my garden progress thread

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by mgn, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    and the path which will have a pond at the top of it, so will only be half a path

  2. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Looking good mgn..your brave working in this weather. the decking does'e look good, well done [​IMG] once spring comes and you start planting it will be Fab [​IMG] Dee..
  3. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    thanks dee. yep plants will make all the difference, i'm going to go for a red/orange colour scheme.
    That is the bit i get stuck on though - the actual gardenening bit :rolleyes: but i'm going to have my herbs again in hanging baskets and window boxes, I know how to handle those.

    got to think about the rockery on the grave soon. want some nice rocks for it, going to look for a stone cat with wings as i've seen them on the internet but in america - got to get the pond built---- loads left to do!

    took one of my cats out in my arms and he was purring like mad, so they know they'll be going out soon which is making us determined to crack on with it.

    got to lay out a path round the grave to the lawn so it'll be like a nature trail for cats, will need tall plants to hide it though - i hope they like it !
  4. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    I love red orange and yellow flowers mgn, they look hot, you can buy pet engraved headstones in the studio catalogue, half price just now.
    keep posting pics, i love to see gardens from scratch.... Dee.
  5. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    oh i dont know about an actual headstone, i'd end up with a garden full of headstones eventually and i think i might be questioned by the police :D

    yep i think i'll definately go with the orangey theme a i think it will compliment black iron and wood nicely.

    i think if we get a dry day this week we'll go for the wood to make fence battons and get the mesh and try and get the fence done and door, then got to think how we are going to do the mesh over the top ----- if the week after that is dry (I'm hopefull!) then turf time and willow branching some of the mesh fence and getting more gravel ----- then building the gang hut, that'll be 6ft long by about 3ft deep, with a cat flap at the bottom and one higher up with a ramp to the ground --- then they can go out and then it'll be planting time!

    So figuring, weather permitting, could be about done in 4 weeks or something like that. [​IMG]

    think i might buy myself some wellies.
  6. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    gosh, a dry day :eek:
    husband has been sent to get gravel this time so i dont do my back in and to get 2 long lengths of decking if it'll fit in the car - so hoping to get paths nearly done, at least work around the bags of rubbish, and get a triangle deck on the edge of the 'lawn'. hopefully new pics later today.
    thinking i might uplift my heather from front and put in back as it isnt really doing anything there, and wanting to start to fill up my new project!
  7. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    [ 03. February 2008, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Helofadigger ]
  8. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    helen i think the decks are recycled wood, they look more like pallet standard to me. i saw some nice decking lengths though in wicks, but as you say we live and learn!

    glad you are on a hill! we are getting hit with wind, next doors fence is down, thankfully not on our side!

    i did have updated photos but unfortunately my new pc has crashed so I am on my old trusty one! if anyone else has vista and it has kept crashing how did you get it back up and running? i can't even get into safety mode and just get the motherboard picture then the reboot message, but I cant reboot as I never got a back up disk with it [​IMG] I've read the problem is with the updates, vista can't handle updates :mad:
    I rang asda to advice and they havnt a clue, the leaflet said i could get a back up cd for �£19.99 but the 3 people , and 2 stores, i spoke to were clueless.

    i have been looking for the recipt to get a refund, but so far cant find it. We have got an upgrade cd which might have what we need but he was going round in circles with it.

    anyway I have made some progress, I pebbled more path and put decking in for paths and went on a pound shop spending spree!

    So far I've got 2 orange rose bushes, red hot poker, chines elantern, dahlia, asclepia tuberosa, achilea golden plate, aquilegia crimson star and 3 more conifers.
    I also bought 2 small cane candle holders and a large one.
  9. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    been spending again, bought a wooden like pig and a matching cow (�£9.99 each wilkinsons) an owl (�£3.99 wilkinsons) some reduced price herbs from asda and some garden bird stick things.

    weather too windy to get anything done. hoping to get wood soon ffor making a back door, then getting the internal fence and topping done.
  10. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    oh and i bought some 'throw and grow' seeds as well, and found some old ones in my cupboard. not sure if they go out of date though?

    potentila, echinops, aquilegia, dianthus, sweet sultan and sweet peas.

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