Kedi Gato

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by strongylodon, May 25, 2014.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I have only just seen this thread and didn't read it right through before I sent you an email. I now understand that your email address has changed.

    Our heartfelt condolences go out to both of you and Peter. :grphg:

    Thank you very much for sharing your lovely thoughts of Anne, may her soul rest in peace.

    We used to communicate with her fairly often and her love of cats was evident in all her communications. She always wanted to see photos of Oscar our cat and we used to discuss the welfare of our cats.

    She was a warm hearted person and will be missed by all of us. :grphg:
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    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      Thank you again @Ellen.

      @wiseowl, that is a lovely tribute to Sis of her pond and her precious Gato. xx

      Thank you @fat controller. I'm coming to terms with it and keeping positive thoughts.

      @pete and @Freddy. Sis sent me two actual small Indian Red Peach trees last year and they are looking pretty good at the moment, both still in pots though. I lost my Cassia pete, not from Sis, but have many plants in the garden from her such as Crinum (hoping for flowers this year), her large pot of Billbergia nutans which I originally gave her a pup of in the early 80s, two Thevetia peruviana shrubs blooming now, plus various other seeds such as Dombeya, Zamia pumila and Heliconia. I think I feel a 'planting' afternoon looming ....

      @"M", thank you for your lovely comforting words. xx

      @Sheal ... we had named the visitor Van Bandit as Sis loved Siamese and Van cats and it looks like he's wearing a mask. However, we changed it to Hoover Van Dyson as we've never seen a cat eat so quickly!

      @shiney. I received your e-mail as I can still access clix but it is a nuisance going through webmail. Thank you for your kind words and I will respond to you later. xx

      Thank you all again. :grphg: xx
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      • miraflores

        miraflores Total Gardener

        Apr 16, 2006
        mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
        Such a beautiful post...
        Big hug from me, Victoria, and stay strong... :)
        • Friendly Friendly x 1

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