I actually love sculptures, was always a big paper mache fan and loved pottery when at high school :DD I think your work shown on your cover pic is GREAT!!
The sculpture stuff is just a hobby away from my job. You have prompted me that I really need to update the website. Pottery in the garden could be a good thing to get into when you find the time, which I doubt that you currently have much of. Out of interest, which element of civil engineering are you hoping to venture into? Also with ref to the recyling, most of my scupltures are constructed from wood that has been discarded, and pretty much everything that I construct and use in the garden is just the same. I would show examples, but don't want to de-rail your thread. .
I'm hoping to find something I feel passionate for before I finish my degree!! Allotmenteering would be great!! But to find a way to live from it will be difficult and the moment seems impossible!! :/ Yh, u should; its a shame but hobbies can be forgotten sometimes too easily! UPDATE The thread has finished anyway, would love you to show me some of ur pieces of work!!!