Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning my moan is the weight of my 65 inch TV its heavy when I have to take it in to the garden and then the neighbours watch it over the fence :lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • luciusmaximus

      luciusmaximus Total Gardener

      Apr 18, 2014
      Lost in the Wilderness
      Isle of Anglesey
      You could just invite them in Wiseowl and avoid having to carty such a heavy load:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
      • Funny Funny x 2
      • redstar

        redstar Total Gardener

        Aug 6, 2008
        Domestic Goddess
        Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
        Nice way of putting it, I also wake up to the bird chores (different birds) . And leave a window open during the night. Am blessed with a quiet neighborhood, for the most part. Once in a while the kids will ride their dirt bikes, although can't remember last time, so maybe they broke. Or can hear my neighbor woodworking saw in his shed, but not that loud. The clip clop of the Amish horses on the street above and the sound of the carriage wheels. Once in a blue moon a neighbor will play some music, but that is distant. We all have about 2 to 3 acres, so not that bad.
        Also far enough away from peering eyes as not to need curtains closed for privacy.
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        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          Sounds like the home of my dreams @redstar

          After working in Manufacturing for most of my working life and having loud machines nearby for nearly all of that time and in those days it wasn't standard practise to be given ear defenders.:sad:

          I now can't stand too many loud noises even Mr Kandies nephew and niece talk loud when we are in their company and I practically stand there with my fingers in my ears:sad: We have the Blades display team practising over our village and it does my head in and then when we go to the Lottie they come over there as well to practise their loop de loop routine ready for the air shows.I can't even stand the helicopters that fly over us:sad:

          I would love to move somewhere quieter but Mr Kandy can't understand my problem because he spent all his working life in a nice quiet office with only a few times being in a noisy environment so he can take noise whereas at times I feel like I want to shoot these aircraft out of the sky:biggrin:

          Even the cockerel on the plot a couple over from our plot at the lottie does my head in and I keep shouting at it to shut up.Now looks who's being noisy:biggrin:
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            Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
          • wiseowl

            wiseowl Admin Staff Member

            Oct 29, 2006
            Philosophy of people
            Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
            Good evening I try to keep a balance hence my long walks in the countryside with just the birds rolling fields and woods and of course my holiday static caravan at Allhallows on the North kent coast a few days there enables me to deal with the upheaval of the modern way of life;):blue thumb:
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Thank you @Kandy . If its possible to move to a quiet place, you got to keep talking about it with your husband. I know when we were first looking, 26 years ago, husband wanted to move to the noisier area near where his parents live. I said no way right off the bat. Told him I am country girl. After we bought this house, he raved about it to his friends of the peace and quiet etc. Though over the years its gotten a little more traffic noise from the highway due to the town getting more stores, but in general its still quiet.
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              • Kandy

                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                Apr 23, 2006
                Head gardener
                In the Middle Of Blighty
                @redstar Mr Kandy's parents inherited their home which was in those days on a quite road so they never had a lot of traffic until the road became a lot busier due to lorries(trucks) cars,busses,motorbikes and every vehicle imaginable travelling along it to get to other towns that have expanded and they never had any windows open in the summer months or in the winter to drown out the noise:sad: As my father in law never wanted a mortgage they stayed put until both of them died but by then had got used to the noise:sad:

                When we first got married 37 years ago there was a dual carriageway being built half a mile away from our bungalow on top of a hill.The traffic noise was ok but over the years it gradually built up to the extent that it was a constant roar every day because the wind always blew in the wrong direction.When the wind did change direction which was only a couple of times a year we thought we had gone deaf:biggrin: Sitting out in the garden was a big no no so I was so glad when we moved to our house in the middle of nowhere but have other noises instead:sad:

                One reason why we do like the wilds of Scotland and other places as the silence is deafening:cool:

                I think my Tinnitus problems started because of the indoor noisy environment that I had to put up with when younger so my hearing has been damaged :mad:

                Your home sounds lovely especially as you say you are away from neighbours.The problem with the UK apart from Scotland,Wales,Ireland and other places the builders are cramming in more houses so they are closer together to get more profit so we are living with tiny gardens which for a lot of people is fine but for some of us who enjoy gardening and growing our own fruit and vegetables it is a bind:sad: A lot of new houses being built on the edges of towns have motorways and dual carriageways at the bottom of their gardens and are being snapped up because they are close to shops and easy access to these roads gets them to work quicker so they put up with the noise:biggrin:

                @wiseowl the airfield that we drive to for a good walk and the old railway line that is now a fifteen mile cycle/walking path has the A14 dual carriageway a few miles in the distance but we can always still hear it as the wind always comes from that way.We are finding we are having to travel now even further to get away from the noise.Perhaps we ought to move up to Wordsworths country:biggrin: I wandered lonely as a cloud....:smile:
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                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Good morning @Kandy my friend if for some reason I can't get out,its to the quiet room headphones on the laptop and on with a DVD with Jack Hargreaves and Out of Town or Geoff Hamilton and let the rest of the world go by,that gets rid of the tinnitus and helps me relax;):blue thumb:
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                  • Kandy

                    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                    Apr 23, 2006
                    Head gardener
                    In the Middle Of Blighty
                    @wiseowl I have been busy watching a lot of the reruns of Ground Force on the telly plus Vet on the Hill,Bondi Vet,The Yorkshire Vet,The Super Vet, More creatures Great and Small,Posh Pawn etc I am also reading the nome books by Sir Terry Pratchett,doing word search puzzle books plus write out my daily diary and I listen each morning to a beautiful Wren singing his heart out in my front garden but still the Tinnitus remains:sad: I really need to get out more:biggrin:
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                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Then you'd hate all the tourists that come up there! :snork:

                      Nothing stops my tinnitus and I can't wear headphones :sad: :noidea: So I try and concentrate on things all the time. :blue thumb:
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                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        At 2a.m. this morning my email stopped working and I couldn't send or receive emails :wallbanging:.

                        We have three email accounts and the other two worked perfectly, but my main one kept telling me that my 'login was rejected by my ISP' and kept asking me to put in my password and try again (I don't normally need to put in the password as I have it logged into the computer).

                        Nothing worked :cry3:, so I tried shutting down Outlook (didn't help), shutting down the computer (it rarely gets turned off as we tend to use it 24 hours a day - didn't help), then shutting down and unplugging (this sometimes solves problems but didn't this time).

                        I occasionally get a message from my server telling me that there have been too many unsuccessful attempts at login and I need to change my password. This has never happened on my main account but happens sometime on the sub accounts. So I thought that would happen and was waiting for them to tell me - but didn't happen.

                        By then it was 5.30 a.m. so I went out to potter around in the garden, came back in for a cuppa, sat and watched United Airlines dragging a passenger of a flight kicking and screaming (he hadn't done anything wrong but they were overbooked and wanted a seat for one of their officials :hate-shocked: :doh:). Then came back to the computer and the email is working again :scratch:
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                        • Kandy

                          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                          Apr 23, 2006
                          Head gardener
                          In the Middle Of Blighty
                          Yes Shiney I have thought of that,one reason why we are still here plus the flooding puts me off a bit.When we do the lakes we go September time when a lot of the tourists have gone back to work and school:biggrin: Even though the Isle of Wight is a small island we can often go out walking for a few hours and might not see anyone in that time as most people would be bored out walking in the beautiful scenery they would rather sit on a beach all day or visiting the shops:biggrin:

                          I saw that on the news about that poor chap getting dragged off of the aircraft,I hope he sues them:biggrin: I also read about that poor pilot that died from that cabin illness (can't remember what it was called now:scratch:) through years of breathing in the fuel fumes:yikes:

                          We watched a programme on the telly last night about the London Underground with thousands of people crammed on to the trains and jammed against the door:yikes: I would love to go down to visit the Natural History Museum again but I don't think I could cope now with all those crowds of people:sad:

                          Once I am once again able to get out of the house my Tinnitus will gradually go as the outside noises will blot it out.I have the lounge window open at the moment as we have a beautiful Wren singing his heart out plus I can hear the doves cooing to each other and as it is my right ear that rings they will help blot the noise out:biggrin:
                          • Like Like x 4
                          • redstar

                            redstar Total Gardener

                            Aug 6, 2008
                            Domestic Goddess
                            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                            Two things that were put in place in this area: 1.-the "Save the Space" ruling by the local government, which protects lots of open spaces, farms, etc. 2. the visual ambience ruling---That any buildings or house construction has to comply with already the historic quality of the county. Your builders out there may think they make more money by building more and they probably do. However, the seller later will make more if there is "hard to find" house available, thus the cost for the home owner is better. Perhaps you can rally the other citizens of your area to do what we did here. Save the Space and Ambience.
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                            • redstar

                              redstar Total Gardener

                              Aug 6, 2008
                              Domestic Goddess
                              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                              put out on my deck this morning my seed flat of my Blue Poppies to get some good sun etc. Now this is the typical "BLACK" flat, against a blond colored deck floor. Looking up from the riding mower, I see husband walking on the deck, I am just about to yell, don't step on the flat. then I think well he has to see it. But, no, he turns and kicks it 5 inches. Thank goodness it only shifted. But still, shaking my head. I am like, where is your eyes. And it was not in an area of path.
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                              • Rustler

                                Rustler Super Gardener

                                Jun 7, 2014
                                Retired (Early)
                                Eltham, London
                                I want to moan about all the moans in this forum. I'm gradually working away through all the ones I've missed since being away and it's about a weeks reading without all the other stuff I need to catch up on, on here. Ha ha. Being nosey though, I do want to know what I've missed.
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