Make a high wall higher with climber?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by EssKay, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. Selleri

    Selleri Koala

    Mar 1, 2009
    North Tyneside
    Hi EssKay, welcome! :sign0016:

    Lonicera Henryi is evergreen, vigorous and has lovely flowers. It would easily grow from the ground to the 4m or so you need, if you can fix a sturdy trellis to the wall. It tends to grow heavier on the top so the lower part of the wall could become bare over time.

    I bought mine as a tiny 10cm plantlet from Morrisons and it grew to the extension roof (and gutters) in one summer even though it was in a container.

    A very nice plant for practically instant greenness :)
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