Hi Loli, have i misunderstood or you gave them back the bullets?? After they shot at your girls? I would have skinned the little brats!!!
I think there's a bit more to it than meets the eye. I have no doubt that there are people who are just plain old bad mannered and ignorant, I know one or two such people myself, but there is also a confidence issue. Some people deliberately 'forget' their manners, because as they were growing up, their peers showed no sign of manners, and anyone who used them was portrayed as weak (extremely silly I know, but that did happen). Consequently there are people now that would feel embarrassed about saying please and thank you. Its silly, but human nature often is.
They are just little uns Hydro....so thought i'd try the gentle approach and explain the rights and wrongs.......what a pillock....next time i'll show them what bad manners really are
The lack of manners shows even on the roads nowadays, despite the fact that vehicles are essentially fast moving weapons; Over the years, I have covered many, many miles in vehicles of all shapes and sizes (and many of them quite large and heavy) , and I have noticed a marked deterioration in the manners of others on the road. There are those that drive poorly out of a lack of skill or pure ignorance of their surroundings - at least they are not doing whatever they are doing deliberately; the ones that are really dangerous, and annoying, are the ones that are deliberately driving arrogantly. I will never forget the two things that my first driving instructor told me all those years ago: - treat everyone else as if they are about to do something really stupid, and be ready for it - show your manners to all others, and remember if you do something that makes another have to change their speed or direction, then you have driven badly.
I have always told my brood " manners cost nothing so use them" but we still see it everyday, my dd holding the door for an older lady followed by another 4 people of varying ages, not one thank you I explained to dd in a rather louder voice than normal, that some people are just ignorant and don't know how to say thank you or be polite, but yes that is one of my pet hates too