
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by *dim*, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. chitting kaz

    chitting kaz Total Gardener

    Mar 10, 2011
    my neighbours are a knightmare......................i Blame their up bringing myself

    they let themselves into my home when i am at work steal food from my freezer and garden, and their children seem to spend more time in my home than theirs and when they do go home the leave my home in a mess ...................
    but i wouldnt have it any other way :heehee:
  2. al n

    al n Total Gardener

    Aug 31, 2011
    self employed
  3. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Fixed that for you... ;)

    Loving that idea!

    To be contrary, my neighbours are all brilliant. To the left they have enough space for 3 cars and only have two [although massive] so no road parking, one to right has one but we're also set back from the road so all good.
    We're also very close to the primary school and those ignoramuses drive me round the twist! They park straight across my driveway every single day without a care in the world, thinking its ok as they're only half an hour (yes really it apparently takes that long to collect children although I remember the child catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang being decidedly quicker). You go out and mention its rude and unacceptable and perhaps they could walk an extra 20 yards where there is parking available and they act as if you've murdered their family. Then they spend a few days away when another car takes their place, and its back to normal!
    I wouldn't mind as much but there's nothing in the way of apology, permission etc.
    I'm thinking of putting up a sign - 'Feel free to block access to my property but at least say thanks with a Christmas card or preferably a 21 year old single malt'
    • Like Like x 1
    • ClaraLou

      ClaraLou Total Gardener

      Aug 12, 2009
      If you get any harassment, *dim*, just call the police. No, really, I'm serious. A friend of mine had neighbour problems and simply claimed it was racial harassment because she's Welsh. The Old Bill turned up in minutes. :heehee: Admittedly she did get into a bit of a dispute with a policeman who turned out to be from Caernarfon; for a while they had a bit of an 'I'm Welsher than you, Boyo' thing going on, but in the end it did the trick.

      So if you get any problems just ring the cops and tell them that your neighbour has an issue with Greeks. Lay off the moutzas, though, just in case one of your cops turns out to have Greek roots. :)
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      • chitting kaz

        chitting kaz Total Gardener

        Mar 10, 2011
        i should point out that my neighbours are my daughters (one lives opposite and one lives next door ) lol
      • *dim*

        *dim* Head Gardener

        Jun 26, 2011
        Nah ... the police have more important things to do ...

        I just get loud and speak my mind with a south african accent .... and that normally sorts things, .... after that though, they then don't speak to me or my wife for a few years ... but that suits me just fine

        the only probs I have is with an old lady who lives 2 houses away who always calls the police when I have a BBQ, and the lady accross the road who parks her car where I park, just to be spiteful, but I think thats sorted now once and for all

        the old lady who lives 2 houses away has already inspected my car tax disk 2 nights ago

      • rustyroots

        rustyroots Total Gardener

        Oct 18, 2011
        Solihull, West Midlands
        A few months after i moved into our house i had a problem with my car and it needed a new battery, so i fitted the new battery and the alarm started to go off and i could not turn it off. So i disconnected the battery and it still wouldn't stop. I went into the house to get the user manual to see what the process was to stop it. When i came back the bloke next door but one was on the drive and gave me right job full to which I bit my lip and explained the situation i was in and apologised for the incovienience i had caused him. This was not enough and he continued with a tirade in my direction, well he pushed my buttons and did not like the response that he got and i told him in no uncertain terms to get away from me and my property. So i continued to read the manual and within 5 minutes all was sorted, so i went for a cuppa and a calm down. Whilst making a cuppa the door went and when i answered there were 2 police men there. They informed me that there had been a complaint that I had abused my neighbour and wanted me to accompany down the station. I point blankly refused and told them what had happened, at this point the neighbour on the other side of me came out and told the police what had happened. They then went back to the first neighbour and he confirmed that he had confronted me as i had said, the police then came back to me and asked me to say 'Sorry' to him. There was no 'Sorry' and we still do not speak 10 years on, although i often have very nice conversations with his wife. I have since found out that he often goes off on one for trivial matters and that a lot of people in the street do not speak to him.

        Some people are just strange i think.

      • gcc3663

        gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

        May 6, 2011
        North Tyneside/South Northumberland
        To be fair, Dim, I'm with the irate householder.
        If I was woken up at 7.15, when I was in bed by a noisy SOB cutting the grass, I would not be happy.
        Up here Custom and Practice seems to be 8.00.
        We had road repairs in our street recently. The digger and repair gang arrived before 7.30 and sat in the vans enjoying a morning coffee until 8am. Plus they came round a day earlier and asked if we would all park our cars below the work area to avoid access issues whilst the work was carried out.
        No-one complained at all during the work + tea trays kept appearing from various houses as a sign of appreciation.
        Emergency work can't be avoided, but consideration for routine work is a useful tool.
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          A year or so ago, one night during a storm, half the street had a power cut after a tree out the front, rocking in the wind, disturbed an underground cable. Wife and I were still up drinking mucky beer at the time. The repair people were in the street within the hour, and at about 2AM, one of the crew came and knocked on our door. The chap was very polite and apologised for disturbing us, but had noticed we had lights on and wanted to understand how come as the cable failure should have affected our house. I explained it had, and we were running on battery lights. He then apologised again and throughout the early hours there was a lot of noise as more and more heavy gear turned up to fix it. I never heard anyone complaining about any of it. I think people realised we'd been battered by a storm, things broke, people fixed it as quickly as they could, all credit to them. I think things would have been different if all the noise had happened when it wasn't an emergency:) My take on the situation, which may be wrong, is that it was taken extremely seriously because the last thing you want is high voltage severed cables just under the ground, in waterlogged ground, in a residential area:)
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          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            Excellently put
            If I had put the same thoughts my way, I would be banned off GC :roflol:

            It is good to be edumicated

            It started in the late fifties early sixties
            Previous to that all men worked and single ladies worked until they "married"
            Then the men worked as the bread winners, and the ladies made a home, and raised the children
            Then the electronics factories opened, and needed cheap labour for light work, so ladies were employed, Along came the DINKYS and were able to GAZUMP house prices for the house they wanted, and house prices became too much for one person working families, so the wife went off to work so they could have a house (Not a home)

            Then the ones with children wanted the same, so the wife went off to work and the Latch key kid was born, roaming the streets and becoming feral
            And so it is today, Helped along by the Gubernments Benefits, to destoy marriage and normal families

            BOT my next door buy to let missing landlords new tennant moved in today OMG just when you think after the last lot it could not get worse IT IS

            She is 23 with four children to three dads, and has two rotweillers, they went for my builders this morning, and she could not control or hold them
            My problem is I have five toddler grand children who visit me daily, and I am lets say SCARED of what could happen,
            When it is warm or dry we all play in the garden, I do not think I can take the risk now

            Jack McHammocklashing
          • clueless1

            clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

            Jan 8, 2008
            That's an awful situation. If the rottys are aggressive and the lass can't control them, then they are a very real threat to her and her kids too.

            Why does she need two aggressive rotties anyway? If she can't control them, what's she going to do when (not if) they make their challenge to achieve 'promotion' within the pack?
          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            $eity knows, well she has told me the story
            One of the ex's was sitting over the road all night, giving abuse, breaking in and beating up, so the dogs are to remove his bits
            So she has moved FOUR streets away to avoid him finding her
            The fact that the kids still go to the same school, and she picks them up the same has not crossed her dim mind

            It is MY kids I am worried about

            The mother lives up the road Same same, only she just has six kids the youngest a year old, One to the same father as one of her daughters JEREMY KYLE has nothing on this lot

            Forget the ex, the Buy to let landlord needs the Rotties on him, worst thing that has happened to this country They buy a private house, in a good area and let it out to anybody that the DSS will pay the rent

            I thought the Poles were bad, one renting ten living, but apart from all sitting on a Saturday afternoon in the road (cul de sac) drinking lager were angels

            Jack McH
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            • ClaraLou

              ClaraLou Total Gardener

              Aug 12, 2009
              That's awful, Jack, and I know exactly what it's like. The buy to let next door to us is blissfully quiet at the moment as we actually have a decent family living there, for the moment. But of course you never know how long the peace will last. I don't think we're intolerant. Normal domestic noise has never bothered us. But sometimes we have literally been driven mad by our neighbours. It's so difficult to know what to do. When the rap music is booming out of next door's the open window and the rubbish outside is overflowing with maggots, do you go around and say what you think or keep quiet and hope that the occupants will move on? They often do, quite quickly, because problem people find it very difficult to settle anywhere for very long.

              When we had difficulties, we tried to ignore them for a while because we thought that tackling things might just make things worse. Eventually, however, OH was walking home from work one day when the unmistakable sounds of gansta rap greeted him as he turned into our road. 'Gawd blimey, guv', said a cheery passer-by, 'you wouldn't wanna live next door to that, would ya?'. Something went bong in OH's head, because he did live next door to it. So he went round to our delightful neighbour and hammered on the front door. No answer. Not really surprising, since the music was at eardrum bursting levels. He practically had to break the door down before anyone heard. (The landlord later tried to press charges for damage to his lovely front door, which had been rotting away for about twenty years.) Eventually, a feral rat on its hind legs came to the door. He was terribly, terribly hurt by OH's inexplicable bout of door violence. How could anyone do such a thing? OH must be stark staring mad. That was the only explanation. Sheesh. People today have no consideration. You move in and try to chill to a bit of music and then you get this sort of thing. (People who drive their neighbours to distraction always turn out to be surprisingly fragile, sensitive souls when anyone complains.)

              From then on, we decided that we weren't going to sit around like a pair of middle class patsies while our neighbours chucked carp at us. We found that one thing BLT landlords do fear is becoming known to the local council, because the dodgy ones are nearly always breaking some rule or other and the council can make things quite difficult for them. This time, the landlord held out for decent, long term tenants. So we have a bit of a breather. But who knows how long it will last? In the end, the only real solution is to move and hope for better luck next time.
            • gcc3663

              gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

              May 6, 2011
              North Tyneside/South Northumberland
              The Dangerous Dogs Act should be the tool to use.
              The Council should act quickly in your situation. With the initial problem with your Builders and the risk to your Grandkids you are perfectly entitled to make a report. I assume you aren't too worried about upsetting the "young lady". There are more important things at risk.
              Don't wait for the inevitable. It ain't worth it.
              Fingers crossed.
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              • clueless1

                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                Jan 8, 2008
                Some of the tales on here make me glad I live where I do. I only have one next door neighbour, an old lady. On the other side of me is the church. Fair enough they have their community hall where music can sometimes be a bit loud, and every smoker in the neighbourhood stands outside during the bingo interval fagging it, then they all make loads of nice at 11PM at weekends when they spill out onto the street, but at least its controlled.
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