You'll probably still stick to the old routine as far as staying up late is concerned but will have time during the day to do other things. I got home from bridge a little while ago and shall knock up some cheese on toast and a cuppa, do a bit of paperwork and read a bit before having two or three hours of sleep.
But think of all the other stuff you could do if we weren't compelled to sleep. We spend about a third of our lives asleep. For the average person, that's about 20 to 30 years just laying in a bed (or under a bush somewhere if we've had a tad too much to drink ).
Talking of sleep, i've just put a bread pudding in the oven. Can someone remind me to take it out in about half an hour.
Ok Ziggy, if I'm still around. I'll have to come and test it though, make sure it's cooked! Would you part with the recipe by any chance. My mum used to make gorgeous bread pud, but it's stored in her memory and sadly that's fast disappearing.
Fortunatly remembered to turn the oven off before crashing out last night. Bread pudding was fine. Very simple recipe Sheal, i'd just saved enough stale bread by lobbing it in the freezer till I had enough. Mash it all up with water by hand till you've got a nice paste, lob 2 handfulls of sugar in, a load of sultanas and some cinnamon. Put it in the oven in a baking tray till its browned, lob a sprinkling of sugar on top & then try and get some before the kids eat it all.
Hey Ziggy, that's a lot of sugar in your recipe, plus a sprinking on top, and I recall you saying you had rose hip syrup on your ice-cream - no wonder you never need to sleep!
No Dai, Thats bread and butter pudding, a different animal there. I like that too No squishing the bread up with that one, its done in layers.
Yep, our Ziggy is certainly not fat, in fact when he came round I was worried he might fall through the gaps in my decking