Metaldehyde slug pellets

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by NigelJ, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. Redwing

    Redwing Wild Gardener

    Mar 22, 2009
    It’s a big problem for sure. I no longer grow vegetables so no longer such a problem for me personally. Now I grow only slug tolerant plants as there are plenty of ornamental things that will not succumb to slugs. It is much more concerning to me that metaldehyde has been extensively used on a field scale for so long. I’m glad it’s to be banned in all but glasshouses.

    Eventually the ruling will percolate down. It will be enforced IMO because you won’t be able to buy it commercially unless you can prove you have crops under glass. That’s what’s happened with other controlled substances; agricultural chemicals and rat poisons for example.
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