How many rooms do we need?
Word has spread around the world! My cousin in Australia now wants to use up some air miles and come along! All good as we don't see him that often. Party venue for when we return is all booked too In a seriously weird twist Ericas brother in law's brothers friend (keep up) is also getting married in Sorrento... the day after us!!
Spoke too soon! It was all going so well too, all booked up then I mentioned that my cousin had announced he was coming afterall and all hell has broken loose. [A bit of history - my cousin lives in Australia, he sees his mum and dad, my aunt and uncle, very rarely and has managed to rearrange a shed load of work, family commitments etc to be in Italy to see his family and me get married. With regard to the wedding, to keep numbers down we said 'no cousins' but somehow aunts and uncles made the cut, I can't remember how! My sister and her family can't make it to Italy due to cost.] I have now had 3 DAYS of belting arguments with Erica's parents due to them seeing it as an affront to humanity (I exaggerate) as cousins were not to be invited. It was pointed out that he would be replacing my sister's family (but he's not invited), we'll be paying (but he's not invited), the cousins really aren't bothered on Erica's side (but he's not invited), nor is Erica's aunt and uncle (but he's not invited) and frankly it's our wedding (but he's not invited)... It was my unclear email that got wires crossed and resulted in my cousing coming and I have apologised. I also apologised for having a sense of humour failure while the parents were chanting [altogether now] 'but he's not invited'! I thought that would settle it but nothing's changed. I cannot see how their minds think or their outrage when everyone else seems to think it really isn't an issue. Erica's been in tears ever since as she actually likes her parents and they're not bad people. Thanks for letting me vent. He's not invited you know. But he's damn well coming now!
You are a better man than I am - I'd have told the parents to Foxtrot Oscar, and told them that they weren't welcome at the wedding unless they wound their necks in. It is a day for you and Erica, and a day for loved ones to celebrate with you both. It should be who you want, when you want, where you want and how you want - and anyone that does not wish to fit in with that should go forth and multiply.
Indeed. Unfortunately I know Erica loves her parents and wants a continuing relationship... Seriously, I found calming tensions in the navy easier to deal with than this petty outfall!
Families are often the most difficult to deal with; took Mrs C's family a while to get used to me, as I tend to tell it like it is. They struggled a but with my 'if you don't like it, the door is over there' stance to begin with, but now they realise that I do it for the right reasons. Good luck mate.
FC has hit the nail on the head Andy! The wedding is yours and Erica's day and what you say goes. Call the parents bluff and say if they don't accept what you want and back off, then you and Erica will go off and marry quietly on your own. That should do it!
They've backed down and are now acting the beleaguered parents who aren't listened to, who are so hurt etc... So I'm happy
Little point resorting to arguments or confrontations; being assertive is far more productive (and less stressful) and, more importantly, how you handle *this* will set the tone for the future! You just use the "broken record" technique, outlined in red above. Means less "apologising" too So now, you ignore their (negative) response: (which is remeniscent of a sulking toddler who can't get their own way ). Carry on as if nothing has happened (eg they are not sulking, they are not hurt - their behaviour isn't worth noting, let alone responding to: if you do, then you are setting yourself up for the future and will be at the hand of emotional manipulation from here on in ). But, be aware, this little nugget could raise it's head again between now and then (or, even on the day if someone decides to mention "no cousins!" ). In which case, back to your broken record: he's representing my sister and therefore, invited Remember too: the argument is fundamentally about family dynamics (in this case, the topic is a wedding); but, family dynamics will crop up over many, other, issues: who to spend Christmas with; the first baby; the christening (if you have one - maybe even if you don't ) etc. And, family dynamics are about compromise as much as "winning" So, choose your battles wisely. Your wedding is a worthy one.
Oh there was never any question - we're doing what we want and I'll quite happily tell them so which I think they've almost worked out now. The apology was for losing my rag which is usually unnecessary and a communication problem, both of which were my fault so the apology was required. One day they will work out that we have our lives and we live them how we want to, not by their say so. They may, although I'm doubtful, learn to stick a sock in it and move on quickly. Maybe it's a parent thing in which case I'm sure all this will come back to bite me lol