Just had a hip replacement.

Discussion in 'Gardening For People With Disabilities' started by roders, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

    Sep 1, 2009
    "Pleasantly unemployed."
    The Tropic of Trafford, England.
    Yes Rodders, best of luck.

    I got the first class NHS treatment by accident. An hour before my operation, they still hadn't found me a bed. I woke up in the trauma wing, with an en-suit room to myself! They left me in it until my discharge.
    Physio, was almost non-existent. They must have been under a lot of pressure. I only saw someone for about two minutes, to explain the doughnut exercise and then when I was ready to be discharged, they checked that I could walk up a flight of stairs carrying one crutch and using the other. But I'm not complaining, I managed quite well on my own.

    I went back for a check-up with the consultant some weeks later. I was so pleased with the outcome I brought him in a bottle of Glenffidich together with a nice card my wife made him. A man in surgical gear playing golf! He seemed quite startled, so I guess something like this didn't often happen. After thanking me he added. "Ooo! I'll be able to put this on my appraisal!"
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    • Doghouse Riley

      Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

      Sep 1, 2009
      "Pleasantly unemployed."
      The Tropic of Trafford, England.
      and there's more..

      Well, there would be, wouldn't there?

      The rest of the rooms of my floor were filled with men who'd had motorcycle, car, or accidents at work. Lots of pins n' stuff. I was really by comparison, "walking wounded."
      W H Smith had shops in the hospital and employed a girl to take the newspaper trolley round, but didn't give her enough hours to always do the job. So getting a paper was a bit hit and miss. So as I was relatively, "minor injuries," on the days she didn't turn up, I'd go and get the papers for the half dozen or so other patients in the other rooms. I was also delegated as "chart monitor," If you're stuck in a bed you can't read the notes attached to the clipboard on the end of it. So for those who wanted to know, I'd hand them the clipboard so they could have a quick read, before I put it back.
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      • roders

        roders Total Gardener

        Feb 26, 2006
        Thanks for all good wishes , it has now been just over three months since I had the opp.
        I have been quite lucky as it seems to have gone really well ,I am doing all the things I did before , there are things that I am more careful doing like climbing ladders.
        It really is down to doing the exercise regime and it helps if you are not over weight.
        I am glad that it was winter time and there was not so much gardening to do.
        I could only “smooch”at the Christmas disco..........and I can’t do cartwheels ,mind you I never could.:smile:
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