He’s getting all the world’s problems prioritised… Trump administration bans non-US flags from being flown at embassies
I hate to admit it, but he is doing/saying quite a lot that I broadly agree with, although not necessarily the way he's going about them. I see him actually tackling things that successive Governments in this country have failed to do. Control on immigration is one of them. Do I agree with the wholesale removal of illegal immigrants in a 'Big Bang'? No, because I don't think it practical. Illegal immigrants need to be processed quickly and removed from whichever country they are in if the decision is made to remove them. Stopping the massive spend on 'Diversity' gets my vote too. Giving preferential treatment to any specific group is automatically discriminating against another. How can discrimination be right for one group and another wrong? Against the 'good things' we shouldn't forget the number of people in the USA who seem to be denied even the most basic of healthcare.
I’m with you broadly speaking, @KT53. My concern is not Trump per se, but who he may embolden in other countries, and how what starts off as common sense (controlling migration, stopping ridiculous pandering to shouty cults) can become persecution of groups fairly quickly. This then takes on a momentum of its own that can generally only be halted by significant conflict and loss of life. Also, Trump and his ilk are part of the problem, in that they are the wealthy prioritising the interests of the wealthy. Unless we find a way to rebalance resources, humanity is in for an extremely bumpy ride, IMV.
Trumpf’s (that’s his real name, by the way) grandparents were both immigrants. His mother came from the Isle of Lewis. Talk about pots and kettles.
Invading Greenland? Canada becoming part of the USA? Taking the Panama canal by force? I have a few problems with those for starters.
He also wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. @Nigel coad I agree those are a the utterings of a total nut job.
I think he says the nutty things so the glare of publicity passes over other stuff that is less headline-catchy.
Yeah, remind me, what do the French call the English channel. American money built the Panama canal, and America had control of the Panama canal until Jimmy Carter gave it away.
The big issue I see with Trump is this. He is like a "weekend father ", over indulgent, gives his kids all the treats they want to be popular. Promises things that will be damaging in the long term but he won't be around in future years when (as adults) those kids are sick due to a junk food diet, or have gone off the rails due to a lack of core principles or values. He can make, some of, Americans rich and have a great life but they won't have a habitable planet to live on.
Probably true, @Allotment Boy, though he is hardly the only politician to think short-term. The problem is money calling the shots, whether that is Trump in the White House giving billions of tax-payer money to the tech oligarchs under the guise of AI development, or Rachel Reeves sucking up to wealth in Davos, or Putin and his ilk bleeding their countries dry. Wherever in the world you look, the problems have been caused by the few siphoning off obscene riches, leaving the rest of society at a tipping point.
There is nothing wrong with spending on diversity if it seeks to remove inequality and ensure all of the "Heinz 57" varieties of the human race are treated fairly, to do this inequality has to be identified. Simply removing this funding simply ensures that jobs will go to MAGA supporting "Good Old Boys". Do you seriously think that ordering the release of classified documents on the deaths of JFK, MLK and RFK will shut the conspiracy theorists up, of course it won't they will say documents have been removed/destroyed/"lost". Have you noticed all three surnames begin with K there must be something in that. Why not release all documents on the death of Malcolm X or Medgar Evers as well.