Inconsiderate neighbours

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pip, May 4, 2007.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    LoL,I Googled 'right to light' and it said in one article that unless there has been an unobstructed view for 20 years then I can't complain and the plans could very well be passed.

    There is no way I am going to be happy at having a solid brick wall two stories high 6ft away from my house.That wasn't supposed to happen in the first place.
    Now It looks like we shall have to take on a bigger mortgage and move or downsizeback to a smaller house.But that is only if Mr Kandy wants the upheaval of moving again :(
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Just a quick update.Today we have recieved a letter informing us that the planning application that we and our neighbours have all objected to has been passed,so we now either have to put up with a wall right outside our back door and no light getting into our kitchen and dining room or else move away from here.

    We are most angry and upset because friends of this builder objected to their neighbour putting up a fence between the shared garages and that got thrown out and yet this same builder can destroy trees and peoples right to a quiet life and those plans get passed :(

    This is the tiny piece of land for the two houses to be built on..


    And this is the sun which gives us a nice light kitchen and dining room....

  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    kandy sorry to hear this, there doesnt look like much land there for 2 houses, think for privacy reasons i would be sticking up a high wall, shame about losing the sunlight though, good luck whatever you decide to do, honestly any bit of land they have to keep building
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi rosa,There is no point in building a high wall as there is going to be the side of a two storey house right outside our back door with upstairs windows looking down into our kitchen,so that idea is no good.The Parish Council have already rejected the plans and we put in a right to reply to go to the meeting but we never recieved a letter so I thought it had been passed anyway.
    This builder so rhumour has it has done a deal with the main builder that if he was given planning permission to build on all the vacant plots of land within the village then he would build the final lot of affordable/social housing in the village so it didn't matter what we all said we were on to a loser.Money alwys wins in the end. :(

  5. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    see what you mean kandy, thats not going to be very nice going out to be greeted to a high wall in fact its teribble,you will lose your privacy also and i guess iff they have approved the plans theres not a great deal you can do now is there.
    or move :( :eek:
  6. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    is the land private land or is it council land and has any one been to any meetings? we have just fought bury council for three years we didnt win but we got the plans moved 200 yards down canal. the result of this is we saved 200 trees. the thing with buildings plans is most people have been stitched up before the first objection goes out. the only people that get a result is the people taking back handers.even if you decide to sell the the would be owners are going to have a search done and see the plans and not be too happy. sorry to hear your open space is going to take light away . and sadly you have been sold down the river :mad:
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Imp the land belonged to the main house builders who are building the village and this land has been used as car park for seven years.We heard that Wimpey were selling off the land to anyone who had enough money to buy the land for between �£50-�£150,000.but we couldn't find out the exact price that they wanted for it but Mr Kandy thought it would probably go for �£100,000.

    Anyway this old boy who has already built some of the �£600,000+ houses in the village has bought it and has already got plans passed for one four bed on the plot which we were happy with but now the greedy man wants to build two houses built on there which the plans have now been passed for.

    As I stated earlier the Parish Council have already rejected it,and all us that are affected have put in objections to it but they have been unheard.We cannot even appeal to it as it has now been approved.

    I have just been talking to my sister on the phone and she has said that we need to put our house on the market straight away,like yesterday,but I have already pointed out that any searches will show up the plans.There are enough houses in our village already up for sale and are not selling because of the way things are.It took her nine months to sell her house twenty months ago.It is not as easy as she thinks and we can't even think of taking on an even bigger mortgage.

    I havn't been able to sleep for weeks because of the stress this is causing and can't even get up in the mornings it is getting that bad. :mad:

    People in higher up positions are only interested when it is happening to them,not the small fry....
  8. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I'm so sorry, Kandy, things seem to have gone from bad to worse now with two houses being approved.

    There may be something for you to check on, and that is that houses overlooking others cannot have windows on that particular wall, certainly not on the upper level, in order to retain privacy to the existing property.

    We couldn't put a window in the back of our cottage in Bucks because it overlooked the neighbour who was on an acre and the house was at least 30 metres from us because it would be an invasion of privacy!

    Worth checking on and thanks for the update.
  9. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
  10. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    i recently built a two storey extension and got plans passed. it was only when my wife pointed out that it would take light away from next doors bedroom that i decided to change my plans and move them back 2mtres so i didnt take any light away. i was shocked to find out the rules had changed and they did not have any right of light but i moved it anyway. even now with a window at upper level it all comes down to distance.some plans get passed on backhanders not rules. kandy i remember my first house that was a terrace (back yard) that overlooked a factory and never thought i would sell it in a million years. then i remembered how happy i was just to get on the property ladder when i bought it so i put it on the market and it went on the second viewing to a young couple as a starter home that were over the moon to get on the ladder and they didnt even mention the view that was so bad as they were so happy. so dont be too downhearted put it on the market you never know ;)
  11. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    LoL,that idea has been thrown out because one of the stipultaions has been that the builder has to put in Obscure glass to the ensuite and bathroom windows that look down into our kitchen{we have no obscure glass in the back door as the builders{Mc Alpine}who originally owned the whole village and who were bought out by Wimpey never fitted obscure glass in the first place.

    We have all stated in our objections that density,overshadowing,overlooking, landscaping,parking etc are an issue but the Council Planners have said in the letter that they are material planning considerations and have been carefuly weighed up which is bxxl sxxt because anyone buying a house will have more than one carnad with the size of the tiny garages being built there won't be enough room to park on the drives.

    When we moved here nearly seven years ago we had an article four slapped on us which we knew nothing about staing we couldn't have UVPC window frames{only wood} and our Conservatory had to be built in wood no UVPC and it had to be painted white.Now the Council seem to be able to pass whatever plans that they want and we can't object to them.

    I think you had the right idea to get as far away from this country as you possibly could...
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Dee,I have put it into favourites and will let Mr Kandy read it later.I am starting to get a headache with it all.Thankyou for the link,very kind of you [​IMG] I will let you know how we get on.It is a pity that we don't have an Legal members on here who can advise.I am going to have to start Googling later for some law sites to see if we can get some ideas.

    Imp I Googled right to light when this first came up and it says there is a twenty year rule or something like that,I can't quiet remember.
    We have done so much to both the front and back garden and have got a nice shed and greenhouse.

    The problem is that if people know you are desperate to move then they will think you will take anything they offer just to move.Now the plans have been passed he has three years in which he has to build the houses on all these plots so it might give us a bit of time,but we don't fancy the stress of it all again. :(
  13. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    i know kandy i know you must have put a lot of work into the house and gardens just wish we had the answers.. but planning, council and backhanders . we hardly ever win so sorry its such a mess and nightmare for you and mr kandy
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi Kandy,
    just want to wish you good luck with this. What a nightmare!

    We moved to this little house in this smallish 'village' 10 years ago because 1. we could afford it, 2. although quite higgidly piggidly everything looked in it's place (if you know what i mean, & 3. although it has estates as such, it still had a lot of fields (small) around. Now there are at least 1000 new houses/flats. not in keeping with the surroundings at all & although they are expensive they have pushed the value of ours down. Too much in too small a place. Have you seen the way they call houses detatched & theres about enough room for one person to sidle between them.

    As stated before, any bit of land gets built on these days.

    I do hope this ends happily for you Kandy.

  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi borrowers,Thank you for your good wishes [​IMG]
    When we moved to this new house{our first}we were told and accepted that there was going to be a four bed house built on the plot.It was going to be built in such a way that the only thing we would see from our dining room would be the top of the garage roof,that is one reason for putting up the beech hedge so that it would obscure the garages.

    Now this new builder has bought the land and even though he has already had plans passed for a four bed which wouldn't have caused us too much grief,in his greed he has now resubmitted the plans for the tow houses that you can see on the plan.If we had known that this new house would cause us so much hassel and loss of light then we would never have bought this house.

    Mr Kandy now says he will be able to live with it,but to me it will just be like living in a prison.Even half of my front garden will be in shade :eek: :(

    I am sorry to read that your little piece of heaven has been ruined,but they just don't care any more.I know our house will have it's value driven down but that isn't the issue here.Looking out on a brick wall and living in a darkened house is :mad:

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