Mobbed at Tesco

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by sal73, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Agreed. in fact the meeting of the Asiatic race with the European hybrids in America is producing some scarily inteligent offspring, seems that F1 applies to humans as well as plants.

    We haven't stopped, but communities have to exist as just that, communities.

    What is going on now is segregation.

    No, i've not wandered round the streets of Blackpool since I was 10. But I have wandered round the streets of Aldershot and its not a good place to be anymore unless you are a Gurkha with a hoodie and a knife.

    British anglers catch and release fish, eastern europeans take them home and cook them.
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    • sal73

      sal73 Total Gardener

      Sep 4, 2011
      Yvonne , I really appriciate what you say and integration is what the problem is ?

      someone that mobbing other peoples to get all the cheap meats , with no manner and no respect , that very proudly grated his son for elbowing other peoples off not real integration ..... trust me it`s really upsetting .....

      someone that take a dump in the street is not integration , someone that come over here and milk the system , is not integration (or maybe it is) ........we have to integrate to them culture , but not the other way around ...........

      I`m gonna integrate to the system and became buddy with the asian a tesco , may get some cheap sunday roast ;)
      • Agree Agree x 1
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      • **Yvonne**

        **Yvonne** Total Gardener

        Jun 24, 2012
        Oh come on Zigs, can you guarantee that every Salmon and trout is put back? Poaching has been happening for 100's of years! :)
        • Agree Agree x 1
        • Jenny namaste

          Jenny namaste Total Gardener

          Mar 11, 2012
          retired- blissfully retired......
          Battle, East Sussex
          And they are partial to swan meat,
        • **Yvonne**

          **Yvonne** Total Gardener

          Jun 24, 2012
          As I said in my first post Sal, we all need to show each other mutual respect, that includes the people involved in the incident you described. The vast majority of people I have seen toileting in the street are british. I was lucky enough to spend 2 weeks in Nepal last year and I never saw this happen ( I did however, see it in India) .

          As for milking a country's system or stealing their heard of British imperialism and colonisation ?! We are hypocrites when you factor in history!
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • sal73

            sal73 Total Gardener

            Sep 4, 2011
            we do need to show each other respect , but what happen when is a one way system ....
            I would like to live in a better world , I can`t afford to live in a better area so I`m in the foreigner area , I moved in England not in pakistan , so I would like to respect the English law and not integrate to anyone else culture , you do have some really good peoples , but loads of crap as well .........if England have colonised other country still doesn`t mean that you have the right to milk the system ........when did you go to nepal and india did you respect them culture??? so why they don`t do the same??
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            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              I think the vast majority of 'foreigners' do respect our culture (if we have a culture). It takes only a few of any group to draw attention to the whole wider group.

              When I lived in Sheffield, I lived in a street that was like some sort of united nations meeting hall. In my street, wife and I were in the minority being white, and born in Britain. In fact the official statistic for my area (ward?) was that over 70% of the community were 'ethnic minority'. In the 10 years we were there, we did see a thing or two that could be put down to cultural differences. There were things that quite frankly made my blood boil. But the remarkable thing was that almost everybody, whether they were of African, Caribbean, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani or whatever else, people were just people. The lad next door, a muslim with the hugest beard, complimented me on my meagre beard when I grew one, and mocked me when I shaved it off, but it was jest. Banter. "2 wives" over the road (a man that appeared to have 2 wives) helped me mend my car more than once and would regularly magically appear, usually moments after Ste (a fellow white man) as soon as I'd pop the bonnet on my car, then the three of us would just stand around chatting. The Afro-Caribbean lad that used to always just be about would regularly chat before shouting "peace and love, peace and love", then wandering off on his way. The muslim shop keeper would happily sell me baccy and bacon and beer, and the hindu shop keeper a few doors down would entertain us immensely by apologising repeatedly and profusely if you asked him for anything he didn't currently have in stick. My mam called in once when she was visiting, and I forgot to warn her. She went in to buy some nectarines, and came out all flustered 10 minutes later with peaches, after the poor bloke "nearly cried" because he didn't have nectarines and my mam felt sorry for him:)

              Of course it wasn't sesame street. We had a local drug dealer and in the 10 years we were there there was unfortunately a few incidents, including a few murders, as unfortunately happens in every city and major town. There are of course bad elements in any community. But the vast majority of people, regardless of colour or creed, were good people. Sociable people, with ordinary concerns like earning a living, making sure the kids are fed and clothed, having a bit of banter with the lads in the street.

              I don't live there any more. I'm now in a suburb of my home town, where the ethnic breakdown is pretty much 99.9% white British. Integration? I can tell you this. In more than 3 years of being back home, I have not once, not a single time, stood in my garden drinking beer with a neighbour. The number of new friends I've made in my neighbourhood (excluding light chit chat) is exactly zero. When I was in Sheffield, surrounded by all these foreigners who should try harder to integrate, I knew everyone. I'd regularly drink with the neighbours, or we'd be in each other's houses or gardens helping each other out with some task or other or just hiding from the wives for a while.
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              • Scrungee

                Scrungee Well known for it

                Dec 5, 2010
                Central England on heavy clay soil
                Not some of the foul-mouthed drunken louts that sea fishing seems to attract, who kill everything they catch regardless of size (and even whether they're actually going to eat it), who also dump on the harbour wall and leave rubbish, unused bait and fish guts everywhere.

                Another example of Tesco bargains - sometimes we've got a trolley loads of them

                GC receipt2.jpg

                I think the hotX buns were BOGOF making them only 5p each plus we had some money off fruit & veg coupons from a mailing which further reduced the costs.
                • Like Like x 1
                • Jenny namaste

                  Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                  Mar 11, 2012
                  retired- blissfully retired......
                  Battle, East Sussex
                  What a lovely account of good folk that is Clue.
                  A really pleasant post to open this morning,
                  thank you,
                  • Agree Agree x 3
                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • sal73

                    sal73 Total Gardener

                    Sep 4, 2011
                    Scrungee have you got a buddy that work in the fruits and vegs at tesco ;)
                    that`s a good bargain .

                    did you had to fight for it ;) !!!!!!
                    • Funny Funny x 1
                    • Phil A

                      Phil A Guest

                      Agreed, I was talking about Anglers as opposed to Grockles.
                    • Phil A

                      Phil A Guest

                    • Scrungee

                      Scrungee Well known for it

                      Dec 5, 2010
                      Central England on heavy clay soil
                      The trouble is that the 'locals' let their dogs poo all over the harbour wall and I had to pull up some tall weeds and use them to flick it into the harbour to clear a space to fish whilst in Somerset last week. And I've been going there long enough to know who's responsible guilty, plus which local is responsible guilty for leaving a neatly arranged row of fish heads on display after gutting/filleting them.

                      I know what you mean - there's a lot of difference between 'pole caught tuna' and pole caught carp. At some lakes I visit (mainly for fruit picking) they discovered nearly all their fish had disappeared and installed web monitored CCTV, although there's quite a few 'unlicensed' locals I know in West Somerset who net from both shore and boats and also set longlines at low tide.
                    • Scrungee

                      Scrungee Well known for it

                      Dec 5, 2010
                      Central England on heavy clay soil
                      Getting back to bargains at Tescos, it's worth checking out the frozen food aisles as all sorts of stuff is being reduced as they're making room for Xmas stock, despite it only being September. Next year they will reduce all their Xmas stuff and bring back at full price what's now being sold off cheap. Crazy, but that's why I have a crazy amount of freezer space.
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                      • Scrungee

                        Scrungee Well known for it

                        Dec 5, 2010
                        Central England on heavy clay soil
                        Today's haul - potato Wedges 37p, 1Kg bags of chips 60p, 170g boxes of Youngs kipper fillets 50p (bought 20 boxes a couple of days ago - They are £1.25 in Morrisons), potato croquettes/hash browns 50p and didn't have to fight anybody to get them! It's hardly worth growing your own spuds or going fishing with prices like that. Their poppadoms and prawn crackers are good value at 15p/pkt and buy 2 get 1 free. Lots of their tools have been reduced to prices where I wouldn't worry about leaving them in an allotment shed. Of potential interest to meat eaters, I noticed Ah Bisto frozen shepherds pies for only 50p each.

                        tesco receipt.jpg

                        P.S. Tescos have now got their frozen turkeys in.
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