I've gone and done it...

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sussexgardener, May 16, 2010.

  1. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Russian Vine/Mile a minute hell....help!

    Some entertaining extracts from forum postings on Russian Vines ...


    We have a 6ft tall 40ft long trellis type fence betweeen us an our neighbour and no chance of us being able to replace it for about 150 years.

    Our neighbour's lovely but I do worry about him spying on my builder's bum when I am weeding etc and I'm wary of letting the kids out in the nude etc.

    I know russian vines are a ****** to get rid of but I cant think of anything else which would do the job quickly.

    Would you do it?


    What do i need to get rid of a russian vine that is destroying my garden fencing.


    Been asked by a good client to KILL Russian vine. It's spread over flat ground about the size of a badminton court.

    I was going to use SBK/Parrafin Mix to kill it. But it doesn't always give great results.......what would you do?

    I have explained to the client it is likely to need more than one treatment.

    Help with Russian Vine?
    Can anybody suggest how to stop my neighbours Russian Vine from making my garden a complete eyesore. It grows (a mile a minute) off their trellis straight into our garden and we are the ones that have to take time to cut it down twice a week. We have thought about putting something over it, but what?as it will just grow through normal fencing. PLEASE HELP


    Japanese Knotweed x Russian Vine
    Someone was expressing fear of Russian Vine hybridising with Japanese

    It does.


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