Masks - yes or no?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by SimonZ, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. SimonZ

    SimonZ Gardener

    Feb 9, 2009
    I had two friends drop by this morning and we didn't wear masks. We somehow just naturally bravitated to standing a good 5 feet apart.[/QUOTE]

    I suspect this may be an argument, if not against masks, then in support of the idea that they can cause people to be less cautious. I must admit I was initially extremely sceptical about this, because my natural reaction on seeing folks in masks is to back off - it reinforces the seriousness of the issue, and there is even a bit of me that instinctively sees them as infected, so I find myself moving off. But I'm learning my reaction is atypical. Most people seem to feel seeing a mask makes others drop their guard, assume it makes the wearer safer, get closer physically. And your anecdote of the maskless visitors sort of works well within that context. It leaves me thinkig that there may be situations where fewer masks makes people more stand-offish.
    • Creative Creative x 1
    • SimonZ

      SimonZ Gardener

      Feb 9, 2009
      [It protects others, why would you not ?[/QUOTE]

      That, in a nutshell, is the essence of my whole enquiry and interest in this issue. I'm absolutely convinced that there are people who are a. unable to wear them for health reasons etc, b. don't realize or believe they can do good, or c. honestly believe they actively do bad. So while I agree with you in principle, someone who genuinely believes they are a force for bad would surely be bound to flip the question around, and ask, "They're a danger to others, why would you?"
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      • SimonZ

        SimonZ Gardener

        Feb 9, 2009
        This pretty much sums up my own position, too. I'm not 100% convinced, but I'm erring on the side of caution. As with most moral debates, I feel there is no ultimate "gotcha" moment, and as with all scientific matters it is a case of continually building on what we think we know, rather than absolute proof, but I'm finding it harder and harder to build any sort of ethical case against masks, provided they are appropriate for the wearer and their environment. I ought to confess that at the moment I am mask-less, my original one having become unwearable due to a snapped string, but have some disposable ones coming in the post - which raises whole new questions about ecology and safe disposal...
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        • Kevin Cowans

          Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

          May 12, 2018
          Doncaster (DN3)
          Hello all

          I hope you are well.

          I am probably going to regret this, but here goes.

          People need to understand that not all those not wearing masks are doing so because they do not care, see the point of doing so etc.

          I care, too much at times.

          Personally, being Autistic I have various Sensory Sensitivities, Bright Light, Sound, Heat and Touch.

          Because of my Sensitivity to Touch there is no way that I am able to tolerate wearing a Face Mask or any kind of covering over my face, a fact that my Doctor, Support etc. all agree with.

          As a result, I have been provided with written proof that I can show that I am not able to wear a Face Mask and am therefore Exempt.

          To be honest, I do not tend to go out of the house much anyway, however, if I do then at least I have the proof to show that I am Exempt from having to wear a Face Mask.


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          • JWK

            JWK Gardener Staff Member

            Jun 3, 2008
            A good point, there are people who simply don't have a mask. We didn't to start with and trying to order online was out of the question as everywhere sold out. We were lucky in that a friend posted us a pack of disposable masks after a few weeks into lockdown.
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            • Mike Allen

              Mike Allen Total Gardener

              Jan 4, 2014
              Retired. Plant Pathologist.
              Eltham. SE. London
              This is a very serious situation, and may genuine questions are being asked. I have just recieved a book written by a scientific researcher. Understanding. Conovervirus.

              Setting aside what ever our individual status might be. We have to agree. We are all inthis together. Boris along with all the scientific experts and medical officers. Ooops and the reporters adding their bit.

              Truth is. We don't know what has hit us. Not wishing to being flipant, but it's like a sci-fi. War of the worlds. People are dropping like flies. WHY? Medics are exhausted. Politicians are as always, trying to calm the masses.

              As we have seen the reality. Areas of the mass have rebelled. Mass gatherings to beaches etc etc. Somehow this rings a bell with Biblical records. The Noachian flood. The populas was warned. They ignored the warning. They perished.

              Today. We have these warnings. In the background. The experts are still very much in the dark. For what it might be worth. Protect yourself. Wear a mask. wear gloves much as you might like to kiss that babe, STAY SAFE.
              • Friendly Friendly x 2
              • Islander77

                Islander77 Keen Gardener

                Mar 17, 2020
                Various , allegedly retired
                West Coast of Ireland; offshore
                I keep forgetting things are different over there than here in Ireland. Here there are govt instructions out to how to make a simple mask. Within a few days is will be mandatory in public. I think there are easy instructions online too . They really are very very easy to make. I make cabled knitted ones, lined and with a pocket for a disposable filter ; they go to Canada to be finished etc then sold.

                I have one by the door here but have not been out except very early walks on this thinly populated island for nearly 2 years as my immune system is out and even a cold would be life threatening. And not face to face with anyone in all that time. Only those who need to know know that. As I am old services are understanding and now sadly as it means folk are in danger, I get all I need brought in and left outside the gate. Officially cocooned, and our volunteers over here are stellar.

                There is no choice, and I am well used to this now and content.

                Masks will make life much easier and safer for so many. As I think it was Mike who said we are all in this together. Life is too precious to take risks however remote they may seem.

                And yes, we have suffered a covid fatality in my family. It sharpens issues.
                • Friendly Friendly x 3
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  @SimonZ I agree with your thoughts on the matter and don't have any problems with complying with what seems some natural and simple precautions. Being of the slightly older generation :whistle: I avidly try to avoid contracting the virus.

                  When people visit us at home (outdoors) we always keep at least 2 metres apart - even when having dinner together.

                  I wear a mask when going into shops. I was going to add 'or in close proximity to a lot of people' but that hasn't occurred yet.

                  We were lucky to have had some masks already, given to us when we were on holiday over Christmas/New Year for when going into dusty places, but had never worn them.

                  They're the typical pale green ones that you see around and on people on TV. The advantage with these ones are that they have a small metal strip inside that goes across the top of the nose and you bend it so that it holds the top part against your nose. This is effective in keeping it in place and below my glasses so that they don't get steamed up.

                  They are put on by the strings that go over the ears - and removed in the same fashion. Using masks with care is quite simple. The mask is removed when I get back to my car and placed on the floor in the back of the car. It remains isolated there from three days to a week and is then washed. In the meantime I use other masks if I need to go to the shops again.

                  I also wear gloves when going into shops. I started off with the disposable gloves but found them a bit uncomfortable. I also removed the gloves, carefully, on exiting the shop and put them in the bin outside (all the shops I have been to have bins outside). Removing disposable gloves without touching the outside of them can be done very easily. I also have my own hand sanitiser.

                  I now wear some very comfortable gardening gloves instead. These are a false leather that is as thin as cotton but doesn't allow anything through the 'leather' fingers and palms but has a material back that allows them to breathe. They are carefully removed (again not touching the outside of the gloves) before arriving back at my car and placed on the floor of the boot and then taken out when I get home, and washed. I don't keep them on because if they are contaminated I don't want to touch the door handles or the driving wheel with them.

                  There is an added advantage with wearing gloves in that it seems to discourage me from wanting to touch the mask or my face.

                  This all sounds complicated but only adds about 10 seconds to my shopping time. The mask is not uncomfortable for the short time I am wearing it - not usually more than an hour. On the chance that it may protect me or someone else I can't see the problem with doing so.

                  All the shops that I go to that have baskets or trolleys have the handles cleaned each time by the staff - except the big supermarkets where I take the trolley from the trolley park. The handle of those trolleys get a squirt of sanitiser before handling, but I'm wearing gloves anyway. All the shops have regulations about how many enter at a time and the bigger ones have a member of staff at the door regulating it.
                  • Agree Agree x 5
                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Yes @Islander77 .....plentry of info here too about how to make masks, but having said that they are now pretty easy to buy here too.

                    We have great support over here, well in our area . My hubs is in his 70s and ,although not 'shielding ' officially ,he does have health issues that we we feel warrant us to do so as well as we can. Having said that he did come shopping with me yesterday before I met up with my friends and was greatly reassured by the stringent hygiene and crowd control measures. He is now talking about going back again in a week or two's time .:dbgrtmb:

                    Both my sister and brother have been shielding officially, brother is still required to do so . Free weekly food boxes have been received and shopping delivery slots have been readily available to them . Community workers regularly contact my brother to see if he requires any shopping to be dropped off to him too.
                    Hubs, sister's and brother's medication is all dropped off so no need to go out to collect from the chemist.
                    In our part of the world we could not want for more ,but I am well aware this is not the same for everyone.
                    • Agree Agree x 2
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                    • Islander77

                      Islander77 Keen Gardener

                      Mar 17, 2020
                      Various , allegedly retired
                      West Coast of Ireland; offshore
                      All sounds grand. I think there is regional variation here too ; when I asked our local volunteers were we getting free food via the Gardai there was hilarity! Some areas do and in one a local chef cooks and delivers a meal every day to old folk.

                      here the first warm weekend crowds flooded the beaches . That was the Saturday. On Sunday the local drs etc had a meeting and it was all set up. They use the Tourist Office and staff as of course tourism is dead this year. Closed everything off with the full support of the Gardai. On the Monday we got individual cocooning letters. I feel pampered! I was already getting fortnightly grocery orders by ferry and that has simply continued and I keep about 3 months supply of dry goods in anyway as a matter of course.

                      And I get some extras in from eg Holland and Barrett.
                      • Friendly Friendly x 2
                      • Islander77

                        Islander77 Keen Gardener

                        Mar 17, 2020
                        Various , allegedly retired
                        West Coast of Ireland; offshore
                        re masks. As folk who had to wear them all day were finding they were getting uncomfortable we now knit ear savers. Narrow strips with a button at each end so the loops go over the buttons and leave the ears free... Just sent nearly a hundred off..

                        • Friendly Friendly x 2
                        • Upsydaisy

                          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                          Apr 26, 2017
                          Living in hope of world wide peace.
                          Hampshire. Zone 8b
                          Glad you're being supported so well out there @Islander77 . We have always kept a good 'dry' supply too. We tend to do a major shop about once a month and top up on fresh items as and when required.:dbgrtmb: But it's peace of mind to know you have a stash of handy supplies to rustle up something if needs must.:biggrin:
                          • Agree Agree x 1
                          • SimonZ

                            SimonZ Gardener

                            Feb 9, 2009
                            So far, and this is reflected elsewhere as well, not just on this site, the predominant reasons for not wearing masks seem to be that a. they may become infected, especially if they soggify (my word), posing more of a risk than if we do not wear them, and, relatedly, b. If I wear a mask I might touch my face, meaning my hand/finger is contaminated which could then infect others if I touch them, hand them change, or whatever. I must say I'm really struggling with the second. Why would a mask make one likelier to touch the face? Surely it serves as a reminder not to? Even if we do that, surely its safer to touch a mask than rub our mouth or nose directly? I'm hoping someone can provide some concrete argument (based on hard, empirical, scientific data, not just personal preference or observation) as to why they personally think its unsafe to wear a mask - and currently the only public officials or figures from the science community saying masks are dangerous are those well known for controversial or conspiracy theories, most mainstream medical opinion seems supportive or conditionally supportive) or why they think their health concern (asthma, anxiety, etc) outweigh the risk of becoming a vector for a deadly virus, because I can't bear to think that the main reason people are against wearing masks is that they don't really care about posing a risk to their fellow citizens.
                            • Like Like x 1
                              Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              I can see that some people may find that they touch their mask and touch their face but it only takes a bit of conscious effort to stop yourself doing that. I felt a bit strange the first couple of times (I know some people say I'm strange most of the time :whistle: :heehee:) but I very wuickly got used to it.

                              Putting on the mask before I get out of the car and removing it as I get back to the car is now a natural procedure. :dbgrtmb: Actually washing and drying it is more of a nuisance. I do hang it up to dry outside. :smile:
                              • Agree Agree x 1
                              • Cuttings

                                Cuttings Super Gardener

                                Feb 21, 2020
                                Keynsham north Somerset
                                I work outdoors or in a large glasshouse (usually alone, but sometimes with the other half), we have signage in place to remind customers of social distancing, hand gel by the till (5 ltr) and hard surface wipes to clean handles of trollies/baskets, and the till area is under a shelter, so IMO, dont really need one, saying that, I am considering wearing one when I go to a local shop, with crowds of youths congregating outside the shop door, or when in town, whilst on my way back to my vehicle, I am surrounded by protesters on a march. I dont think it will be too long now before a second spike.
                                • Agree Agree x 2

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