The three books I'm reading at the moment would cost me £12.25 on Kindle and I'll finish them in 4 or 5 days. On that basis it would cost me £750 - £1,000 per year They're all novels: 'Taken' by Robert Crais, 'The Clown Service' by Guy Adams and 'The Colour Of Law' by Mark Giminez. Each of them is said to have sold over 1 million copies and have written some TV scripts. Robert Crais has written about 70 TV scripts including L.A. Law, Hill St Blues, Cagney and Lacey etc.
Our libraries here are fairly small and I exhausted them of my particular reading material so had to buy a kindle. You don't have to buy expensive books and many are free. I refuse to pay more than £3 and I'm currently reading a box set of four that cost me 99P. I agree with Capney though, Kindle is fine for novels but not for technical or reference books.
It seems that the books I like to read never come under £3 - £4 and as I read 4 - 6 books a week (used to read more) I can't afford it. We're fortunate that there are six very well stocked libraries within a seven mile radius of Shineyland.