Latest moan from you and me - 2016

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    I hear from some DWP employees that they regularly have to visit claimants literally on their death beds who've had their claims of being incapable of work rejected.

    And that they still make other claimants within only a few weeks of their Old Age Retirement date attend fitness for work interviews (presumably followed up by retraining programmes).

    This will only become an ever increasing farcical waste of time and money with the proposed constant increasing of retirement age.

    They should be allowed to retire early with dignity, and the savings invested in training and education of younger generations.
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    • HarryS

      HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

      Aug 28, 2010
      This was my last unaccompanied cloth shopping foray - rather dashing don't you think :biggrin:

      • Funny Funny x 6
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      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        To a point I agree,silu, but the aggressive defensive attitude of the "sharp end" of the DWP Staff is counter productive as it only increases the tension and distress of the those legitimate claimants while also making them feel guilty for claiming.
        DWP staff are under pressure to reject as many claims as possible during times of austerity and that is obvious to claimants when "walls" and barriers are deliberately erected to grind claimants down.
        I have had contact, during my work, with DWP staff who were told to, by their Supervisors and Managers to treat, and indeed regarded as told, claimants, no matter how legitimate, as "Enemies of the State" . Indeed it was my pleasure to take action against a DWP individual who when questioned about his rejection of a claim to assist a Widowed lady and her 3 children said "They can live on the streets as far as I'm concerned".
        Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost sympathy for those DWP staff who every day have to try to deal with claimants fairly, humanely, and with respect, while dealing with people who they know to be "professionals" and using the system to claim funds beyond their rights. But there is a great deal of actual contempt and even hatred by a number of DWP staff of claimants and the job that they are in. They seem to have forgotten that, or perhaps fear, that one day it could be them claiming.:coffee::dunno::snorky:
        I've been lucky during my working life in that in the first two years I was made redundant 3 times in 2 years but always went straight into another job. Having said that, I made a mental pact with myself that I would always resign from a company while negotiating to join another company or job offer. I also always refused a company car so that I could keep my own independence of transport so that should I leave a company I didn't have to find another car. So I've never claimed for anything from the State but I have many friends who lost jobs during the years and found it degrading and distressing having to deal with contemptuous, hard faced, DWP staff while frantically searching for a job. There has to be a better way to deal genuine claimants than exists at the moment.:dunno::snorky:
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        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Very true; although I am trying to think of a time in history where people were not!

          No one is *ever* too old for jeans :heehee: That is the beauty of jeans, there is a pair for every shape, size, trend, age and budget. Trouble is, because there is a pair for every shape, size, trend, age and budget ... there is simply: too much choice!!! :roflol:

          Excellent news!!! So pleased that is was pain free for you :grphg:

          Gosh, what a handsome fellow you are Harry! Clearly you can get away with wearing *anything* with such great skin and bone structure :thumbsup:

          I've had two experiences of having to deal with the DHSS/DSS in my lifetime.
          In the first instance, I had relocated back to my home town and needed their help. I cannot recall the woman I had to speak to about my circumstances, but I do recall she was polite, pleasant and efficient. I felt neither degraded, nor did I find it distressing. I obviously made an impression on *her* though because when the time came and I was able to stand on my own two feet, I telephoned the department to inform them of my change in circumstances, thank them for the assistance I was given at a time of great need and she responded: "I remember you! You were the polite one who could read upside down!!" :roflol:
          The second instance was when I was made redundant and had no alternative but to seek assistance once again. I arrived (early enough to have to join the queue forming for the doors to open), I had all my relevant documents in an A4 brown envelope, which I carried in the crook of my arm, and ... waited. I didn't need to wait for very long before a Security Guard singled me out and said: "Come and wait over here; you don't belong alongside them". Now that really blew my socks off! On the one hand, I was astonished at his snobbery because, I *was* (now) "one of them" :nonofinger: ... but, at the same time, I admit to being grateful to have been placed in a warmer position :redface: I suppose I'm saying, on both occasions I must have been extremely lucky with the personnel I had to deal with.
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          • pete

            pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

            Jan 9, 2005
            Mid Kent
            You had better luch than me then @"M" .
            I was out of work for three months and hounded by those that must be obeyed, at the job centre, to get my 70 quid a week.
            I found them polite oh yes, but downright condescending and belittling, so much so that I decided that for 70quid it wasn't worth putting up with the nasty little b*****s.
            I met two different "what ever they call themselves", people, at the place over a few weeks and neither seemed like they were trying to get me a proper job, they were just trying to make me take the first job that came available.
            The job centre had hundreds of these blood suckers working there, and I hated everyone that I came in contact with.
            If you are long term unemployed you just go sign on and go away for two weeks, if you are a known worker they push you till you crack.

            Despicable people doing a despicable job, I never want to be put through that again in my life.
            • Friendly Friendly x 3
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            • HarryS

              HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

              Aug 28, 2010
              @"M" , not exactly me that . I used a body double for the shot. I actually have a fuller figure and am a little more rounded and pink :snork:
              • Funny Funny x 2
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Not sure about the suit but that looks like an early version of a BSA Meteor on his shoulder! :heehee:
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                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  I used to work across the square from the DSS and knew a lot of them. Some were lovely people and others were the opposite. As I used to have occasional meetings with the senior officers they always wanted to know which of the staff I had received bad reports about. (Yes, @"M" I know I've finished a sentence with a preposition :dunno: :heehee:).

                  Fortunately the senior officers were good people and were gradually retraining their staff :dbgrtmb: - until they got a new boss who was an ogre! He was so bad that a report was sent to the government department from an organisation to which I belonged ( @"M" got it right that time :snork:). I don't know what happened to him but he only lasted 10 months.
                  • Funny Funny x 1
                  • silu

                    silu gardening easy...hmmm

                    Oct 20, 2010
                    I only worked for the DHSS for about 18 months. I decided I needed to move on before I became completely desensitized. Perhaps one needs to be the type of person to not take being lied to personally. When I had gone "the extra mile" for somebody only to find out they had told me a whole load of rubbish I no doubt, wrongly, took my annoyance out on the next claimant who might well have been completely honest.
                    I found it very difficult to cope with many, especially older folk, who were honest down to their last penny of savings which then may have stopped them from claiming all sorts of benefits they could have done with and then have someone pleading abject poverty while sitting in front of me with a set of car keys, packet of Dunhill International cigarettes and gold Dunhill lighter parked on the table.......this example is a true 1! I also had to become good at recognising small children as a group of "deserted" mothers pooled their children so that every one of them had at least 4 children to claim for. You had to admire the ingenuity:)
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                    • "M"

                      "M" Total Gardener

                      Aug 11, 2012
                      The Garden of England
                      Maybe I should have gone with you ;)
                      • Funny Funny x 2
                      • clanless

                        clanless Total Gardener

                        Jan 20, 2013
                        Gentleman of leisure.
                        North Wales
                        That's what really ANNOYS me when it comes to benefits. Older people being entirely honest and then getting home on a Winter's night - and not turning on the heating because they can't afford it.

                        Or, someone who sees living off benefits as a lifestyle choice - they know how to play the system, and in many cases know more than the DWP staff.

                        I have dealt with this in my own way - reducing the tax I pay - by reducing my working week.

                        I take some comfort from the fact that I'm not spending too much of my time working to pay for the state sponges.

                        As for economic migrants - I'm saying nowt.
                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        I have just a couple of minor moans - totally unrelated. Nothing really important but just annoying.

                        The first was an order to Parkers, due for delivery on Tuesday through their couriers, Hermes. They very kindly gave us the tracking details so we were able to follow the delivery through the depot and out to their agents. Hermes even sent us regular emails with update links.

                        So these were 'with your local depot', 'out for delivery' and 'delay due to address access' :scratch:. I could only translate that as meaning they couldn't find us. First thing Wednesday morning there was another 'out for delivery' but late afternoon was another 'delay etc.' :doh:

                        We phoned Parkers (they were still there at 6.55 p.m.) and they looked up their records when we gave them the post code that Hermes were trying to deliver to. Parkers said that they had sent our correct address and post code to Hermes (read it back over the phone) but that Hermes were trying to deliver to a business address in London :hate-shocked:. He apologised and but said that he would give instructions, again, for it to be delivered today. First thing this morning there was an email from Parkers apologising, again, for the mix up and stating that the deliver should be on its way.

                        We ended up with the same tracking emails from Hermes who were still trying to deliver to somewhere in London. We phoned Parkers and they said that Hermes were returning the package to them as they were unable to deliver it! Parkers are now saying that they will send the order out again and we shall receive it after Christmas. :wallbanging: It's no real problem as it's only bulbs but the inefficiency is annoying.

                        The other problem was with my car. One of my car keys was becoming erratic with regard to locking and unlocking the car (electronic key fob) and I deduced that it was the fact that the battery was going (have had the car 8.5 years). I also phoned my local garage, who are excellent, and he said that it was almost certainly that battery but that he didn't keep them in stock. He suggested that I pop into Halfords for the battery, get a new one for each key fob, and if Halfords won't fit them then to pop in and he would do it.

                        So, when out shopping I went to Halfords. They were not busy and I gave them my two fobs and asked them for batteries. In a fairly disinterested voice the (non) assistant asked me if I knew the serial number of the batteries - which, of course, I didn't. He said that they don't keep any catalogue of which car fobs their batteries are for, and then he just turned away and chatted to the assistant next to him.

                        I went out to my car, looked up the handbook and went back inside to tell him the battery number. He said "we don't do those" and turned away. Silly me :doh:. Why should I expect a business that supplies parts for cars to actually have the part I wanted :dunno:

                        I walked next door to Maplins (they do electrical equipment) told them the number of the battery and the assistant immediately said "hold on a moment" and was back within a minute with the correct batteries. :dbgrtmb: They said that they don't fit them so I dropped into my local garage and they did them immediately - no charge. :blue thumb:
                        • Like Like x 4
                          Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
                        • redstar

                          redstar Total Gardener

                          Aug 6, 2008
                          Domestic Goddess
                          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                          Ok, so what I am about to say will sound so juvenile, and I am ashamed I am thinking it. But have to get it out of my system, so have chosen you all. be kind.
                          Just found out, the new bosses last name is : Budwash. this is so hard, I am ready to giggle my stern off. we already have a guy working in our department his last name is Innocent. (really) please do not want to hurt any feelings. I am going to have to think of something sad when I am introduced to him.
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                          • ARMANDII

                            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                            Jan 12, 2019
                            No doubt the poor guy has already had to live with it all from School age and having his name shouted out while in class or a queue.:doh: When in the RAF I met a Group Captain "Bar-Steward] if you get my drift., [he wasn't one], and some airmen I worked with were named Clutterbuck, Crapper, Nutter, Shufflebottom, and a friend of mine calls his long suffering girl friend "Mrs Bracegirdle":dunno::heehee:
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                            • redstar

                              redstar Total Gardener

                              Aug 6, 2008
                              Domestic Goddess
                              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                              no wonder Mr. Budwash went in to counseling, he needed it for himself. poor guy.
                              • Agree Agree x 2
                              • Funny Funny x 1

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