Inconsiderate neighbours

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pip, May 4, 2007.

  1. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    A house about a mile from us was recently daubed with paint all across its front and gable end as well as the car being covered in paint stripper. Don't know what has gone on but the family that live there are a working couple with 2 young children and the area is rife with drugs and low life,all I can think is that he has had the "cheek" to challenge somebody. Not nice.
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    If any kids kick a ball over and come and ask for it back I politely tell them to send their mum or dad for it,they have never been for it once, after a couple of days they go in the bin,a couple of weeks ago one came over and my "ellie" got her teeth into it and shredded it in seconds she just loves popping balls,I quite happily throw the bits back.:D
  3. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    I really sympathize with all the stories of having awful neighbors, it sure doesnt make it easy.
    We have been fortunate that for the past 3 years we have had pretty good ones, on either side of us, but up until that point, we have had some real winners I'll tell you :dh:, and the stories i could tell you that have gone on, would make your mouth drop :dh::wink::wink:........we currently have a neighbor that shares our driveway and i am forever reminding them that our drive isnt theirs, and for their company to move, well last week, i was PMSing somthing bad :D and told them flat out to move their "trucking" vehicle:hehe::hehe:....i hate being rude like that, but when you are told almost on a weekly basis, i was beyond caring at this point, and they havent done it since :yho:

    I guess all you can really did Pip, is try and ignore it the best that you can, (hard i know), and if it gets out of hand, talk to someone, i keep seeing "council", not sure what that is, but could they help?
    Jjordie, can you take some pics of the cracked windows and have the police come by?Or better yet, give the Mother the bill for the broken windows, since she says that can play wherever, then she can pay for them :thumb:
    Same here Walnut, i have a 200 pound Saint Bernard that just shreds balls to pieces, and if one comes into the yard and we arent home (live next to a school), then its gone :lollol::lollol:
  4. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Forgive me if you are fed up hearing about it but I must have another 'rant' about the next door neighbours!

    Last Thursday we went to the Theatre matinee show and were out for about 3 hours.
    On arriving home we could see that there had been intruders in the garden - a growbag that had been leaning
    against the shed had been knocked over and spilled across the path and several plastic flowerpots had been
    scattered across the garden and there were footmarks across the newly dug garden.:mad:

    Today we returned after a short visit to the supermarket to find more footmarks across where Jack
    had planted seeds this morning and other things were scattered about! :mad:

    It can only be next door - they must watch for us to go out. The gate is locked so they must climb
    over the fence. I feel so angry as it is hard for Jack to do the garden now although he enjoys it
    and for these bleep bleep kids to wreck the place makes me really mad.
    Is it against the law to put barbed wire round your own fence? Perhaps if one of them got a nasty
    cut it would stop them trespassing.

    Waste of time having words with the parents as they encourage their brats.
    Keeping fingers crossed that our proposed move to the country in about a years time
    works out.

  5. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    :mad: What a bunch of brain dead morons!
    Fixing large sharp objects on the fence comes to mind but you may get grief from the law....However,crushed glass does a wonderful job and can be cleared away after an incident and no evidence left other than a git with embedded hands or bum!:wink:
    Just wish I lived closer:mad:

  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Nothing to stop you putting barbed wire up although personally id rig a length of plain wire up a few inches below the top of the fence on your side, Id then electrify this with a car battery.

    don't put it on top or you might get a cat and it will also be visible but just below the top and it will get them as they curl their hands around.

    Ive no time for vandals and once did this trick for an elderly lady disabled neighbor who was getting trouble with kids overturning planters etc. It worked a treat and there was never anymore trouble.

    Another idea would be a CCTV camera, then you can confront the parents with evidence, for me this evidence would be the perfect excuse to go around and give the father a thumping and instruction to make sure his kids didn't trespass.
  7. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi jjordie,sorry that you are having problems with your neighbours but even moving to the country can have it's problems so unless you buy a house in the middle of nowhere you could still have problems.:(

    A buisnessman was talking on our local radio station on the consumer bit about the fact that he had had a visit from the Police with regard to some sort of security fencing he had attached to the top of the walls of his buisness premises to keep the thieves and vandals out and was told by the Police that it wasn't allowed in case the intruders harmed themselves on it.He wasn't sure what to do but talking to a solicitor friend of his was told that as long as he stuck up a notice{even the size of a postage stamp} warning intruders that they could get injured through tresspassing then he could get away with it.:D

    Have you got a local Crime Prevention Officer that you could contact?There must be something you can do legally to safegard your own possessions.:flag:

    Good luck and hope you manage to get it stopped:)
  8. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Thanks for your ideas people!

    I wouldn't really put barbed wire along the fence
    although it's a very tempting idea.
    Just makes me mad that they have no respect for an elderly man
    who has done nothing to them.

    And I wouldn't confront their father - he is a 6'6" ex-wrestler
    who is also a night-club bouncer/doorman.

  9. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Why wouldn't you put up barbed wire?

    This sort of thing escalates Jjordie, and he sounds like a bully-there's only one way to deal with bullies.

    Start a diary so that when the little "darlings" complain it is clear you are the victims of harrassment. Don't let it go. You can tuck the wire under the top plinth of the fencing. Only one way they can get hurt and that's in the process of trespass.
  10. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Unfotunately it is illegal to put barbed wire,razor wire or glass on your fence however you can put anti vandal paint across it they wouldn't be too happy if they got covered in that every time they climbed over,a few years ago we had trouble with kids climbing a tree to get on a sub station at the back of us and then they used to throw in the gardens, I greased the tree trunk with some axel grease with graphite in it one of the mothers came round wanting me to pay laundry bills,I politely asked her to leave and send her husband round so I could settle it with him,he didn't come.I have since had the tree cut down.
  11. jjordie

    jjordie ex-mod

    May 24, 2005
    Axle grease or something similar sounds good walnut. I did think of paint or creosote
    but they go dry - grease would stay for sometime wouldn't it? and the only way they
    would get grease on their clothes would be if they climbed over

  12. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
  13. Murdo

    Murdo Gardener

    Apr 15, 2009
    I can recommend anti-vandal paint. Friends use itfor the same reason. Junior thug got grief from parents for stained clothes......Pyracanthus bushes trained up the walls/fences, they give a nasty jab :)
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    jjordie, that's horrible (what they're doing i mean). I like the idea of the wire just below the top of the fence/gate or if not then the anti-vandal paint. Tell mr jj not to give up.

  15. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    It's hard to advise. I am young and strong and extremely capable of dealing with people face to face-and have done on many occasions, but what would I do if I was older and weaker than I am now? I don't know.

    But this is trespass and criminal damage, and really, although you know in your heart of hearts who did it-you need evidence.

    Report every circumstance, get it all in writing and official.

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