Masks - yes or no?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by SimonZ, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. Sandy Ground

    Sandy Ground Total Gardener

    Jun 10, 2015
    Making things of note.
    Scania, Sweden
    The biggest problem with masks is the fact that people seem to be lulled into a sense of false security. That fact was componded here the other day when a batch of the type recommended in the UK had to be destroyed due to faulty manufacture making them unfit for purpose. My reasoning here is that if one batch was faulty, then perhaps others were? :noidea:

    From what I read I while ago, the use of masks was built on a small study made in Hong Kong that was deemed by scientists to be to small to be of any real value. I've seen one more that suggested that wearing them does more harm than good. That one was backed up by our Mr. Tegnell.

    Having said all that, if someone wants to wear one, its no problem for me. I dont want that person to try to force me into wearing one though. Especially if they come within two metres to tell me!
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    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      I'm sure I heard it mentioned on the news this morning that airports now have vending machines for people who turn up without masks.
      I knew there had to be a commercial angle to all this.:biggrin:

      Wonder how much they are, I'm willing to bet they are at least three times the price they are anywhere else.:biggrin:
      • Agree Agree x 2
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      • CanadianLori

        CanadianLori Total Gardener

        Sep 20, 2015
        Battle Axe
        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
        @Stacey8490 Welcome to the forum! Yes, medical masks are much better than non medical but I don't think many of us here work in a dangerous area like you so non medical is still better than nothing. The reason people were urged to use non medical equipment was so that there'd be enough medical grade for people like you. Imagine if people had of commandeered and hoarded the medical masks the way they did toilet paper. In my opinion, everyone wearing a non medical or home made reusable one is saving a mask for the medical profession. And where they are best utilized :)
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        • Sheal

          Sheal Total Gardener

          Feb 2, 2011
          Dingwall, Ross-shire
          From today (Friday) masks have to be worn in Scotland in all shops and for other services that are provided, hairdressers etc. That is the only reason for me wearing one. I too don't like my face covered it gives me a feeling of claustrophobia, so until we are released from wearing them the only shop I will visit is the supermarket.

          I agree with Stacey. What limits do we want to go to with masks and sanitising? She said quite rightly, the virus can be transferred to many other things without even thinking about what we have touched and intend touching.
          • Informative Informative x 1
            Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
          • SimonZ

            SimonZ Gardener

            Feb 9, 2009
            [QUOTE="I recon 20% had it pulled down over the mouth and not over the nose.[/QUOTE]

            Weird isn't it?
          • SimonZ

            SimonZ Gardener

            Feb 9, 2009
            I knew there had to be a commercial angle to all this.:biggrin:

            In a free society, there are always going to be opportunities somewhere along the line for people to make money out of things, that's no bad thing in its self, and as we head towards almost inevitable economic hardship due to covid I for one see anyone fairly and honestly making a profit as a rare thing to be happy about amid the gloom. I don't think you're suggesting that the whole idea of the masks is driven by greed - for most it is a cottage industry, and the big chains haven't got going on it yet - and provided quality isn't compromised I don't see it as a problem. Competition can even be quite healthy for increasing effectiveness, and while I'm suspiscious of major players like the pharmaceutical industry, many helpful products are commercialized, from sticking plasters to chair lifts, so I don't see it as inherently wrong in its self.

            A friend of mine is making and selling her own masks with all proceeds going to front line NHS workers. She is selling them through her STEMpunk page on Etsy.
            Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
          • SimonZ

            SimonZ Gardener

            Feb 9, 2009
            [QUOTE="The biggest problem with masks is the fact that people seem to be lulled into a sense of false security. That fact was componded here the other day when a batch of the type recommended in the UK had to be destroyed due to faulty manufacture making them unfit for purpose. My reasoning here is that if one batch was faulty, then perhaps others were? :noidea:

            I think there have been more recent studies done than the Hong Kong one, but I'll defer to your knowledge if you say that is the case.
            if the faulty batch was identified and destroyed, that's a good thing. There are sometimes faults with products, medicines and many other things from time to time. I wouldn't see it as a reason to avoid them forever after. A manufacturing error is precisely that, an error in the manufacture, not the principle behind it or the medical effectiveness of the product in its self.
            I agree about the false sense of security. There Is no accounting for human error and human behaviour.
            Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
          • pete

            pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

            Jan 9, 2005
            Mid Kent
            Weird isn't it?[/QUOTE]
            I wonder why they do that, maybe they just want to BREATHE.
            Without sucking air through a blanket.

            Being a joiner, should say ex joiner:biggrin: Dust masks have always, well in the last 20yrs or so pretty standard PPE.
            None of us olduns liked them, hard work to breathe, they get wet, smell funny and are uncomfortable.

            The youngsters are brought up on them, wont even cut a piece of wood without a mask and eye protection, its a modern super safe approach to the world these days.

            Basically I should have died 20 yrs ago:biggrin:
            • Like Like x 1
            • SimonZ

              SimonZ Gardener

              Feb 9, 2009
              [QUOTE="Non-medical masks do not have the 3rd layer on it that is the waterproof shield to stop the cough droplets from getting through to your mouth and nose.

              I don't think anyone is now wearing the masks for their own protection, that theory is long gone. My understanding is that they prevent *some* of the droplets from them reaching others.
            • SimonZ

              SimonZ Gardener

              Feb 9, 2009
              Also you should never were gloves when out shopping. I don't know how many people I have seen wearing gloves walking around touching everything then reaching into their pockets for their phone, using their phone then putting it back in their pocket. The phone is now contaminated aswell as the pocket. They then leave the shop pack away their shopping in the boot remove their gloves, sanitise their hands then reach into their pockets for the germ covered phone![/QUOTE]

              This is the sort of info that should be shared more widely. You said above that you laugh at people maing certain kinds of comments, but remember you are a medical/nusing professional, and many fo the things that are common knowledge to you will not even have been considered by many of us. A man called over to me recently to point out that I was wearing my mask the wrong way round. We had a joke about it and I appreciated him pointing it out. I'm here to learn, and especially from those with professional/scientific knowledge to impart. I would say that your point about the phones etc is about personal responsibility, and doesn't, for me, constitute a reason to shun masks. Those of us advocating their use are often accused, by people who have never met us or asked our views of any other issue, of promting a "nanny state" ideology, but I am actually in favour of treating people like adults - explaining the facts, encouraging safe and responsible choices, but not implementing blanket bans or discouragements of things that may be helpful just because some people may use them unwisely.
            • SimonZ

              SimonZ Gardener

              Feb 9, 2009
              I wonder why they do that, maybe they just want to BREATHE.
              Without sucking air through a blanket.

              It isn't that hard to breathe in them, though those with existing difficulties such as asthma are not expected to wear any. If you're only wearing one for a trip round Tesco you could be talking 15-20 mins tops, and I've yet to see anyone wheezing their way down the aisles yet. I don't find them comfortable, and as I've said many times I detest wearing the things, but in the scheme of things the brief irritation and discomfort isn't even worth bothering about.
            • SimonZ

              SimonZ Gardener

              Feb 9, 2009
              Basically I should have died 20 yrs ago:biggrin:[/QUOTE]

              And have deprived us all of your contributions here? Steady on Pete...
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • Funny Funny x 1
              • Stacey8490

                Stacey8490 Apprentice Gardener

                Jul 9, 2020
                This is the sort of info that should be shared more widely. You said above that you laugh at people maing certain kinds of comments, but remember you are a medical/nusing professional, and many fo the things that are common knowledge to you will not even have been considered by many of us. A man called over to me recently to point out that I was wearing my mask the wrong way round. We had a joke about it and I appreciated him pointing it out. I'm here to learn, and especially from those with professional/scientific knowledge to impart. I would say that your point about the phones etc is about personal responsibility, and doesn't, for me, constitute a reason to shun masks. Those of us advocating their use are often accused, by people who have never met us or asked our views of any other issue, of promting a "nanny state" ideology, but I am actually in favour of treating people like adults - explaining the facts, encouraging safe and responsible choices, but not implementing blanket bans or discouragements of things that may be helpful just because some people may use them unwisely.[/QUOTE]

                When I say laugh at people I don't actually mean that I laugh at them it's just a figure of speech where I'm from! Apologies for the confusion

                Now I have seen many people with their masks on the wrong way and have advised them of the correct way to wear them but also told them not to change it round as the side pointing out is already contaminated.

                I'm not saying to shun the masks, but I think this Covid-19 has been blown up to be something that it's actually not. But that's my own opinion going by what I have experienced and seen! I've seen people in their 90's with COPD, Heart failure, cancer ect. test positive for covid and it didn't take a wrinkle out of them. I look after a lady who is turning 103 tomorrow who had covid and she is absolutely fine.
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                • pete

                  pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                  Jan 9, 2005
                  Mid Kent
                  but in the scheme of things the brief irritation and discomfort isn't even worth bothering about.[/QUOTE]
                  Well, it might be brief at the moment, but I'm betting it will become the norm, and masks will be expected in all places, once something like this starts it doesn't go away, not these days.

                  Bit like I went to the garden centre and after the sale the bloke who loaded my car said, "stay safe".
                  Now I'm not complaining but this is getting strange, I didn't even know him and he's telling me to stay safe, normally it would just be "bye".
                  And I'd say, thanks mate.
                  I just said, "and you?
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    It's better than "Have a nice day"! :blue thumb:
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