Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by shiney, Jan 5, 2019.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve

    It's pretty similar here in Portugal.
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    • Sian in Belgium

      Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

      Apr 8, 2011
      Just south of Brussels
      I seem to spend most of my days fighting back tears, I feel so helpless... it’s at times like this you realise just how isolated you are in a foreign country.

      @noisette47, I think you are probably in the right direction, comparing Belgian law with French law. Until the 1960s, I think, French was the only language accepted in court here, even though for over half the population, it is not their first language. So they probably follow a similar system.

      We had a cloud-burst here yesterday evening, as a storm system hit the warm air on the outskirts of the capital, and dumped its rain. It happens probably 4-5 times a year? We have even dug a storm “sump” just below the doorway, to drain away the flood water that comes just from our drive, from the street down to the house. Anyway, the storm rain was so heavy, the inspection hatch was lifted off the new sewage drain that they have just installed in the street, about halfway along our street border/fence (arrgghh - can’t think in any language this afternoon!). Had we been connected up, as we will have to soon, it would have completely flooded down to outside our house door, and flushed out our septic tank (which we will have to keep after connecting to the sewage system, because of the geography) right in front of the door.

      ....and my husband comes home from work, and wonders why I’m not my normal bouncy self...
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      • noisette47

        noisette47 Total Gardener

        Jan 25, 2013
        Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
        It's been a bit damp here, too 35mm since 10pm yesterday. On the bright side, everything's beautifully watered! Will you be able to use your old tank for rainwater recuperation, Sian? If it's a 3000l one, that's quite useful. Living on a slope is 'interesting' isn't it? Our land is terraced with retaining walls holding up the drive and the house terrace. I often wonder whether the walls will withstand seriously heavy storms for many more years!
        Re. the insurance claim, I can only offer advice from experience of dealing with companies and bureaucrats here. A charm offensive usually gets results, however difficult it is to stay charming when you feel like slapping them Failing that, asking to speak to the Directeur/Directrice can help. You're not alone, though. You're never alone with the Internet, wherever you live!
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        • Sian in Belgium

          Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

          Apr 8, 2011
          Just south of Brussels
          If we could fully connect to the sewage network, we would probably have re-used the tanks (yes, there’s a main tank, and an overflow) for water storage. However, the house is below the street, halfway down the slope to the valley. We cannot go down to the waste pipe as it goes along the bottom of the valley, so we have to go back up the hill to the street. The slope means that we cannot safely even use a single pump with failure alarm. The only practical solution (I have experience of failed sewage pump on a similar incline, and the subsequent wading through the “consequences” backflowing from the street ) is to put a pump with alarm in the secondary tank. We will have to keep the primary tank as a functioning septic tank, and the secondary “liquid” overflow tank contents being pumped up the hill. Do-able, but expensive to install, disruptive to the wildlife, and expense on running costs (have to pay sewage rates, as well as running a pump permanently) and we’ll still have the disadvantages of a septic tank to maintain.

          Amazingly, we have heard back from the assessor(??) and we have an appointment for him to view the damage/site at the end of the month... He says that he was only notified at the end of May...but this doesn’t surprise me. We tried for a few weeks to get multiple quotes, as we were shocked at the initial quote - but then found out that was the cost of solid gates!! The insurance company matched our delay with one of their own!

          It is so good to know that there are friends out “there” who are willing to listen!:grphg:
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            Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
          • Loofah

            Loofah Admin Staff Member

            Feb 20, 2008
            People who mix biscuits in the biscuit tin - argh! What's wrong with you?!
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            • Vince

              Vince Not so well known for it.

              Mar 10, 2008
              North London / Lincolnshire Fens
              The council contractors who fitted Carol's old kitchen need shooting, I knew they were bad because I've had to remedy all their electrical and plumbing errors (was going to say "cock ups"), but that's an injustice to male chickens who no doubt would have made a better job?

              I was banned from saying anything whilst they were fitting the kitchen ( I used to be a professional kitchen fitter ) .......

              Now just finishing off Carol's new kitchen and found another "hidden" balls up....... so tomorrow, got to spend a day sorting that out..........

              ........... The contractors probably got paid a lot, I'll get nothing!
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              • Victoria

                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                Jun 9, 2006
                Lady of Leisure
                Messines, Algarve

                Stop winging Vince. You have Carol ... and she is probably worth more than her weight in gold. Please appreciate her.
                • Friendly Friendly x 1
                • Jenny namaste

                  Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                  Mar 11, 2012
                  retired- blissfully retired......
                  Battle, East Sussex
                  definitely NOT happy.
                  Taking away my free TV licence.
                  Where I live ,many are over 80 and the telly is their only reliable daily companion and they may not be on Pension Credit but they are not wealthy
                  How churlish and mean ...:nonofinger:
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                  • Doghouse Riley

                    Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

                    Sep 1, 2009
                    "Pleasantly unemployed."
                    The Tropic of Trafford, England.
                    Another sure sign the NHS is going to the dogs.

                    Our health centre, was a medical practice with four doctors as partners. In the last couple of years, their patient numbers have doubled. (according to iur doctor who we know well). At the same time three doctors have gone part time and the drag in other doctors to cover. These of course won't know the history of the patient. Digressing here, my wife had a consultant appointment a year so ago, but he was unavailable so another consultant was covering for him.
                    He rather abruptly said to my wife, "Why are you here?" To which she replied. "Try reading that big file in front of you."

                    My wife has a check-up twice a year. She has to have a blood test and be sure her doctor has the results before going to see him. Until recently you could ask for the form requesting a blood test to be signed by a doctor, this still only takes a couple of days. Armed with this, you could go to either of two "local" (not that local) hospitals and walk into the blood test clinic, no appointment necessary. There might be a queue of several people in front of you but that was no real hardship,
                    That has now changed. You have to phone up to book an appointment....If you can get through.

                    After I'd collected her letter my wife made an appointment to see her doctor in three weeks time, this should have been enough time to get a blood test and the results through. But the doctor's appointment has come round before she's been able to book a blood test as the line is always busy.

                    Doctor's appointments. I'm at the surgery every week collecting my wife's medication. I noticed today, there's a new notice at reception which says that if you want to make an appointment, "one of our trained staff, will ask you why you think you need to see them." (or words to that effect).

                    I should cocoa, no way are we going to relate symptoms to a reception clerk.
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                    • Fat Controller

                      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                      May 5, 2012
                      Public Transport
                      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                      Personally, I would rather they cut some of their costs (why do they need to keep sending news crews out to stand outside buildings where something may or may not be happening inside for example?), and once they have properly cut costs if there is still a shortfall to pay for the over 75's to have free TV licence, divvy that cost up amongst all licence holders.

                      Either that, or run it commercially.

                      British Propaganda Corporation
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                      • Doghouse Riley

                        Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

                        Sep 1, 2009
                        "Pleasantly unemployed."
                        The Tropic of Trafford, England.
                        The BBC are arrogant and wasteful. In my business, we had to work to budgets and hopefully make a profit. The BBC know on 1st January how much cash they will receive from the Government each year. They're run by a bunch of amateurs and still can't balance the books.
                        The new Eastenders set is £27M over budget, now the spend is up to £86.7m. What was wong with the old one that couldn't be fixed?
                        I'll tell you, it's that the BBC "suits" can tell it's just a set when viewed in HD. Who else will care? It's a naffin' soap for cryin' out loud!

                        Every sports programme is top loaded with commentators "stating the bleedin' obvious," and pundits. The reason is, that paying these people silly money, (when he was a pundit on Match of the Day, Alan Hansen was reportedly being paid £1.5M a year). Gary Lineker earns as much.

                        The BBC's argument is that stretching out sports programmes by including rabbit from these people, say for half an hour before and half an hour afterwards, is cheaper than an hour of say, drama. I know this is true, but why pay them so much? They must be ten a penny. These people earned so much in their careers and being on TV now is great for sponsorship and things like after-dinner speaking. They should be paying the BBC to appear.

                        Women's World Football Cup. At least two commentators on BBC 1 and another two on the "red button," and Gabby Logan, (pink suit one day pink dress the following day, all paid for no doubt by us and three female ex-football player pundits). Go back a few years there was only one commentator. Now they always have two, no doubt to chat to each other while football lovers ignore them and try to watch the game.

                        Tennis commentary, in the days of, "Ooo I say!" Dan Maskell, they never spoke of the action, just between the games. That went out the window long ago. Now we have three. I don't need any. The umpire calls the score. It comes up as a strap line at the bottom of the screen but the naffin' commentator has to tell us too! I mute the commentary between the games.

                        Oh for a "red button, no commentary" option, just the sound of the action.

                        Just a point, I know she's getting on a bit but why does Fiona Bruce appear so many times in one episode of the Antiques Road Show?
                        She's not an antique and knows naff all about them.
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          @Doghouse Riley our CBC gets aver a billion from us taxpayers every year and it is dreadfully pedestrian. The only show worth watching is an ITV production they buy from over there!

                          I saw the Eastenders when I was visiting last year and was fascinated by the slum people portrayed. Only saw a few episodes but it was enough for me!
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                          • Mike Allen

                            Mike Allen Total Gardener

                            Jan 4, 2014
                            Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                            Eltham. SE. London

                            At long last my local council and Bexley council are really clamping down on the misuse of blue badges. Offenders don't realise that if caught, the person to whom the badge was issued....loses it.

                            Hi Pete, so sorry to hear of your back probs. Regarding the sick note/certificate. Although a long time ago. I was on long term sick. My certs were issued for six month periods. I was paid by incapcity benefit, had many intermediate medicals etc. Finally when I reached retiring age, all that stopped.
                            I wish you a speedy recovery.
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                            • Mike Allen

                              Mike Allen Total Gardener

                              Jan 4, 2014
                              Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                              Eltham. SE. London
                              On the subject of medics. Fairly recently I became friends with a doctor, a member of GW forum. Our common interest is roses, and our meeting arose from the RNRS folding. He mentioned that nowadays the GP does a few clicks on the computer and prescribes automatically. I am inclined to believe that this method of prescribing is costing the NHS lots. At one time. Your GP knew YOU, perhaps even bought you into the world. He/She also knew more about the drugs and medications. Now you open a box of pills and you have a manuscript to read, often to find that this medication is not for YOU.

                              Then at one time you had to be at deaths doors to get a blood test. Now, doc I've got this splinter in my finger. OK go and get a blood test. Blood tests I understand cost a hundred pounds a go.
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                              • shiney

                                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                                Jul 3, 2006
                                Retired - Last Century!!!
                                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                                We receive the winter fuel allowance. We don't really need it but can't be taken off the list because they have no mechanism to do so. A number of our friends don't need it either. We give ours to charity but I don't think our friends bother. If they linked this allowance to pensioners' licence fees and allowed refusal they could probably continue with giving licences free without additional cost. It can't be difficult to have an opt out method.
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