International Centre for Birds of Prey, Newent, Glos.

Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by Cookie Monster, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Cookie, I thought the pics, particularly the inflight ones, were a bit special. Now I know why.
    Look forward to some more excellent photos.:gnthb:

    Good luck with the Photography course.:)
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Thanks so much Kandy and Strongy :)

    Kandy - the camera I've used for the past 5 years was a Fuji bridge camera and it took excellent quality shots but like yours, it fired up very slowly - the Nikon is instant on, instant action, which is a great bonus. Even so, this Nikon is only an entry level SLR and the semi pro and pro versions cost into the £1000s and the lens.... An expensive hobby or occupation, but so satisfying.

    I did a lot of reading up comparing the latest models out there and what I could afford - Nikon and Canon are pretty much as good as each other. In fact, I had wanted to try and buy a Canon 40D as my first choice, but they have stopped making them and getting hold of one is like trying to get hens teeth.

    I am very happy with this new Nikon though and I'm keeping my old fuji to hand because it had a really great macro function - whereas I would have to buy a separate macro lens to use with my new one and I'm pretty strapped for cash now!

    Strongy - your kind words made my day !:luv:
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Cookie I have found the blog that was in my favourites.I found it the other week but haven't had a chance to go back to read more of the blog due to not being able to sit at the computer much due to sciatica problems,but hey ho thats life.:p
    Mr Kandy has had his Fuji for five years now and mine will be three years I think it is in August,but as I said I am annoyed that I keep losing good shots with those niggling problems:(

    Anyway here is the link and if you read the bit down the right hand side you will see what camera she uses and when I Googled I found the prices,eeek:p I have a better macro on my Fuji than Mr Kandies and never realised you could buy other macro bits for the cameras!!The one thing I do find though with the super macro{1cm/0.4in} is that sometimes if the light levels are not right or it is too breezy then I can't get the camera to focus on the subject which gets a bit annoying:(

    Anyway,:ntty: and here is that link:)

    Have a good day:luv:
  4. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Thanks Kandy - I have bookmarked that weblog and will read it with interest. I note she uses a D300 - that was well out of my league price wise. I have had contact with a bird photographer, Steve Young. I think he also uses a D300 - it is a professional standard bit of equipment and the lenses cost a great deal - although apparently Sigma lenses are very good quality and can be used on Nikon equipment at a much lower cost than the Nikon lenses.

    Here is his website - he has been very kind and offered my advice on what to choose etc - and he is a fellow Scouser which helps!!! His work is published - An Essential Guide to Bird Photography is the book I read where I found out about his work and he is also the picture editor of birdwatch magazine I think. Anyway - have a look at his gallery - some lovely stuff. He is not long back from visiting the Falklands and some of the wildlife is fab.

    So sorry to hear the sciatica is still giving you grief.... oh for an analgesic that takes all pain away and yet doesn't have horrendous side effects.... and yet we have put men on the moon....
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
  6. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    What fantastic photos Cookie, it's good to see you back on here. I do wish you luck in your new career not that you need it with skills like that :thumb:

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