Need ideas to make this a feature

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by mgn, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    good news, i am getting freeby pond plants on saturday [​IMG]
    and yes i am the proud owner of murky water S of K but not only that, evaporating water!! Looked in today and it was practically empty!! I know every animal in the neighbourhood is drinking out of it but not that at rate. So yes hopefully the plant/s will help keep the water clear.

    And have decided to just leave it where it is and have arranged pots round it and put a step up on one side for my old cat to get a drink.

    It Would have been nice to have encouraged wildlife but on reflection I dont fancy having frogs brought in by my cats and wouldnt be fair to the poor frogs. My mum has more frogs than she knows what to do with and her cat torments them - the frogs squeel high pitched when she corners them, even though she hasn't touched them, she likes to torment them.

    Good buy you had from Morrisons there ! Unfortunately none round here, but fortunately getting my freebies that actually may have origanated from Morrisons!! I'll post a pic at the weekend - prepare to be amazed (no, dont actually haha)
  2. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Ok so i got my free plants, they had been getting eaten a tad before but for free i'll not complain!
    I realise not an amazing feature, but once the plants grow, well better than what it was i think.
  3. exlondoner72

    exlondoner72 Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2007
    Hi Mgn, I am sure this wil look good eventually, a word of warning though, once you get hooked on water features you cant stop. I started by accident some years ago, with an old shower tray that I had left in the garden waiting for a trip to the local rubbish tip. One day found frogs living in it. Now have one largish pond with fish, water plants, fountains etc, two smaller ones, two water features. Pumps and filters galore. They give so much pleasure, but are a lot of work keeping them nice.

    You are nearer to god in a garden than any place else on earth.

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