Mat's Garden "Build"

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by Randomly Set, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Madahhlia

    Madahhlia Total Gardener

    Mar 19, 2007
    Suburban paradise
    Personally I would have left it as it was as I really like a bit of lush planting. However I'm impressed with your hard work and the high standard of finish to the path etc.

    Seeing as you are really good at slab-laying, I'd have laid it mostly to slabs, reserving some generous beds for low maintenance planting. (A slabbed area makes a great spot for outdoor furniture and creating an outdoor "room"). There are plenty of plants that only need a bit of attention once or twice a year- if that. Grass will need an hour's attention every single week during the summer. Pots are also high maintenance as they need a lot of replacement filling, probably most years depending on what you choose, and possibly daily watering in hot seasons.
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