Legal Highs

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Jul 22, 2012.


    HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

    Jul 17, 2011
    in the shed
    Ahh thornapple never heard it called that before Zigs.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      OMG Zigs.. Thank goodness he is OK now, but also that he had the thought & presence of mind to talk to you about it though.. You're a good Dad.. :SUNsmile:

      It is so so sad & such a waste of life & time that so many of the young of today have to take such rubbish & get off their faces with drugs & alcohol all the time...!! I am glad that person came out of it with a memory though..
      I might only live in a small village but it has it problems & known places with the youngsters too.. So sad...
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      He's fine now, says he won't be going near it again.
      • Like Like x 2
      • HYDROGEN86

        HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

        Jul 17, 2011
        in the shed
        I went into a legal high shop in manchester a year or so ago. It was around the time those 2 young men had died from that meow meow stuff. I was having a chat with the store owner, hows business stuff like that.
        He said ever since those to lads died he has been getting harassed by the police. They hang around the store, search customers when they leave as they get round the corner and sometimes they were even coming into the shop and telling the owner he is damaging the community ect The store sold a huge amount of cannabis related products from bongs to skins to grow tents., The owner said to me, that the police were saying to him he can sell all the cannabis related products in the world they dont care, but the moment he started selling the legal highs that all changed. The shop has since gone bust and i have no sympathy.
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Blimey, never known the police to be sensible before.
        • Like Like x 1
        • HYDROGEN86

          HYDROGEN86 Head Gardener

          Jul 17, 2011
          in the shed
          Yep! i actually have quite alot of respect for our police. I got stopped a while ago on a friday night whilst driving to the gym with my gym buddy. The coppers said that coz we were heading to wythemshawe they thought we mite be burglers. They boxed our car in and everything. The car stunk. A copper said who is smoking weed lads? nobody we said. They asked us a few more questions and then left as they were leaving one of them said "enjoy your spliffs lads" :ThankYou: :dancy: :lunapic 130165696578242 5: :love30:
        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          You don't have to go very far to find mind altering 'herbs' just growing wild. I find this, in a strange sort of way, to be one of the saddest things with society, that there are some people so desperate for a fix that they'll mug and rob people to pay for a bit bleach powder, when they can get their fix for free from the wild if they could just be bothered to learn. Not that I'm suggesting for a second that anyone should do that of course.

          When I was young and daft, I used to attend a weekly party at some bloke's house who was a friend of a friend of friend type of thing. Loud music, all kinds of alcohol, and a selection of exotic herbs.

          One time the coppers knocked on the door. I was the level headed one, so lucky it was me that answered the door. I said to plod, just a moment, I'll get the householder. My intention was to run into the living room, tell everyone to loose the more interesting smokes, before the coppers came in and simply did us for being too noisy. It didn't work like that though, a mate of mine (less level headed than me) happened to come out to the passage way at that moment, saw two members of plod, and said 'ah, come in, come in, the more the merrier', threw one arm around one plod's shoulders and escorted him in, boasting that there's lots of different herbs for them to sample. I thought we were stuffed. That's it, a night in the cells at least I thought.

          The coppers came into the living room, where there were people defying gravity, and a massive haze of technicolour smoke. The coppers looked around, saw extra large rollies doing the rounds, saw people laid on the floor giggling at the ceiling, saw people sat perfectly still staring at nothing. They thought about if for a moment, then one turned the stereo down and said, 'if we have to come back you'll be in bother', and then turned and left. I was thinking, are they blind, how could they not see what's happening, and then just as they stepped over the front door step, one turned and said, enjoy the smoke lads, but next time at least do us the courtesy of trying to hide it from us.
          • Like Like x 3
          • EddieJ

            EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

            Feb 21, 2010
            Oak timber framer
            Hardly surpising!!:biggrin:


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