an inconsiderate builder who has just posted an application to build two houses on the plot of land next two our house.The original plan by the main builder was one house which would be placed so as not to cause us grief.Now another builder has brought the land and one of the houses that he wants to build will be about 6ft from my back door which faces the plot of land so when I stand at my back door I will only see the side of a two story house and there won't be any chance of the sun getting a look in.
    The house is also going to be built part way past the front boundry of my house so as well as half of my front garden being in the shade my dining room will recieve hardly any light either,which will be worse in the winter.

    Mr Kandy has already put in an online objection and our neighbour over the road is going to do the same even though he won't have as much as a problem as us.

    So now it looks that if this Millionaire {Multi} gets his way we will most certainly have to see about moving but I can't see any one wanting to buy our house without any light in the kitchen or dining room. :(

    I thought there was some rule about a persons right to light in their home :eek:
  14. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    i believe you are entitled to light - put it this way people with those leylandi trees have had to cut them down as they cut out peoples light. best of luck with your objections, the more people you can get on your side the better/ complain and complain again.
  15. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    This has come up before, and we personally had this problem in Bucks. I must say not with Leylandii but with huge red leafed trees (can't think of the name) ... unless laws have changed in the last 8-10 years, you are not entitled to light in your garden and even your home.

    I think whis4ey is the best one to, yet again, advise on this ... are you there, my firend?

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