My gang...

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by DaveP, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. MoonLoon

    MoonLoon Gardener

    Sep 9, 2006
    What wonderful birds you have Dave. They certainly sound like a lot of fun and really nice mates to have around.

    Us animal lovers often wish "if only you could talk" although we know as sure as eggs is eggs they understand every word we say to them.

    My Granny always had a budgie and they all spoke. My Granda was rather fond of a tipple or two so the vocabulary was a bit 'choice'. As kids we thought this hysterical ! My grandparents were Scottish so the budgie had a Scottish accent !

    When my Granny died, we were all gathered in the lounge and her priest and a nun came to visit - the budgie was in the corner swearing it's beak off and coming out with all sorts of blasphemous stuff (courtesy of Granda - though I'm sure Granny added to it lol) budgie had to be taken out to the kitchen ~ amid a lot of laughter. It made a solemn occasion bearable.

    I'm sure you have many many years to come with your feathery friends !

    ps have to agree with Lady. Cats pretend to be self sufficient .. on the rare occasion I'm away,
    I'm pined for, on my return I'm loved for two minutes, ignored for an hour whilst an 'awake nap' is in progress ... then all is back to normal (after much grovelling from me :D )
  2. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    At one point we had a cockatiel, which we'd discovered fluttering around the garden at the end of our street. We brought him home, popped him in a cage we'd had for our old budgies, made the usual enquiries, and he ended up staying with us for several years. We called him Smokey.

    In-Laws were the regular house-sitters in those days (when we had 1 Jack Russell - Tilly, 1 cat - Tiger, 1 rabbit - Bingo, 2 rats - Blacky and Thomasina, 2 gerbils (can't remember their names....), and lots of tropical fish.) The Angel Fish had produced loads of offspring, and while the menagerie was being looked after, the young angel fish numbers went down day afer day, one gerbil and the cockatiel died for no obvious reason, so m-in-law was getting paranoid, counting tiny angel fish morbidly every day, prodding Tilly (who always wrapped herself up tightly in a sheet) until she could see some signs of life... She still remembers it all in gory detail! :D

    We have no means of knowing how old Smokey was, and Ann said he was in the back corner, looked perfectly ok - just not alive....

    Sorry to have hijacked your thread, DaveP - the story kind of grew..... [​IMG]
  3. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    That's true dedication Dave. Guess you won't be going to Paladin's daughters wedding then! :D :D
  4. DaveP

    DaveP Gardener

    May 28, 2006
    Not at all - threads are there to be added to and evolve. I've loved reading about others experience with birds etc.

    L.o.L. - Yes I accept that a lot of cats assume a degree of independence when the opposite is often the case. There's even one belonging to a neighbour that desperately tries to make friends with me. Every time I get home she rushes up and weaves her way around my feet, meowing loudly. I don't make too much of a fuss of her because I don't want her to assume she can come indoors.

    Billbergias on the way this afternoon BTW - last week was a bit frantic [​IMG]
  5. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Many thank, DaveP. I look forward to receiving them and "homing" them! [​IMG]

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