Mark78 garden project

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Mark78, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. Ivory

    Ivory Gardener

    May 30, 2008
    Nice work. I see it´s the little one who is actually doing the digging, you are just smiling into the camera. :D
  2. Mark78

    Mark78 Apprentice Gardener

    Dec 17, 2007
    Hello again folk im back with a few more pics of my in progress garden, yes I can now proudly call it a GARDEN because it is now finally resembling one :) I know I dont post much but I have been lurking around this place quite a bit since my last post looking for some gardening tips and have found quite a few over the months so cheers.

    This first pic was taken today whilst I was pottering around with my son. As you can see the old greenhouse has gone and has been replaced with a new one glass free for the kids and just behind is the new shed. Just a bit further forward from those two is where we will be keeping a couple of chickens. The next door neighbour gave us an old wendy house which is perfect for a chicken coup and I just finished the run last week. We are new to keeping chickens but im sure they will be great fun for us and the kids, plus lovely fresh eggs a bonus! To the right hand side of the garden towards the second half is where we have planted some potatoes and onions so along with the tomatoes and lettuce from the greenhouse and the fresh eggs some lovely organic spuds and onions will be great.

    The patch in the middle without grass has 3 ton of top soil laid waiting for new turf at the beginning of May. The grass furthest forward is last years turf laid at the end of August and has taken very well. Toward the back is still very rough and still needs lots of raking and old bramble roots pulling.

    So just to refresh your memories starting from the oldest photo taken in November 2007 the day after we moved into the house, to today just over 17 months later.

    November 2007
    April 2008
    April 2009

    Hopefully and I say this with fingers crossed the very heavy work has been done and I can now turn it into a beautifull family garden. Its been very hard work at times as the wife and I both work full time (me on shiftwork) and trying to fit in family time for the kids. Any tiny bit of spare time and money we have is spent out in the garden doing something so the progress we have made we are very proud of.
    The kids love being out in the garden so really looking forward to summer again which is probaily when ill next update my project for you.

    So enjoy and ill post again soon

    Oh and if your wondering what the white stuff is on the tree? My eldest lad decided he fancied painting it one afternoon so there you go lol
    Its non toxic childrens paint so I didnt mind and im sure it will wash off eventualy

  3. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Looking good Mark, lots of hard work !:flag:

    coool climbing frame, where did you get it ?:)
  4. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Well done Mark, it was your topic here and a couple of others that gave me the nudge to get on with our garden here, and to start a topic noting its progress too. You've gone from Jungle to Eden..

    Dont forget to sit and enjoy it in the warmer months !

  5. martd77

    martd77 Gardener

    Jun 5, 2008
  6. Mark78

    Mark78 Apprentice Gardener

    Dec 17, 2007
    Im glad my project kickstarted yours its nice to know ive helped without actually helping :)
    And yes I WILL be enjoying the warmer months ive already told my wife a few BBQ's and garden parties will be happening this year, we're still to have a housewarming yet lol.

    Banana Man thanks...yes its been hardwork. The climbing frame was bought from Focus DIY a few years back and twas a nightmare putting it together :( its very sturdy and safe but very lightweight and its easy to move around so the grass dosent yellow.
  7. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Wow just read this from the first post and what you've achieved is amazing. Well done. Can't believe how big it is either

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