A great tool for keeping tough hedges at bay, upward stroke. Another handle in need of oiling. Must do mine.
many of my garden tools have been bought at boot sales- wondrous variety of strange implements there! Always worth a troll round. My favourite tools are a tiny fork and spade inherited from my Aunty- hardly more than child size. [Although my grandson, aged 8, typical male, much prefers the large ones when he's digging to Australia!] I also have a variety of trowels, hand forks etc on long handles, all home attached, from boot sales. All are in need of treatment for handles, must do it this year.
i borrowed a good tool from next plot holder to ours yesterday. i was stood frowning across at all the weeds growing where my taties are and he mut have taken pity on me cause the next thing he was beside me showing me his implement :D hed fixed this giant three clawed talon thingy to a broom shank and told me to just walk over them (the taties, it wont hurt them if theyre deep enough down lass)and pull and rake at the ground,making sure the three talons were flush. what a fantastic contraption.i got it done in about 20 minuites.thankfully, he told me to "just shout" and i can borrow it any time.later i dragged husband to garden centre to see if they had anything like it but to no avail.