Your garden looks stunning, Paladin! Can you tell me more about the white plant in this picture? How fast it grows and flowering times? I'm absolutely clueless about all this still, so I'm pinching ideas from everywhere. :D I have a large brick shed, that aside from putting hanging baskets on it, it still looks like a boring brick shed.. Having something like that trailing over it would look fantastic. Thanks. Have a look in here Brind Mine is at least 20 years old. Be prepared to set aside a weekend or two as she grows for pruning
I started to clear this border ready for growing some veg again.. However, I had a shock when I pulled out a load of dead moss and discovered a Bee's nest:eek:where I dropped my gloves!......The project is on hold for now:Dbut anyone know when they will move on?
theyl die off at the end of the year, alternativly if you know someone with an aiperists suit you can borrow then you can relocate them.
:D You don't fancy a drive over and show me how Pro?:D...I 'aint going to mess with those suckers...I tend to swell up if I get stung:rolleyes:
if you were that bit closer then i would. Hopefully you can just let them be, they really are very docile but if not then a small cup of petrol or some ant powder will sort them out. I hate it when I have to destroy bees nests, Did a job for a client with honey bees in a chimmney stack last month using smokes and proofed after using a cherry picker. I filled two bin bags with dead bees and a fourth with the reatchable honey comb, very sad considering the declining bee numbers but they had to go.
I'm not going to harm them. I had no idea they were there until I messed with their front door anyway:D
lovely pics pal, pleased im not in your garden i would run a mile iff i saw them bees, pal been meaning to ask you the seeds you sent me what are the climbers called, i have 2 different climbers growing and i dont know which ones are yours, 1 hasnt flowered yet but the other one has purple like tubular shaped flowers actually they are all over my balcony and i guess they could be them as i did plant all them seeds. anyway your garden is looking great
hi pal, took some pics will put them up yes it was morning glory you sent me, theres loads growing purple flowers
Well it's that time of the year again when I cut back the rampant Clem's and a few shrubs...But I love my new machine:luv:..she eats whatever I feed her,up to 35mm anyway:D Trouble is...with all of my bins full I've had to use bags
BTW...:( my Golden Elm in the picture to the right of the Pampas has died...I posted questions about it looking sick two years ago....It was!