Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    Totally understand why they can't.
    Let's weigh (excuse the pun; not intentional) up the predicament:
    Phoning in a delivery of a big fat kebab, laden with MSG, saturated fat, extra salt in case the MSG doesn't *quite* make it "tasty" enough ... versus ... walking to a local greengrocers (no, wait, they have ceased trading now) erm ... walking to the local fishmongers (no, wait, they have ceased trading now) ... walking to the local butchers (no, wait, they have ceased trading now) ... :scratch: ... erm ... :Think: ... getting a cab to the local out of town supermarkets ... bypassing (as if they could!) those processed "Ready Meals" and/or "Fake-away" ready meals, not to mention all those deals on high fat, high sugar, high salt snackeroonies (way cheaper than a punnet of strawberries/pack of salad/veg/other fruits).
    Yup: £27k is the price you pay for ... "convenience", "no effort", "cheap as chips" self harming, marketing, gullibility :dbgrtmb:
    Don't you just love it!?
    It's a lot of effort deciding which way to fall!

    On a more serious note, eating dis-orders are not a joking matter, nor one to be taken lightly. Some people eat to live; others live to eat! Ergo, there are deeper issues involved than simple maths. It is no secret that food and emotions are intertwined to some degree or another. In which case, the money side of it is a by-product.

    Look deeper ;)

    For some it is sex; for others it may be alcohol, for others yet, it may be gambling, and for others still, it may be tobacco, legal or illegal drugs and for some others, it may be certain types of foods. Addiction is a powerful thing ... and those I have listed are known addictions.

    Walk a mile in their shoes ;)
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

      That way, when you criticise them you're a mile away and you've got their shoes! :heehee:
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      • wiseowl

        wiseowl Admin Staff Member

        Oct 29, 2006
        Philosophy of people
        Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
        Mine Is Gardeners Corner:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          They certainly can't.
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          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            My rant is...

            I rang the wildlife sanctuary the other week regarding having the four hedgehogs returned to us that we dropped off last November as they were all underweight and wouldn't survive going into hibernation.We had left a donation of money,old dog towels plus hundreds of newspapers collected from our village shop that were going to be dumped to help out in some small way and this rescue centre is miles from where we live.

            Anyway the lady on the end of the phone took my phone number and hedgehog numbers to go and check on their progress as she thought the animal hospital was going to keep them a bit longer as the weather was going to get colder."When I find out I will let you know"the lady said...:smile:

            Anyway I didn't want to keep pestering them as they have enough to do with rescuing all this wildlife and hadn't got hours to man the phones.As we hadn't heard back I decided to check on their Facebook page only to see four of their staff holding hedgehogs ready for release at the end of last week and were looking for people to take them on.I told Mr Kandy he needed to get over there but as they are closed on Mondays and we had a visitor on Tuesday he couldn't get over there until Wednesday this week.(Not many days after I had seen the Facebook message) So off he treks over there with the cat carrier that we kept only to be told that nearly all of the hedgehogs had been released (Over 200)and all that were left were sick ones.:yikes: We were not happy bunnies as we filled out paper work and ticked the box saying we wanted them back and was told they would let us know in either March or April depending on the weather.:sad:

            Mr Kandy was told to go back to reception to explain that I had rung them and to see what they could do.He was fuming:mad: Anyway they took our details and said that after checking the paper work they would ring us back later that day to see what had gone on.

            I did indeed get the phone call back but the bad news was one of ours had died and two others of ours were sick(:th scifD36:)and as Mr Kandy hadn't put the hedgehog number in his phone for the last one it had been given away:sad:

            The receptionist said that once our two are well enough would we like them back and they will let us have another two to make the numbers up as they have a few unwell at the moment and would tell the girls to pin a note on the front of the cage with our contact details on:th scifD36:

            I know they are only hedgehogs but when I go to the trouble of catching them and taking them to a rescue centre I would appreciate that they would let me have them back to release in the safety of our village not some town with hundreds of cars to squash them.:gaah:

            I know we have two adults that have woken up that we are feeding at the moment but we didn't know at the time that the adults would even survive the winter :frown: and we haven't got any proof that one of ours did die or that the two sick ones are two and of the ones we took to them in the first place:sad:

            That feels good to get it off my chest...
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              Last edited: Apr 28, 2017
            • luciusmaximus

              luciusmaximus Total Gardener

              Apr 18, 2014
              Lost in the Wilderness
              Isle of Anglesey
              Which sanctuary did you take your four to? Its a shame you've had a negative experience. People like yourselves who are willing to take the hogs and offer them on going support are a wonderful resource :)
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              • Kandy

                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                Apr 23, 2006
                Head gardener
                In the Middle Of Blighty
                One a good way from us as it was the nearest to us as others I had Googled was either too far away or had ceased being a rescue centre.

                Due to this bad experience it has put us off having anything more to do with this charity apart from having their sick hedgehogs back especially as we gave them all our contact details and ticked the box to say we wanted them back and was told they would contact us at the right time for release.It seems to me they are a bit of a shambles to be honest:sad:

                I even had to tell them that they had left the reception/shop unmanned with the donation tin in easy reach of would be thieves and all I got told by the owner was that they had CCTV so would see if it got stolen.Not very good at all:mute:

                I was told that the hoglets are not left in the hospital part all winter as it is too hot and that they go in outdoor pens where it is quiet so I reckon that once they get up to hibernation weight they go into the outdoor pens and I reckon this is where one of ours died.I had told them that the first one had a rasping noise coming from its chest and Dr Google said it was probably due to Lungworm and also had a tick on it so we assumed they had a vet that would give it something to clear up the problems.:scratch:

                I did say to Mr Kandy only yesterday after all this that if these rescue centres have over 200 hoglets to look after they are not going to spend money on phone calls ringing rescuers up to let them know their hoglets are now big enough to be released.

                Everyone keep banging on about how rare hedgehogs are getting and we all need to help them but when we try it all goes wrong and we certainly won't be leaving them any money when we pop our clogs:sad:
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                  Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
                • luciusmaximus

                  luciusmaximus Total Gardener

                  Apr 18, 2014
                  Lost in the Wilderness
                  Isle of Anglesey
                  So, you gave this charity 4 hedgehogs last Nov and 2 of them are now sick and 1 has died?. Did they tell you why the hogs are sick and what caused the death of the other one?:cry3:.
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                  • wiseowl

                    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                    Oct 29, 2006
                    Philosophy of people
                    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                    Good morning @Kandy my friend I certainly wouldn't leave it there,even if it only prevents other people and the hedgehogs being treated the same in the future,I wouldn't be satisfied until I got an answer from them either an email,phone or knowing yours truly a personal visit to bend their ears a little;):blue thumb:
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                    • Kandy

                      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                      Apr 23, 2006
                      Head gardener
                      In the Middle Of Blighty
                      IMG_0390.JPG IMG_0383.JPG IMG_0367.JPG @luciusmaximus I think they are are just saying that it is our hedgehog that has died and the other two are sick as an excuse because they have actually given away or released our hedgehogs and we don't have any actual proof as to whether they are the ones that are in the sick bay.Funny how it is ours that have either died or gone sick,too much of a coincidence if you ask me but as the hedgehogs were not marked with anything to identify them one hedgehog looks very much like another:sad: Have asked Mr Kandy and he says they didn't actually say what was wrong with them and the receptionist I spoke to on the phone when she rang me back didn't say either.The paper work we filled in each time we went in has its own hedgehog number which Mr Kandy made a note of in his phone but he missed one number off when took the two in so it is on their paper work but we don't have that number.If I had known he had missed off one of the numbers I would have taken a photo of the forms I filled out. She just said one had died and gave no reason of what it died of.(Starvation,Lungworm or Hyperthermia) I should imagine:cry3:

                      @wiseowl I am housebound at the moment so can't go anywhere and even if we did go over there to argue it out we are likely to be thrown off the premises.I can't even leave a bad review anywhere can get in trouble for it these days so it will just leave a bitter taste.We have said that of the ones they have in the hospital part we will have four of them to release in our garden.If they are unrelated and breed with the two we have visiting our garden at least the genes won't be related.
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                        Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
                      • Jiffy

                        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                        Aug 25, 2011
                        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                        This seem's to be how some people/companys are in this day and age
                        • Agree Agree x 4
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          @Kandy you don't need to leave a bad review but you just put in exactly what has happened. There's nothing wrong with that. You let the readers come to their own conclusions.

                          So you say that you took them to them and they promised to let you know what was happening and would call you when they were ready to come home. They didn't contact you at all and when you kept chasing them, because they couldn't answer your earlier queries, they eventually told you that one had died and two were sick and they'd released the other into the wild - exactly what they promised not to do.

                          Have I got that info correct? You can add any other info about your communications, on the phone or in person, but don't mention your conclusion that you think they are lying to you. You just let the readers work out what they think. It may help stop it happening again.
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                          • Kandy

                            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                            Apr 23, 2006
                            Head gardener
                            In the Middle Of Blighty
                            @shiney we need to get the hedgehogs back first before we leave any sort of review:sad:

                            That is correct,every time we took a hoglet to them we had to fill out a white sheet of paper with our name,address and telephone number so that was three for the single hedgehogs and the last sheet was for the last two we took in to them and they each had their own hedgehog number for when we had them back so they would know who they all belonged to.We ticked the box to say we wanted them returning to us,that is why we left a phone number.I can't remember if there was the corresponding numbers attached to the cage they went in.:scratch: The young girls we spoke to said that they would keep the hoglets until the spring when the weather was better and then we would be contacted so we could go and pick them up for release into either our garden or village fields.

                            As time was getting on and we hadn't heard from them I phoned up and spoke to a lady (Possibly the owner?) and explained everything to her and did say that although Mr Kandy hadn't put the last hoglet number into his phone,the number would be on the paper work to which she replied that the paperwork was filed away and they hadn't got time to go through the paperwork as it wasnt in any particular order and they have hundreds of animals/birds in there at any one time so obviously haven't got a proper filing system:scratch:

                            Anyway, this lady took my phone number and the hedgehog numbers and said she would check with the hospital part when they were going to be given back to people as she thought they might keep them longer due to the weather turning colder which it has now done.I never heard back from her so when I saw on Facebook that they had got 213 hedgehogs to be released I told Mr Kandy to get over there to pick ours up not realising there would be all these problems.

                            When a lady rang me back last Wednesday afternoon she said they had found the paperwork and then proceeded to tell me what had happened to them.We at no point have called them liars to their faces or over the phone,we have just discussed what has happened between ourselves.

                            I would rather just get the hogs back whether they are ours or not so that we can release them and get back on with our lives as I am already feeling down with being confined to the house without more hassle:gaah::hhog:

                            By the way I did put the address of the rescue centre on here but deleted it as I don't want hundreds of GC readers round the country contacting them and looking on their Facebook page it is mostly youngsters that post on their page,which I didn't even know to begin with exsisted until I went onto the rescue centres website and saw the follow us on Facebook icon.I did leave a message about sending Mr Kandy over to pick up the hogs before all this happened.
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                            • clanless

                              clanless Total Gardener

                              Jan 20, 2013
                              Gentleman of leisure.
                              North Wales
                              Went into marks and sparks to purchase a shirt.

                              The 'type' that I liked came in either 'tailored' or 'slim' or 'extra slim' - not 'normal' aka 'regular' as it used to.

                              M&S really need to take a long hard look at joe public - you don't cater for joe you may as well go home.

                              I'm not surprised their sales are suffering - as far as I can see they don't stock the sizes that people buy.

                              Mugwumps :):rasp:
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                              • Jiffy

                                Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                                Aug 25, 2011
                                Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                                Went for a walk this afternoon and had to get out the way of big tractor with tractor in single track road, he got he's warning when he went around the blind bend and he had to slam on the brakes when he met head on to a 4x4 with horse trailor :snork:

                                That will or will not teach him
                                One day i will be reporting a bang and it's going to be a big bang at that

                                So drive steady and watch out someone may not be so lucky
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