It's spring!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by andrewh, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. Salgor

    Salgor Gardener

    May 6, 2008
    With a thought towards the garden wakening up again I wrote the following.

    My Garden

    There’s a beauty in rounded buds, appearing fresh in Spring.
    Yellow, blue and every hue
    what delight they bring.

    Summer shows her colours bright.
    Bees hurry about their work,
    while other creatures enjoy to nibble, crunch and bite.

    As days grow cool the colours fade.
    It’s sad to see , but other flowers still glow and bloom
    And beautify the Autumn shade.

    Winter creeps, his fingers icy cold,
    to pull a soft, white fluffy coat
    O’er flowers still daring to be bold


    Sally Black
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