Goodness, how did I miss this? I was obviously "fora as fadas" away with the fairies at the time! They are fantastic! I love the first two and the two dark coloued ones. Thank you for bringing it forward for me.
Glad you like them,though it is a shame that the season is quite short and each flower doesn't last that long
OM Goodness!!!!!! Aren't they beautiful!!! I love the very first one!! - any idea what it's called - It'll have to go on my shopping list!!!
Hi Vegmandan.These are a few photos of the Iris plants that I grow.There are a mixture of Siberian and Bearded Iris..Enjoy
Hi Kandy, I've just looked at these again and enjoyed them as much as I did last year. I also read Vegmandan's thread and I must see about getting ours replanted as you say this year. We didn't have a single flower last year.
Hi KG,yes you need to get them split up and fed so that you can enjoy the beauty of them Lintama,here is the thread I was talking to you about on the propergation thraed
Hi kandyfloss in your second post the top iris looks like the one i have in my garden, i bought it 3yrs ago in flower and put it in a pot, it was in memory of my gran who past away, her name was iris, anyway 3yrs on and now planted in the garden it has`nt flowered since, it has lots of shoots that grow but no flower even now as i look it has shoots but i don`t think its going to flower, any idea why? many thanks
Hi Scooby-mas and welcome to GC.Is there any chance that you could post a photo of your Iris so I can see exactly what it looks like and how big it is. If it is one of the Bearded Iris group they need to be planted in full sun to do well with the top of the Rhizome{The long flatish Tuber where the shoots come from}placed on top of the soil so that the sun can bake it,which helps it to grow. If the plant is too large then that will stop it flowering and it is best to split up the whole plant when three years old.Try feeding it with a Tomato Fertiliser diluted in a watering can with water and poured onto the ground round the root system. You could also try chicken pellets that you can buy in buckets at your local garden centre or even places like B&Q.If your plant hasn't flowered by the end of June then it won't flower until next year given the right conditions. A photo would help though :thumb:
here you go, i planted it last yr into the garden and have watered it & miricale growed it? is this ok im worried its not, i have a lot to learn i think, would just love it to flower again if i remember right i think it is a bearded one...... many thanks again....
Hi Scooby,It does look like one of the Bearded Iris group.If it is like the one of mine in the photo then when it does flower the flowers will smell like Germaline.{Not sure if you are familiar with that Ointment} Firstly you need to make sure that the large stone in the middle is got rid of as it isn't doing the plant much good at all. It is hard to tell if the leaves are all coming off of the main Rhizome or whether they are individual plants. I should also watch out for slugs as you have a very large one that is about to have a nosh at the base of the plant on the left.{The one nearest the large stone} Try scraping away some of the soil from the tops of the rhizome so that they are expossed to the sun. Just have patience because your plant looks healthy enough so might just surprise you and flower this year.Mine are quiet slow at the momentI think because the weather has been changeable especially with the snow in April. I can't comment on the Miracle Gro as I have never used it myself. Please keep us posted if you do get some flowers:thumb: