Local gardeners

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by richtich, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. richtich

    richtich Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 10, 2007
    Thanks Jimmy, will give them a go.
  2. Gardensponge

    Gardensponge Apprentice Gardener

    Dec 15, 2006
    Hello Richtich,
    When you have your cards and flyers dont forget to put a few with your local nurseries and garden centres as people buying plants often ask these people if they know of gardeners in the area, also if you intend to be planting as well as maintenance be cheeky and ask to speak to manager and try to negoiate some discount on plants etc most of mine offer at least ten per cent but one that I use the most gives me twenty % its always worth a try.
    Also buy the best tools that you can afford and buy petrol tools wherever possible (lots of my customers work all day so electric would not be practical)some of the gardens that I do I would need about three extension leads.
    I hope some of this helps let us know how you get on regards Garden sponge
  3. Diziblonde

    Diziblonde Gardener

    May 6, 2007
    Sound advice, don't waste too much money on advertising to begin with, ads in local rag work well as does the Friday advertiser. Don't forget to put in a landline number, people worry you are a traveller passing through otherwise. Also take some leaflets or business cards around with you and leave a few with each customer to pass to friends (www.vistaprint.co.uk do free cards). Also, in terms of equipment, it might be worth looking on ebay or freecycle, you might have to fork out for a service on second hand equipment before you start using it but you could end up with a bargain.
    Good luck

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