Mr Grinch's Garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Mr Grinch, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    All will be well come tomorrow Mr G.:thumbsup:.....
  2. Mr Grinch

    Mr Grinch Total Gardener

    Jan 14, 2012
    Rayleigh, Essex
    Weather Watch
    Warm, cloudy with sunny intervals.
    Mr G's Garden Watch
    Well, i dug out the rest of the "turf" It was hell. Wet, sticky, heavy. All taken to the dump. The area is still full with water. I have no idea how i can change this. I had planned to put play bark in there but when it fills, it will just float away. So, large shingle maybe ? Its going to look naf i think, so im stuck. It will not drain to the new enlarged border, well, it will but slowly. Took 5 days last time. Maybe it will drain down the garden ? Well, I also dug a new drainage trench, lined with garden membrane and then shingle added. This links the middle top end to the middle trench going across the lawn. I was hoping that the water would perculate into that and away but i fear this earth is just so think with clay, nothing will get through. Its amazing as when i was digging the old turf out, the inside as i sliced was reletivly dry, just shows the whole garden acts like a natural pond with the clay holding everything in.
    Actual garden wise, too wet from the monsoon yesterday.

  3. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    I know exactly where you are coming from Mr G....i have tried allsorts and short of excavating the whole garden i can't see a solution:frown:....but...i'd invest in a pump and should we suffer all that water again ..just pump it out:dbgrtmb: that's what i've resorted too...suppose we've got to learn to 'manage' it ....but after your pics it's going to be great we just need a bit more dry weather:dbgrtmb:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Mr Grinch

      Mr Grinch Total Gardener

      Jan 14, 2012
      Rayleigh, Essex
      Hi loli,

      Where did you get your pump from ? Im trying to think where i can pump it to though :dunno:

    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      I think Mr Lolimac got it off the internetty webby thing....we pumped it 'down the drain'...may the lord forgive me.... but 4 great big water butts were all ready full and there was knowhere else to pumpit too....if you remember a paticular thread...sorry i can't :doh:about watterlogged gardens you may get some info there....not very helpfull am i... :catapult::biggrin:
      • Like Like x 1
      • Mr Grinch

        Mr Grinch Total Gardener

        Jan 14, 2012
        Rayleigh, Essex
        Weather Watch
        Like yesterday, hot hot hot, not a cloud in the sky.
        Mr G's Garden Watch
        My new Sorbus is looking a little ill. I think its been in the pot too long and is starving, so tomorrow i will plant it. A little early but i think it needs it. I still think the soil is a little wet (squelch and wet about a foot down) but needs must. I got rid of all my Aquilegia's in the border that has been very wet this year. Most have just rotted off. I also lost a Delphinium. I dead headed and trimmed back the Clem Montana and Hypericum. The plants that seem to be doing very well this wet year are the Aster's (no hint of mildew), Astilbe's, Geranium's, Hosta and Day lilly, all plants that can handle a bit of damp. The Aquilegia have been poor and have only have done ok in the dryer area's. The Helenium's have also done really well.
        The area that i dug out the last of the turf does not seemed to have drained at all. About an inch in two days, leaving about and inch left. Still not sure what im going to do here.

      • Mr Grinch

        Mr Grinch Total Gardener

        Jan 14, 2012
        Rayleigh, Essex
        The tree has been planted :blue thumb:
        The water in my "pond" has gone down a little but hardly noticable. Last night i heard plopping coming from the water and guess what, there's a bloomin frog in there this afternoon !! Where did that come from ???? The top right corner of the lawn is also still VERY wet, its just not drying. The new turf makes it look ok but i wouldnt walk on it for fear of sinking.
        I also mowed the lawn tonight :blue thumb:

      • Mr Grinch

        Mr Grinch Total Gardener

        Jan 14, 2012
        Rayleigh, Essex
        Weather Watch
        Yesterday, hot hot hot, today, hot hot hot.
        Mr G's Garden Watch
        A busy day in the garden yesterday. A glorious day mind. I went and bought 4 bags of top soil to level some of the dips in the lawn. When i got the top soil home, the stuff was not what i would call topsoil. More like a compost. Smelt a bit, defo manure in it and not the same consistancy as a loamy soil. I wasnt going to take it back so i mixed in some sharp sand to aid drainage, forked over the area then added to the dips then levelled, healing it in before "fluffing" the top. I then added some grass seed. I bought two Cornus for my damper wetting side. Cant remember the exact names of the Dogwoods but one had red stems in winter, the other lime green. Will plant these out in the coming days. The "pond" is draining but very slowly. Its now day 4 and its almost gone. The frog's still in there though. Its amazing but there are mozi lava and water boat men on it already, and its only been there 5 days. Is someone telling me to have a little wind life pool in this area ? Not sure.
        I will be going later to try and get my two tree's. My usual nursery stated that he couldnt get them. Another garden centre i know may stock these tree's or can get them in but will pay through the nose for them.

      • Mr Grinch

        Mr Grinch Total Gardener

        Jan 14, 2012
        Rayleigh, Essex
        Weather Watch
        Sunshine this AM, rain showers this afternoon.
        Mr G's Garden Watch
        Well, finally most of the hard stuff has been done. The paths are in, the last lot of spoil is bagged and waiting to be taken away, ive planted the first of my new tree's. Ive ordered my two new tree's. Ive added soil to the dips in the lawn and re-seeded Its not perfect, but im relatively happy.
        It just leaves this bit:
        This area is now the lowest part of the garden and in heavy rain, fills up. Usual drainage problem with this back end of the garden. It takes 5 days to completely drain away, even after putting two drainage trenches under two of the slabs. So, what do i do, swear and curse or go with it. I could but play bark to match the play area next to it but this may float away when it fills up. I could put a large shingle, that would do the trick, you could walk on it but would look a bit rubbish i think, so im thinking of a "pool". A wildlife type thing, the kids would like it and would encourage things into the garden. It would look nice with a bit of planting to soften. What do you think all ?
        Things to do
        The new border at the top will need planting up. I hope not to spend anymore money on plants and use what i have. This will mean dividing which i can do in spring. The rose at the back needs moving to the middle, again, i will do this in winter when its dormant. I need to add organic matter to the new border as the soil is pretty claggy. I need to order and plant Hornbeam for the screen at the back. Again, a winter job. I need to buy and plant two tree's in the damp border to the right and i also need to buy a few wet loving perennial’s and shrubs as i feel this needs to be re-designed. I have put in two Dogwood's already but i think i may need one more.
        No rest for the wicked 
        • Like Like x 3
        • Sheal

          Sheal Total Gardener

          Feb 2, 2011
          Dingwall, Ross-shire
          How would your children access the swing with a pool there Mr. Grinch? What about a bog garden in that area? :)
        • Mr Grinch

          Mr Grinch Total Gardener

          Jan 14, 2012
          Rayleigh, Essex
          Hi Sheal,
          Im not talking about a big pool, maybe 2x2 feet or 3x3 feet, they will be able to access the trampoline from all sides. The bog garden idea is good but they defo wont be able to access the play area with it and get mud everywhere. :gaah:
          With the pool, they maybe can have a couple of little fish or leave it as a natural pool and see what happen's. The kids were fascinated when a frog moved into the footings last week. I could soften the pool with small shingle and the odd plant, and have larger shingle further out. It can then be walked on then.
          Im just idea building at the moment :ideaIPB:
          • Like Like x 2
          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            You could have a little wildlife pond at the front (as we're looking at the pic) then some steps up to the play area in the middle (from the path left to right) then some bog plants in the other bit:dbgrtmb:..... then all bases are covered:thumbsup:
          • Mr Grinch

            Mr Grinch Total Gardener

            Jan 14, 2012
            Rayleigh, Essex
            Sounds interesting loli although some others on another of my threads think its not a suitable spot for a wildlife pool. I think the ideal would be a secluded spot out of the way, this i understand but if you havnt got an area like that then surely some water for birds to drink and bath in is better than none ?

            So much to think about loli :rolleyespink:
            • Like Like x 1
            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              Hmm yes a more secluded spot would probably be better but as this spot collects water anyway it's almost ready made could make it more secluded with planting....if you know what i mean:rolleyespink:....i can see it but can't explain it:doh:.....
              I love planning things don't you:dbgrtmb:....but you can get 'bogged' down with ideas.....if you'll pardon the pun:biggrin:
              • Like Like x 1
              • Mr Grinch

                Mr Grinch Total Gardener

                Jan 14, 2012
                Rayleigh, Essex
                The area was fully drained yesterday morning, 7 days after the last rain. The very heavy thunder rain showers yesterday has topped it back up this evening.

                Im sure the plants would make it more secluded, lets get planning (although im officially knackered).

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