Made a Start on Arbor

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by Folly Mon, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    Sounds a bit "obvious" (so please forgive me that) but, have you tried Ebay, Google, freecycle? But, I dare say you have already gone that route. What about those yards that do reclaimed salvage?

    PS: well done for listening to your body, FM. Great news that your colleague has sorted your phone for you :dbgrtmb:
    • Like Like x 1
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Ok, I've just googled and quite a few come up for clay chimney liners.

      Not sure where you are located (which may make a difference) but they are out there, FM.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Folly Mon

        Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

        Dec 17, 2011
        starting new busniss in new year
        House on the Hill
        Just Googled some Thanks Mum :wub2: going to order wot I need in the morning when I get back from work and get them Deliverd :ccheers:
        • Like Like x 1
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Glad I was of some use to you, FM :dbgrtmb:
          • Like Like x 1
          • Folly Mon

            Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

            Dec 17, 2011
            starting new busniss in new year
            House on the Hill
            A Good Day Today But GUTTED @ The End of it!!!
            Got on Quite Well Got Loads Done but my Arbor Aint Big Enough to do wot i wanted to do Due to Room and Size :doh:

            I Worked 12n half hours last night and Done 11 hours in the Garden Today then had to drive 20 miles to collect some ebay Tat ive bought

            As Many of you know for those that Dont Ziggy Off Here Gave me a Beautfull Fire Place as Shown in the Pics earlier in the thred Ive Built this Here Arbor out my Head with Limmated Room as Most us Who Love Gardening have Got sertan area space in a paticeler area if you know wot i mean?? Shiney I WANT YOUR GARDEN :snork:

            Well basciley the Fire Place Wont fit its too big GUTTED :mad::mad: With the room Iv Got

            because i want benches in there so have had to re/design my plan whitch is out my head :lunapic 130165696578242 5: As i carnt Draw to save my life so NO PLANNING As Such has gone in to this A Lot of Thought has Gone in to it and loads of conponents have been bought But Truth is I Dont Know wot Im Doing :loll:Im just doing it as I Go out my old Head

            So have Decided to build a fire place out of brick just a small one to still have the Feature Still Gutted Tho But Am Going to Keep the One off Ziggs Incase We Do Move house! Our house is a 70s build with NO CHIMNEY BREASTS :mad: we like Victorian Houses or fancy a Bungerlow Next But Like us all Want a Bigger Garden :dbgrtmb:

            Heres a Few Pics of Todays progress Ziggs Can you Spot the Carved Head I Had Off You?? He looks Cool i will get a Small terracotta pot to sit on him when i find a small one He looks lovely thank you :wub2:

            Im after a Small fire basket if any one has got one for sale hid in there shed 004.JPG 006.JPG 008.JPG 009.JPG 010.JPG
            • Like Like x 7
            • "M"

              "M" Total Gardener

              Aug 11, 2012
              The Garden of England
              No small fire basket, Cherub, but, I do have a handful of bricks you could have; in essence that means, you could extend the width of your project so that you could incorporate the fireplace? :noidea:

              They are yours for the taking, if you require them (I'll drive up with them so you have no need to worry on that score :) ) They are a few bricks which are the remains of a self made bbq I *inherited* and are still a few in "brick lattice" form; so, not individual; but, available :dbgrtmb:
              • Like Like x 1
              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                Aww, i'm gutted for you that the fire place won't fit:sad: If you wanted it in the house you'd have to put a double lined stainless steel flue out thru the outside wall, and they're not cheap.

                That Green Man Corbel looks familiar:biggrin: Did you know that despite there being thousands of them in churches and old houses, there is only one named one. Silvanus, Roman God of the Forrest.
                • Like Like x 1
                • Folly Mon

                  Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

                  Dec 17, 2011
                  starting new busniss in new year
                  House on the Hill
                  :ThankYou: Mum Thats So Kind of you I Had to Go Today and Buy 120 bricks thats wot i was Short to Finsh off but Luckley Thats the 1st brick or bricks Ive Bought I Got the Rest out the Skips on Demo jobs just stopping off and asking if i could have some

                  Ziggs Also Bought me A Beautiful book on Brick Work From Shineys Garden Fund Raising Party back in the Summer so Am Going to Attempt Basket Weave and Some Herringbone Patterns in and up the breast

                  But you would be More Then Welcome round here Any Time for Tea n Cakes :dbgrtmb: I carnt keep off the cakes :loll: Just let me Finsh it off and you and Mr Mum Will be More then Welcome to Come and Christen the seats ive got in mind ime going to try and build Chesnuts and Roast Potatos by the fire is my idea :love30:
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • Folly Mon

                    Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

                    Dec 17, 2011
                    starting new busniss in new year
                    House on the Hill
                    Some Time Ago I Bought a Goddin Duel Fuel Stove Beautiful enameld Green priced up the Flu that you mention Telephone Numbers :mad:

                    These Stoves am Ava on the net @ £2000 I Got it off Evil Bay £360

                    its worked out a Dear Plant Pot :loll:Plus OH Said you Aint Makeing our House Look like a Chippy Or Curry House with one of them flues :doh:

                    I Even Bought Not One but 2 Victorian Ranges Whitch I Could Not use So Traded them For My Gate on the Folly :wub2:

                    As For Your Fire Place and The Goddin I Love them too Much to Part with them they Are Both Sentemental so will hold on too both

                    we both love our Green Mon and did not know about the other one ;)
                    • Like Like x 1
                    • catztail

                      catztail Crazy Cat Lady

                      May 7, 2009
                      soon to be bus driver
                      It looks super, Nick!! Glad you aren't pushing yourself too much too. No doubt you will figure out what to do with your fireplace too. I think MOST people on here wish they could do what you do and not have a clue about what your doing and have it turn out AMAZING!!! You have a NATURAL talent, Nick!!!
                      • Like Like x 2
                      • Folly Mon

                        Folly Mon GC Official Counselor

                        Dec 17, 2011
                        starting new busniss in new year
                        House on the Hill
                        :ThankYou: Cats for the Lovely kind complement With out Complecating this thred the same sort of thing happend on my folly I Was out of work which is wot got me in to Gardening in the 1st place for that i will A.B.G!!! Always Be Grateful

                        But I Wanted to put Bigger Stone Windows in due to being out of work and the Dole refuesing to give me any money because Gail worked i was skint for 12 months so had to settle for the small windows whitch to be toatley honest I Aint keen or or like that much but i managed to get them off eBay for £12 each Apposed to the one i wanted for @ £530 i managed to find a few days cassy here and there to try and make ends meet and get all the bricks for free out the skips to build that as well so So far have only spent £50 on bricks in all 3 jobs the wishing well whitch is now the pool the folly and now the Arbor :dbgrtmb:
                        some relcmation yards charge 90p/£100 a brick so have probley saved over £2000 hence A.B.G Yet again

                        I Suffer With the ISMS I/ SELF/& Me Incerdabully/ Short/ Memory Part Iv the Dessise of Alcoholism All tho I Dont Drink Just for Today Ive Still Got the isms Any Way I Will be Disapointed with both the jobs for the rest of my life No Dout and Obvesley Sleep Depravation @ 216am 2 n half hours sleep after 40 hours stright allways been a night person wake up in the middle of the night every night thats why i chose to work nights :lunapic 130165696578242 5: I Abslutley Love that Fire Place Ziggs Gave Me Dissapointed We Carnt Have it in the House and Now Dissapointed We Carnt Have it in the Arbour :mad:

                        I Have to Pray For God to Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Can Not Change Courage to Change the things I Can & The Wisdom to Know the difference :love30: and remaine A.B.G @ The Same Time

                        I A In the Best of Helth for a 40 Year old Spondeolitus Of the Spine & Neck Artheritus of the Wrists joints and Fingers and SiAttica Oh and an Aulser from all the Pain Killers I Take :mad: Gis the Tow Rope :lunapic 130165696578242 5: Ony jokeing Still got a Warped Sence of Humer

                        This is Where I Have to Give My Self Some Tough Love Stop beeting my self up in the Head

                        Remaine Grate Full I Have Had this Oppetunity to Attempt these Projects Even in Not So Good Helth Be Grate Full Iv Begged all them Bricks Be GrateFull Of the Love & Support GC Has Given Me & the Lovely Friends Ive made on Here and The True Genuin Support Ive Recived off Here For Accepting Me For Who i Am just a Recovering Drug Addectied Alcoholic Trying to Have a Go at Doing somthing Construtive insted of Distrutive I Find Sepetember a Hard Month to Deal With My Moms Birthday the 29th and the Anversery Of Her Death the 30th its been 5 years this year but Feels like Yesterday

                        I Have to be Carfull Of Anger & Resentment Iseus that i dont Gu Down that Garden with a 18 pound sledge hommer and Distroy All My Hard Work

                        I Find Life a Trudge Some Times and Other Times Life is a Walk in the Park Even on a Rainy Day :wub2: I Have to Keep My Eye on the Ball and Not get the Stuff it Head on my Sholders oh stuff it i mase well get Drunk or oh stuff it i mase well get a big bag of coke that will ease it for a bit!!! Then Me Whole life Turns back in to one BIG Car Crash I NEVER WANT TO GO BACK THERE!!!! Id Rather Face the Rope NO JOKE!!! Where this Conversation Started I Dont want to Complcate This Thred Iv Probley just Complecated Everything Sorry I Need Some Sleep Mind working over time :doh: God Bless Ya and Thanks Again For Cheering me up :wub2:
                        • Like Like x 5
                        • Jenny namaste

                          Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                          Mar 11, 2012
                          retired- blissfully retired......
                          Battle, East Sussex
                          My very, very dear Folly Mon. I am in tears this morning reading your lament. I feel so thankful for my good,simple life and the precious gift of sound sleep at night. I wish I could help you more but I think I can only be here to listen and give you a :grphg: with all your other dear friends here on Gardeners Corner.
                          I hope today will be less difficult for you,
                          • Like Like x 4
                          • "M"

                            "M" Total Gardener

                            Aug 11, 2012
                            The Garden of England
                            5 years is still very early days; be gentle with yourself. It is not something you ever get "over", but, it is something you get "through" :grphg:
                            • Like Like x 2
                            • Lolimac

                              Lolimac Guest

                              Right Nick.... been having a look through your thread:dbgrtmb:...i'm getting a bit mixed up your Arbour built within your Folly?....just an idea but keep building your Arbour just the way it's you look through your Folly through that gorgeous gate hows about building a 'back' wall for that fantastic fire place....surround it with Ferns to give it an overgrown mystical look and also plant ferns in the wall (can't you tell i've got a thing about Ferns)....some subtle lighting could always put a grate on it so you can set fire to your nuts....(chestnuts):biggrin: ...more work for you i know but the picture i've got of it in my head is fab:thumbsup:....imagine on a dark cold winters night looking through your Folly at glowing embers.... Oooh I'm going all peculiar again:dancy:
                              Don't you dare get's all looking great....brilliant job...but just a short jigger your back up and you'll have me to deal with:yikes::biggrin:
                              • Like Like x 1
                              • Jenny namaste

                                Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                                Mar 11, 2012
                                retired- blissfully retired......
                                Battle, East Sussex
                                Nick, Iv'e started to tremble just reading the words as spoken by the great Godess Kali(aka Loli). Have another cuppa and another- then think on our kid!!
                                xx Jenny xx
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