Napoleon hemp wars

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by HYDROGEN86, May 7, 2012.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    That was very interesting LD:dbgrtmb::goodpost: I didn't realise the seed was edible, let alone that it contained GLA. None of my books on wild foods, alternative foods or nutrition mention that at all.

    We really are being treated like mushrooms by the authorities.:wallbanging:
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    • lazydog

      lazydog Know nothing but willing to learn

      Jun 30, 2011
      waiting to win the Lotto
      Black Country Nr Dudley
      Imagine if it was grown instead of rapeseed half the world could be feed and clothed, dam I forgot big corporations would loose money.Imagine if a bit more was grown and your car was fueled from hemp seed oil the share holders at BP etc.would soon start moaning this world is screwed much better to keep below the radar and just make sure when the brown stuff hits the fan you have a chance of being self sufficient but remember to survive you will have to protect what is yours and know who to trust.

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